The Confederate Flag…….long should she have waved?

So, the Confederate Flag is being moved to a museum if the House votes with the Governor’s decision.  What are your thoughts about removing the Confederate Flag in the South, particularly in South Carolina?   Is this flag a sign of history, or racism, or what?  Why are Republicans more for it flying than Democrats?  confederate flag

Some Southerners say “it’s our history!” and that’s fine, I’m all for keeping history alive. But they lost the war; it’s not like a history of success, right?  Also, it’s only been flying over the State House since 1962, at the heart of Civil Rights talks, etc.   Many Southern states took theirs down at that time.  (Missouri might be the last state to take it down and we don’t know if that’ll happen, but it probably will)

confederate flag cartoon

HERE is an article on it…..what do you think?    Some T Shirts with the Confederate flag on them have superimposed over the image “If this T shirt offends you, you need a history lesson”.   What history alleviates what many think of as a kind of celebration of slavery?  I’m very interested in hearing your input on this, GeeeZ readers.

Here are some tidbits from the linked article:

You glad it’s gone?  Why is the Republican base more for it than Democrats are?  Was ‘history’ the only reason it waved?  I thought Gov Haley’s comment that it “better represents the past than the future” (I paraphrase) was excellent.   Do you think their House will back the governor?   People can still fly this flag if they want to at their house, etc., so will they be regarded as pure racists if they DO after all the recent news coverage inferring that’s the case?

By the way, the wonderful Tom Shillue is now hosting RED EYE on FOX and said, last night:  “AND THE PRESIDENT USED THE N WORD!……..but enough about Lyndon Johnson”

CRACKED ME UP!  AND, you can weigh in on Obama’s use of that word, too, if you like!!


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80 Responses to The Confederate Flag…….long should she have waved?

  1. net observer says:

    The Charleston Massacre obliterated all of the pro-Confederate-Flag arguments in one fell swoop. The GOP had no choice. I don’t know of any other single racial incident with a more distinctive demarcation between good and evil.

    Dylann Roof single-handedly updated the definition of the Confederate flag. Thus, no sane elected official wants to be seen as a supporter of it, no matter what the political price. And considering the fact that the Confederate flag was the symbol of secession during the 1800s, and a resurrected symbol of defiance during the 1960s, this is probably long overdue.

    Private citizens will continue to rock the so-called Stars and Bars. That is their right. And frankly, who cares? But publicly sanctioned displays are toast. It just makes sense.


  2. We’ve been having quite a discussion about this matter at infidel Bloggers Alliance. I had no idea that Jews couldn’t look at a picture of ancient Egypt without thinking about 400 years of the enslavement of the Hebrews. But so says Epa, the blogger who posted the essay.

    In the course of the above discussion, I found this: Liberals Are Calling The Confederate Flag Racist, But Look Who’s Used It Before. I don’t know if everything in that blog post is true, but I know that some of it is true. Note the screen shot about the star in the flag of Arkansas.

    Blogger Stogie has several recent blog posts about the Confederate flag and the history of the American Civil War. He is adamantly opposed to removing the flag from SC. In one of those blog posts, Stogie said the following:

    Mitt Romney tweeted that the flag should come down. He tweets

    Take down the #ConfederateFlag at the SC Capitol. To many, it is a symbol of racial hatred. Remove it now to honor #Charleston victims.

    I answered him with this:
    Saber Point ‏@Stogie2 20m20 minutes ago
    @MittRomney I regret voting for you Mitt. The flag stays. Take down the flag of Utah, it’s a symbol of a false prophet and polygamy.


  3. I just left you a long comment, Z. Trapped in moderation, of course.


  4. Mustang says:
    Personally, I do not have an emotional connection to the stars and bars. If the people of South Carolina no longer want to display it … which denotes the confederation of states during the war of Northern Aggression, I have no problem at all with that decision. It is a matter for South Carolinians. The state flag (also called the Moultrie Flag) has been the symbol of South Carolina since before the American Revolution. I’m not sure where the crescent came from … but I can discern no tie to Islam.

    I suppose this is an issue because Democrats (also known as the Party of Racism) used the Confederate Flag as part of their plan to terrorize southern blacks and white sympathizers. It worked for a while. In this sense, and from a traditional perspective among blacks, I fully understand why some would regard the flag as a symbol of racism. It is also the symbol representing what has become the American communist party (DNC).

    Case in point.


  5. Kid says:

    They lost the civil war and should not be flying their flag on government property.


  6. Kid says:

    PS, They’ll make darn sure there isn’t a Nativity scene depicted on Government property won’t they.


  7. silverfiddle says:

    It is up to the people of South Carolina.

    Mustang has summed it up nicely. It is a symbol that has a rich heritage to many who hold no racial animus, but it is an offensive symbol to others. Then there are the activists who are exploiting the issue to do some scalp hunting.

    Communism in its many variant strains has enslaved and killed hundreds of millions of people worldwide, but latte leftists who scream about the confederate flag proudly display communist symbology and iconography. Indeed they have a cachet with today’s Democrats.

    Like everything we see in the news, there are deeper issues and barely-disguised agenda driving the story.


  8. geeez2014 says:

    Net observer…. People have wanted that flag down for quite a while….one nut’s hideous, repulsive actions did it.
    Mustang is right; the Democrats used that flag against civil rights until Republicans finally got laws passed….
    And I agree that having reinstated that flag during the Sixties, as I wrote on my post, was in itself a little repulsive. Why, when Civil Rights were at the forefront?

    AOW: LOVE the tweet about taking down the flag of Utah…brilliant! I don’t use Moderation but some links force it automatically into Moderation. Thanks for this terrific bunch of information on the subject.;

    Kid, I DO think this flag incident will encourage the “Get the nativity out of the town square” argument….I guess they literally can’t see a difference.
    And I agree with you about having lost the civil war; Why have a flag that reminds them of THAT? 🙂

    SF…I think there’s disguised agenda, too…..absolutely.

    My feeling is if ANY group feels this strongly about a symbol that means hate to them, particularly racial hate, why not take it down?

    My biggest question is will there be racial unrest brought by Blacks who see it on trucks or individual homes now? I”m a little worried about that.
    By its removal, they’ve sort of legitimized a disdain for S Carolinian history and those folks who still have great pride in the history of confederation of those states This can be trouble ahead.


  9. Kid says:

    Z, obama and holder have taken race relations back pre-1960’s. The type of black person who is motivated to racial violence only needs to see someone Caucasian these days. The flag will be one more thing that they will use to justify their violent action. On the other side, as you suggest people who are still geeked up about the stars and bars will now get more tense about it too and so I’d expect racial tension to escalate among those prone to violence and racism on both sides.

    Personally I don’t ever see it going away now. I think MLK would have hated obama.
    All my opinion of course.


  10. geeez2014 says:

    Kid, I agree with you..”only to see someone Caucasian these days..” It does seem to be getting to that point with some folks. I think MLK would have hated Obama, too.. I know his niece Alveda doesn’t have him high on HER list, that is FOR SURE.

    I’m hearing now that there’s talk of changing names on buildings in S Carolina…and taking down Civil War memorial statues, etc……I’m hoping Gov Haley can put a stop to this before it gets ridiculous. Will it mean you can’t mention a Southern General’s name without being a racist?


  11. Kid says:

    Z, I was speaking from the belief that you wouldn’t find a Nativity scene on any government property at this point.


  12. Kid says:

    Z, Removing every vestige, statues, etc, seems like it’s going too far. American history is American history and none of it should be hidden. Flying the flag on government property does go too far. imo – It is a symbol of rejecting that they lost the war – unless they want to start one up again..


  13. geeez2014 says:

    Kid, did my response indicate I missed your meaning?
    Seems to me we won’t find anything on gov’t property anymore! With any luck, we won’t find politicians there, too 🙂 particularly DEMOCRATS!


  14. Kid says:

    Z, yea, I got the impression you thought there were still Nativity scenes to take down…It seems we agree and we will all soon be engulfed in World Peace.. 🙂


  15. Mustang says:
    If you want to destroy America, start with revising its history. The left has been doing this now for the past 40 years. Founding fathers owned slaves, so they were racialists. America is not exceptional because there have been incidents of hatred directed against black people. It is astonishing to me that we hear this from the left who are the same people who have consigned black people to slum areas where they can be exposed to disease, high crime, and drugs. To me, it is the leftists who are racists. Does anyone recall Hillary Clinton saying that Margaret Sanger was her hero … a woman who designed birth control and abortion as a solution to the “black population problem”? We should push back against the notion of tearing down civil war monuments.

    I suppose I’m wondering why anyone should want to revise our history. We should recall all of our history, and we ought to learn important lessons from it. No one ever said that the USA is a utopia. We can still be an exceptional people with a few warts.


  16. Imp says:

    I don’t think it will stop in SC either. Seven other southern states fly a variation of the Battle Flag too. The whiners win again. Now Ebay and Walmart won’t sell the flag. I have to ask…has that flag ever been attributed to being the main cause of black on black crime? 58% of people polled have neither a favorable or negative view of the flag. The rule of the tyrannical minority wins again.


  17. silverfiddle says:

    @ Z: “My biggest question is will there be racial unrest brought by Blacks who see it on trucks or individual homes now? I”m a little worried about that.”

    You should be. That’s coming.

    “I’m hearing now that there’s talk of changing names on buildings in S Carolina…and taking down Civil War memorial statues, etc……I’m hoping Gov Haley can put a stop to this before it gets ridiculous”

    Of course she won’t be able to stop it. She riding a ferocious and insatiable tiger.

    c’est la politique


  18. A lot of good comments above. It represents the past. It should be remembered for what it was. A lost war of Americans against Americans that never should’ve happened, but did. It is part of our history and the flag should be left for the Museums only, not state capitals. How much better off we would be today had the plantation owners never brought them here as slaves. Any Blacks that would be here would have come on their own and be as they are in other countries, like France, where there is no animosity felt by them


  19. Imp says:

    It’s another grand scheme to revise history, humiliate, degrade and assault the sensibilities of white southerners…plain and simple. Watch for the monuments to Lee, Buford, Jefferson Davis…streets schools and any institution in the south which has a whiff of the Confederacy to be next. Another notch in the holsters of those totally opposed to free speech. Any expression not fitting into the insane PC mold is now “micro aggression” or hate.


  20. Imp says:

    It’s another assault on history and heritage…it’s not about “hate”. All Southerners left the Union to defend their states….their homelands and states that were once independent. Lee…was a West Point graduate who did just that.


  21. Lisa says:

    I have no issue with them removing it from government buildings since it does offend some.. Then how about banning all flags except the American Flag since flying another country’s flag in America is and should be offensive to all Americans.
    Don’t you just love the way whenever we have some kind of racial tensions in this country,the left is always looking for a way to blame the Republicans? The confederate flag is their newest tactic. They are asking all republicans about it but I still yet to hear Hilliary’s response.
    The only thing I heard from Hillary was to blame Trump. Are these people sick or what?
    I am sure if Palin was running again she would have been their first choice to blame.


  22. geeez2014 says:

    Great comments…
    Mustang! Shouldn’t an ALL BLACK CEMETERY be considered racist? I mean, really….. Are there ALL WHITE Cemeteries other than those of maybe the Klan or something? I’ve never heard of that, thank goodness.

    Imp, Mal, Mustang…yes, this is a direct attempt to stop our history. Look, when a president was raised with NO positive feelings about America, with screwed up parents, a communist mentor, a wife like his who never felt pride in her country, etc etc., we JUST HAVE TO understand that he’d probably have ZERO problem forcing all of us to forget the great history of this country!

    They say we must remember history in order to not repeat the past.
    I SAY we should BE so lucky as to remember the great patriots of this country and their courage and daring and great convictions. Maybe if we (our kids,mostly, by now) DID, we’d be BETTER OFF?

    Lisa, they ARE sick. Yes, blame Republicans …..even if they didn’t do anything.

    After all, apparently, according to CNN and msnbc, it’s only Republican hate which kept the flag up in the first place. I heard a woman on CNN actually say something like “Even Republicans…”

    Boy, if I was a swearing woman (on paper) I’d write something SO TERRIBLE HERE 🙂
    and it would feel GOOOOD!! HA!!


  23. Kid says:

    Z, The democrats are always trying to erase their history. They know better than anyone how evil they are. And imagine, out of all the democrat politicians, they think the beast is their best shot. What does that say about the rest of them.


  24. Imp says:

    Equivalence o5 Justice?

    “Under the banner of what is dishonestly called a gay pride or gay “rights” flag, hate, fascism, and intolerance has festered for years, specifically against Christians and conservatives. Under the auspices of a “rights and equality” symbol, Leftists have been on a rampage to take way the rights of others through bullying, lies, and online terrorism.

    The list of misdeeds and victims resulting from an increasingly emboldened Big Gay Hate Machine continues to grow.

    Under this banner of hate, people are outed against their will, terrorized out of business merely for being Christian, bullied and harassed for thought crimes; moreover, “hate crimes” are being manufactured to keep us divided, Christians are refused service, death threats are hurled, and Christianity is regularly smeared as hate speech.

    If individuals wish to fly this symbol of hate, oppression and bigotry on their own property, that is their choice in a free country. It is unconscionable, however, that this symbol of intolerance is allowed to fly above government-owned buildings.

    The symbol of bigots who seek to strip others of their First Amendment right to practice their religion has no place on government grounds.”


  25. geeez2014 says:

    I know Salon is a total JOKE but you might want to read that. They cut/paste and run with it….
    I love that they think it’s so horrid that Republicans were chiming in on the Charleston shootings and going political with it too soon…when the man they love, Obama, came right out with ANTI GUN within 30 seconds of his supposed “we are so sad for these people” acknowledgement…

    Kid…right. And the RED states suddenly are called BLUE so their RED COMMUNIST leanings wouldn’t show anymore….and PROGRESSIVE came in over LIBERAL, which had lost its charm, apparently.
    And the beast is their best shot……how humiliating.!


  26. Imp says:



  27. geeez2014 says:

    Imp…where did that italicized text come from?


  28. Meanwhile, here in Virginia: Virginia’s McAuliffe plans to phase out Confederate flag license plate. At least it’s a phase out.

    Next up, no doubt: renaming streets which were named after Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and perhaps even Mosby Woods and Rebel Run (both in City of Fairfax).

    Get ready for the cascade. It’s coming.



  29. Meanwhile, the “gay flag” is popping up all over the place.


  30. Mustang’s comments here are brilliant! BRILLIANT!


  31. We’ll have to change Memorial Day, too, I guess. See this: On the first Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, and 5,000 participants decorated the graves of the 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers buried there.

    Shall we dig up the bodies, too?


  32. geeez2014 says:

    AOW, that’s bad, but the worst part is how individuals who still love that Confederate flag for the ‘glory of the South’ and want it at their home or vehicle will be getting SOME PUSH BACK now…..they will have absolutely NO free speech on this one. Not anymore.
    The more I hear, the more I don’t think the flag ever should have been flown over any state capital…In S. Carolina, it went up at the heart of the Civil Rights discussion! WHY? That was wrong. And, if so many really have resented it for these many years, what’s really the point?

    Except now, while Haley did a very good job keeping things calm and making this decision, I think, (it still needs to pass her state house), I fear she’s really opened the floodgates, as I said above in a comment.

    Did you know there’s an all Black war cemetery? I’m thinking that should be made open to other ethnicities, too.


  33. geeez2014 says:

    I’ve been thinking of that black young man whose mother was slaughtered at the church….remember his words about forgiveness and how much his mother was all about love?

    I looked at that clean cut young man in a nice shirt, the other Black young and older men around him, and who I’ve seen on the news these last night on this subject, and ALL of those Black young men who attended that church are like this kid…ALL clean cut; short hair, button down shirts tucked in, no visible tattoos…..well spoken.. A young girl whose granddad was killed appeared with her grandmother on FOX last night….clean cut, lovely girl, very articulate, sweet, good…..She said “My mother always says ‘God allows what He hates sometimes to accomplish what He loves” I’m sure some of you saw that.

    I’m thinking about Charleston, having learned it’s referred to as THE HOLY CITY because there are SO many well attended churches there, more than any other city, I think?…and you can put two and two together; church going kids all their lives, church going relatives, clean cut, good kids…….

    bingo. I rest my case! God bless them


  34. geeez2014 says:

    On msnbc last night, they had a Black talk show host say that “Conservatives call and talk about the white supremacist Manifesto..”
    CONSERVATIVES? They’re CONSERVATIVES if they’re supremacists? 🙂
    They said “Supremacists like Lee Atwater,”…….hmmmm They’re suggesting the supremacist movement has grown in the last few years.

    Does anybody here even KNOW a white supremacist? I sure don’t! Who ever hears about this stuff other than on MSNBC??


  35. Imp says:

    @Z..John Nolte, Breitbart.


  36. Imp says:

    @Z..”I rest my case! God bless them”….

    Worthy examples of respect and should be emulated and praised. Above the hoods, thugs, Freddie’s, Trayvons and Browns I think. It’s good to see these kids on TV and not on The First 48…where they’re killing each other over turf or being dissed, facing life in prison at 17. Alas…they’re probably 2% of the AA population. Last week I was looking at the newspaper which congratulated 2015’s HS grads. They named the HS and the college they were accepted black kid…to Howard.


  37. lisa says:

    Z I was just thinking the same thng regarding white supemacists. They want to tie them to the republican party yet I never saw evidence of that .
    I guess they can’t handle how diverse the republican party is today.


  38. FB says:

    As an immigrant all of this stuff makes me really sad. I’m tired of the bickering and the disgusting recuperation of some people of this issue. As a kid in France my favorite American musicians or athletes were John Lee Hooker, BB King or Michael Jordan to name a few so those tensions are killing me. I don’t have the baggage that Americans have about this. However, I think this is the kind of issue where the bickering should not even take place. It’s almost like asking the German people if some people should be authorized to use the nazi flag. MSNBC, FOX, politicians and others bickering around this are not helping. Sometimes in life, you have to step back and look at the consequences of your actions and this is detrimental to the mental health of this country. I’m sick of it. It chips away at my love for this country. A love that accepts the bad history like the good and everybody that’s built it. But I’m tired of seeing fools running the asylum.


  39. -FJ says:

    “My feeling is if ANY group feels this strongly about a symbol that means hate to them, why not take it down.”

    Then you agree with CAIR that the Cross of St. George prevalent during the Crusades has GOT to go!


  40. Kid says:

    FB,, FWIW, the democrat politicians and many other leaders and opertives are corrupt, incompetent, racist, and know just how evil they are. For this reason they have been focused on rewriting history and misdirection for decades now if not longer. In order to accomplish this, they accuse the republican party of everything they themselves are guilty of and they have the vast majority of the media to pound this daily into the soft heads of at least 3 generations of people who have now been miseducated in America’s federally controlled public school system with many of them moving on to America’s communist indocrtinating universities.
    Truly disgusting. We’re screwed until these mind controlled idiots are forced to feel enough pain to snap them out of their ignorant fascist stupors.


  41. geeez2014 says:

    Imp….what do you mean? “They named the HS and the college they were accepted black kid…to Howard.” Howard’s mostly black, are you saying only ONE KID made it in?

    Lisa…You’re probably right on that….they simply can’t handle it and don’t want that truth known because the Left’s created this cozy little hell hole where Republicans are apparently living…and that’s not the truth!

    FB: YOu do know that you can barely SAY “NAZI” in Germany. It’s against the law to have a Mein Kampf, etc etc. I’m not sure it’s not healthy for us to be talking about this, but I agree that the screeching going on at CNN, FOX and MSNBC isn’t helping. ANYTHING for ratings; not for the good of our country.

    FJ….I would if I thought that was equal to my point. CAIR has a much more twisted biased view of the Crusades, as you know, than what’s true. But I’ve never heard them say that….perhaps you have a link to that information because Googling it found me nothing. Muslims (and leftist professors in this country) say the Crusades were a totally CHristian offensive, for no reason, just terror, cruelty….nobody did anything to take land back from Muslims, it was all Christian brutality, etc. Wrong. And, frankly? If CAIR doesn’t want the cross anywhere, they ought to go back to a muslim hell hole country and try to enjoy it.
    I understand the point you’re trying to make; And Black Americans ARE Americans, and have been Americans long before my own White family ever thought of coming to this country….I’m not happy about this decision because it’s opening a Pandora’s Box as discussed above in comments, but if I were Black, I think I’d probably be on the side of getting rid of it. The flag went UP during the Civil Rights riots… why? That’s ridiculous and shows REAL bad taste to me.


  42. net observer says:

    Imp, just to clarify, you believe 98% of Black America are thugs or thuggish?


  43. Imp says:

    @Net…not at all.


  44. Imp says: kid to Howard. I believe Howard is a good school and a comfortable place to settle into college life. Plenty of Asian and Indian named kids….Colgate, MIT and so on.


  45. geeez2014 says:

    Hi, Imp… did look like you’re suggesting only 2% of all Black kids are clean cut, good kids. I know 50 personally, five minutes way in Santa Monica at the high school I’m associated with….THE best kids EVER. AND, at that school, ALL the kids eat together, chat together, study together, do plays together, do sports together,…all their free time is with Black AND White kids…and Asians….such GREAT STUFF.
    If that school was America’s future, I’d have higher hopes than I do, which are down 10′ under, by the way, by now.


  46. geeez2014 says:

    BY THE WAY, FOLKS: I forgot to mention this….everybody’s in a terrible dither over Obama’s use of the N WORD…..which everybody ought to be, frankly…

    BUT, nobody’s noticed that a sitting president went on an interview IN A GARAGE and the show is WTF.
    That’s dignity? That’s class? And then we’re called racist if we even suggest it wasn’t a grand idea? WTF?


  47. Imp says:

    Z..I know quite a few too. In the scheme of things…maybe it is 2%….or 5% or 10%…I look at the grad rates under 40%…..the 15K+ per student costs….the whining over “lack of educational opportunities”…crap. Inner city schools have kids with a 4th grade reading level…or sometimes less. Teachers get attacked, smacked around, knocked out, cursed at….spat at, attacked verbally, physically. And then the AG says too many black kids are facing expulsion, discipline…the teacher should “lighten” up and ignore little Trayvons cause he’s from a single parent home.Who fault is that? The school system? The teachers?

    Illegitimacy of 75% breeds more of the same…more poverty,. more crimes and more kids killing each other in dungeons like Chicago.
    And the excuses roll on and on and on and on. What was the % of the black vote for Obama?…..99%? 98%…maybe 95%? Some places it was 130%.
    And if you dare mention it…here it comes…Racist. After Obama…we all know race relations have been set back to the old days. And they dare say it…JIM CROW? WTH?

    Now not even the cops are safe. It’s totally out of control.


  48. geeez2014 says:

    Imp: I’ll respond to you later…am on the phone with Elmer’s Bro and wanted to say something here before I forget:
    Fritz Hollings (D) was the one who protected the flag and other Confederate stuff in S Carolina….Rachel Maddow is saying tonight it was Republicans…in all states…..She is LYING.
    Bill Clinton had campaign buttons with the confederate flag on the backdrop. He also signed into law protection of the conf. flag.

    Be back later! XXX


  49. Kid says:

    IMP, Net. I will say what I know. First what I dont’ know – I have no idea how many black folks are willing to play by the rules and work hard to get ahead. I don’t believe it’s enough.
    What I do know is what my former teacher retired friends who taught public school in Indiana 30 Years Ago tell me. Their classrooms had a lot of black kids. In their words, you as a teacher didn’t have the ability to tell them to sit down, or shut up, or pay attention, or do anything consistent with a classroom that dedicated itself to learning. This is why they quit, got a few masters degrees each and went into the private sector.

    In my view, people don’t learn or grow unless they are in a disciplined environment where they are challenged and motived to accept and meet or exceeed those challenges. We don’t have this environment in a large majority of public schools.

    I won’t even talk about the kids born to breeder mothers into zero opportunity environments showcased on shows like First 48.

    This is not an enviornment that suggests improvement. It gets worse by the minute.


  50. Kid says:

    PS – to illustrate the problem with obama and holder – Mike Brown attempts to take an officers gun and beat his ass in a simple situation of an officer telling you to move out of the middle of the street, then moments later, tries to kill the armed officer who has drawn his pistol with his bare hands and ends up dead. And obama send Mike Brown’s deadbeat not on station parents to the UN to talk about police violence against blacks. WHAT????????????????? Unreal.

    Net, if it seems any of us are going overbpoard, this kind of stuff has to be factored in.


  51. geeez2014 says:

    Wow, Kid….I forgot Brown’s parents spoke at the UN. Well, somehow liberals like those who arranged that just absolutely LOVE to get in public with world figures and tell everybody how hideous we are.

    I just got off the phone with the wonderful ex blogger ELMER’S BROTHER, who became a dear friend of mine…and I have to be careful what I say here now because we get each other hopped up and were on this subject.

    I agree with you about kids, Black AND White, if they don’t get at HOME the respect for their teachers and the will to learn and succeed, and teachers can’t discipline, we’re in such BIG TROUBLE.
    Why don’t most families understand that?
    Oh, and then liberals will right away say “Well, that teacher slept with the kid” as if that makes ALL TEACHERS unworthy of respect. This crap is said ALL the time from the left…SO SO OFTEN. And it’s SO STUPID. And so apparently intentional.

    So WHY are all those AMAZING wonderful looking Black young people in Charleston that way? Because their parents are church goers who raised them with DIGNITY and RESPECT for their God and for their family and the community. These kids are MAGIC because they’re fighting a system that’s working against them.

    Why isn’t ol’ Rev Al in Charleston? Because he can’t blame the police…the hideous monster who killed 9 very good people isn’t part of institutional racism, no cop, no nothing…SO NOW I’ve been peeking into MSNBC and it’s all about WHITE SUPREMACISTS…they’re MAKING it institutional.

    The left is hurting us all SO BADLY. I’m so very disheartened. Race relations seems so much better 8 years ago..SO much better.


  52. Mustang says:

    @ Kid

    It is time we all began asking the right questions.. For example, who benefits most from classrooms of unruly kids? Hint: it isn’t society at large. But there are elements who encourage this because they (or their agenda) will realize a direct benefit from it. Why keep kids stupid? Why encourage a lack of discipline? Why reinforce negative behavior? Why fire teachers because the did the right thing? Why put “discipline problems” on drugs and keep them medicated for 10 or 12 years? And then finally, what is the likely result of someone whose been medicated for 12 years of public school, and then suddenly finds himself off Ritalin in mainstream society? Take a look at the expression on Roof’s face, and then compare it to the expression the face of the Oklahoma Jihadi. We better wise up ….


  53. Imp says:

    @Z…the Magic Potion that works…God, Country and Family….and for some…the Corp. Too many without God… family to speak of with no Fathers…..and hyphenating yourself to be separate and stand apart from the country that you fail to embrace. This flag nonsense…is just another straw-man and obfuscation of the real problems. What will it be tomorrow…when the flag is gone?


  54. geeez2014 says:

    Mustang! That’s much of what Elbro and I were just talking about….what’s happened to our KIDS? What kind of society breeds kids who need to hide in drugs so often? And then makes drugs LEGAL? What the……….? And yes, Ritalin, too, not just ‘recreational’ drugs… We raving about the kids whose dads and moms were killed in S Carolina…such GREAT kids, so lovely….why aren’t there MORE?

    Also, I asked Elbro tonight “WHY is it that it seems like folks are building UP racial tensions?” There are a lot of WHYS lately…none of which can be answered except with what sounds like preposterous conjecture which could be RIGHT! None of which we’d have the guts to discuss here..
    Why aren’t Americans working together to GET OUR COUNTRY BACK ???
    (and some lib will read that and ask “what, back to slavery?” I’ve had that said to me when I’ve talked about how good AMericas were, for example…)

    Why do we have a president who allows a tax evader like Sharpton to come to the White House 75 times and to the big shindig Obama hosted with Stevie Wonder and Prince? WHY? Can we imagine what a Republican pres would have got in the media if a known tax evader was invited there so much?
    Why doesn’t America know that people were paid to protest in Ferguson?
    Why doesn’t America know that HIllary did VERY LITTLE as Senator or Sec of State?
    Why don’t they know Maddow’s a total LIAR on the subjects I wrote about above?

    Well, it’s nuts… we can all make a list a mile long.

    But, WHY are our kids falling apart? Not all are; I know plenty of great kids but they’re not angels….they’re hurting, they’re seeking peace. And we even take away the paths to the kind of peace that would really help them…like faith….believing in something bigger than Kim Kardashion. That would be a GREAT START, no?


  55. geeez2014 says:

    Imp: GOD BLESS YOU FOR THAT COMMENT. I couldn’t agree with you more…. very smart

    Mustang, by the way, what BENEFIT?

    Kid….also, that story of your friends who used to teach just breaks my HEART.


  56. Kid says:

    @Mustang. Yes, and the realization that If government really didn’t want it happening, it would not be happening – Since they are the enablers we can see this is true.
    I’ll assign partial blame to the parents. I say partial becuase when the daughter of the former Marine was forced to learn a =bunch of moslem BS, and he went to the school to very non violently. complain about it, he was banned from the school. So what options do these parents have. Home schooling? Not and work a full time job too. Move to another district that is the same as the one you left?

    The evil is just So pervasive. The solution most certainly starts with aboishing the federally controlled public school system and re-creating the locally controlled school system where PTA members can force non performing teachers out the door. For the districts where parents don’t care, what can you do. That probably goes more to the situation of the career breeders and can be solved from a different angle.


  57. geeez2014 says:

    Mustang; I just saw a headline for an article apparently talking about Amtrak workers not being properly trained, screwing off, etc……….and it reminded me of another thing in our country;

    Many people just work JOBS today, they don’t take pride in their work, they work to live. Period. I think this is an awful direction for Americans, too, don’t you?
    Even important jobs like law enforcement at the airports, for example, are being filled by people who aren’t vetted, who don’t really care…etc etc.

    This is another BIG problem.
    We should blog on this some time, but then we’d all be so depressed…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES! 🙂


  58. Imp says:

    Yo Mustang…are turbans bullet proof?


  59. Kid says:

    PSS, SOMEONE ! Tell me something that the federal government has done in the last 20 years that made sense. Or since Reagan for that matter.


  60. Kid says:

    Z, to your last comment. Yes, get ready for the age of incompetence and indifference on a grand scale.


  61. geeez2014 says:

    Kid, well said. Yes, home schooling; there are even companies now DOING home schooling…and groups of parents who drive their kids here and there “to Mary’s for science, where that science teacher will be….to Ben’s house for math, where a math teacher goes every Tuesday at 4pm..” And they have sports on teams made of home schoolers. Pretty good. And they’re NOT all rightwing, by the way….not anymore.

    Imaging banning parents who want to discuss something that important? And where’d that story go? IT’S THE MEDIA that’s not informing enough. We hear about the problem and never hear about the next step……

    I put more blame on the parents than you do…maybe I shouldn’t.
    Public schools hate home schooling because they don’t get their quota for any kid whose rear end isn’t sitting in a chair.
    Even Bilingual education is said to be all about MONEY because teachers get more for teaching it…it’s done NOTHING to help anybody……..but they got their money so they brag on what good it does. Odd, when we consider my own 9 yr old immigrant grandfather learned English in about six months all by himself in an elementary school in Troy, NY. Gee, I guess he was brighter than Hispanic kids? Of course not, but he didn’t need the school district to pay more for NOTHING.


  62. geeez2014 says:

    Imp! I saw that….you talking about the SEIKH who wants to be in the ROTC and the court said it’s okay for him to wear a turban and a beard? Of course, normal American guys can’t. Typical.
    And O’Reilly asked how this kid’ll wear a helmet! Of course, he’ll probably not go into combat, he’s only ROTC at this point, but…
    I couldn’t help but wonder if he REALLY wants to join ROTC or was this about his turban agenda, too?

    Kid… I want Reagan! 🙂


  63. Kid says:

    Z, Parents. When our home economies are based on both parents working now, I don’t blame parents as much as you want to. I do expect schools to accept some responsibility for the upbringing of children who are in their charge the majority of the waking hours of the day. I also expect politicians to do the job they siad they would do and for which we voted them in rather than our having a house and seante voted into majority who now do little more than kiss obama’s butt on whatever he wants to do. What ever happened to gridlock? Sure, the repubs aren’t getting anything done, but they were voted into majority to make sure obama didn’t get anything doe either from January 2011 onward.


  64. Kid says:

    Z, Vote for me in 10 years and you’ll have Reagan. Check this impression out “Well……..”
    I can do it !


  65. Mustang says:

    @ Imp

    Turbans are not bulletproof. This is not a problem., however.


  66. geeez2014 says:

    Kid….I’d definitely vote for you! and that’s a very good “well…….”. Excellent!

    Mustang….hilarious, simply hilarious. if you mean what I think you do!


  67. Imp says:

    @ Mustang:

    Is this a problem then?

    President Barack Obama hosted two radical anti-Israel activists, Riham Osman and Batoul Abuharb of Houston, Texas, on Tuesday night. They both had the honor of sitting at Mr. Obama’s exclusive “President’s Table” at the annual White House Iftar dinner. Both have publicly stated that they consider Israel and its leadership to be sponsors of terroristic acts.


  68. geeez2014 says:

    Imp; The problem is he needed active Muslims and it’s hard to find any who don’t believe that!
    Except the guy in my post tomorrow…………….(just a little teaser! If Megyn Kelly can do that, I can do that, right?) HA!!



  69. geeez2014 says:

    Imp, by the way, anybody from ISIS there? Was what’s his name, Bergdahl?


  70. Imp says:

    @Z…he’s the water boy and waiter there.


  71. geeez2014 says:

    Imp: perfect!! Or dishwasher.

    Goodnight, all! See you tomorrow!


  72. Ray Cole says:

    Why are we shocked when these things happen? Academia, the media etc. all teach our children moral relativism. It’s based on feelings, whether someone is offended etc. Any absolute is met with derision and mockery. THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE MORAL FOUNDATION SO HOW CAN THERE BE SHOCK AND AWE WHEN WE’RE REAPING WHAT WE SOW!


  73. -FJ says:

    The point I was trying to make is that Americans are NOW well aware the State enforced segregation, slavery, and Jim Crow, was wrong. Hearts and minds in the VAST VAST majorities of American citizens have been won. When, however, will we be allowed to restore another fundamental Civil Right, VOLUNTARY freedom of association, to the panoply of fundamental American values. Or must we FOREVER be the subjects of FORCED social engineering, to the point that flagpole locations on every public property must now be regulated?

    The federal government doesn’t trust Americans to do what’s right. So why should we trust them?


  74. -FJ says:

    In Boston, they flew the Rebellious Stripes” to symbolize opposition to forced busing. Should this flag also be retired as a “symbol of hatred”?


  75. geeez2014 says:

    FJ… I don’t see what flag in any picture that you’re talking about, but I’m not going to change my mind.


  76. -FJ says:

    When they came for the Jew’s flag, I did not object, because it wasn’t mine…


  77. Bob says:

    The Civil War will always be part of our history just like the Revolutionary War. I had ancestors fight in both wars, and I cannot undo that history. As far as the race aspects of the Confederacy, they are well documented, but few historians take account of the poor dirt farmer who did not own slaves, but proudly fought for the Confederacy. Slavery was not an issue for many individuals who fought in the war.

    Nobody seems to know that to a lot of Confederate soldiers slavery was not the big issue. Many of them simply didn’t care about the African plight. Lincoln finally made the war about slavery with the emancipation proclamation because his war was losing support in the North, and he did not want a negotiated end to the war. HIstorians agree on that point.

    As far as the Confederate flag is concerned, it should be in museums, and in history books. The “race is everything” people just want to erase part of our history.


  78. I saw in the paper this a.m. they now want to eliminate the Confederate flag painted on the top of the Red Dodge Charger used in “The Dukes of Hazard” TV series! How stupid is that? Eliminating the flag doesn’t change history, only tries to deny it. PC gone amok!


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