Tit for Tat

trump taxes and hillary emails

Our commenter friend SilverLady emailed this to me;  I thought it was so emblematic of the ‘tit for tat’ our whole country’s STUCK in….Hillary slams, Trump insults, Hillary insults back, Trump says something hideously unkind, Hillary gets protect in the press, Trump’s hanging out there to dry.  We lose.  They win.

She said/He said…is there NO TRUTH LEFT IN AMERICA?

And did you hear THIS about Hillary burning some of her daily schedules?   Those daily schedules which are federal property and which are not allowed to be destroyed?   Unreal.   Of course, only FOX had it yesterday on line…not CNN or NY Times…of course not.


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28 Responses to Tit for Tat

  1. HRC burned some of her daily schedules? Are you kidding me?

    Why is HRC even allowed to run for public office?


  2. Supposedly FBI Director James Comey is making a statement & then will take reporters questions at 11:00 AM EDT this morning. I sure hope he tells us the FBI will recommend charges be filed against Hillary Clinton,

    President Obama is campaigning with Hillary Clinton today in Charlotte, NC, complete with their traveling together on Air Force One. Looks like he’s very confident that Hillary will face no charges, regardless of the FBI’s recommendations. Disgusting!


  3. Imp says:

    We’ve lost our Republic today…..along with the rule of law. The bitch could have shot JFK and gotten away with it…..maybe she did,


  4. John M. Berger says:

    If you ask me, Comey’s conclusion didn’t comport with the findings discussed in the investigation portion of his presentation. He sure as #e!! didn’t stick around but, rather, made a very abrupt departure as if he didn’t want any part of explaining that conclusion. Did [they] get to him? Are we about to enter the most Orwellian epoch this nation has ever known? [Anyone] supporting Shrillary in any capacity, including inaction, is complicit in placing us on the ‘fast track’ to the 21st Century version of ANIMAL FARM!


  5. geeez2014 says:

    I can’t talk about Comey’s decision right now. Will later. Too upset. Too disheartened.
    It comes so close to damning her, but NO CIGAR. thank goodness for her that her hubby had that little chat with Loretta, huh?

    I need coffee……….I need hope.

    Imp; love your comment.. so true.


  6. bocopro says:

    Here was my response to my e-mail group:

    Washington – FBI Director Comey recommended today that Hillary Clinton not face criminal charges and be installed as Queen immediately after President Barack Obama decides he’s tired of being in charge.

    Comey scolded Mrs. Clinton’s staff, saying that they were “extremely careless” in handling classified information and should not get fruit cups tonight after dinner. He went on to say that no evidence exists to prove that as Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton deliberately mishandled top secret information but that her aides simply did not follow all the complex and confusing rules to the letter of the law, which nobody fully understands anyway, so basically no harm, no foul.

    “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” Comey said in a 15-minute statement explaining the investigation, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” The implication is that only a hard-ass Republican would attack such a patriotic and diligent public servant as Mrs. Clinton.

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch has already declared that she will accept the bureau’s recommendation in this case, mostly because former President Bill Clinton suggested that if she brought charges against his wife, she might be joining Vince Foster and others who challenged the Clintons’ divine right to make up rules as they go along.

    Comey said that his agency acted entirely apolitically and simply went where the facts took them after President Obama explained them thoroughly in proper context. “In looking back at our investigations into mishandling of removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts,” Comey said.

    So now that Mrs. Clinton’s staff have been officially chastised, we can get on with the demolition of the Constitution, beginning with abolishment of the First and Second Amendments. And once Mrs. Clinton is crowned regent and absolute ruler of the country, the GOP will be disbanded and Donald Trump exiled to Greenland.

    The national anthem will be “Killer Queen” by Queen, and the proper form of address for Mrs. Clinton will be Her Rotten Heinous.

    Cry The Beloved Country indeed.


  7. Silverlady says:

    When will Gen. Petraeus get his apology? When Hell freezes over, & pigs fly. I had some hope for the FIBBIES (FBI. I heard them referred to that way on a secret tape of drug dealers years ago. Today it fits!) , but not a lot. The fix was in.


  8. I was hoping the FBI would recommend charges be filed against Clinton and her top aides. But, I’m not in the least surprised. Loretta Lynch’s tarmac summit with Bill Clinton pretty much convinced me the fix was in.

    We The People will have to render OUR verdict in November now. We will receive no justice from the current Ruling Class in Washington DC.


  9. geeez2014 says:

    bocopro…BRAVO! you got it!!

    WHAT BOTHERED ME THE MOST was when Comey talked about other cases and how she doesn’t meet those criteria….I don’t see the need. Stop comparing and consider what would have happened were she a Republican.

    It makes me laugh out loud to think about all of this had it been a Republican…..Any Republican candidate would probably be standing at the guillotine right now.

    THE GOOD THING is that even DEMS HAVE to be asking themselves “Wow, she did all that and got OFF?” You MUST know that anything BUT political hacks like Beckel, all the CNN people, etc… etc etc …are thinking this. That’s a good thing.
    Maybe this will awaken people to the TOTAL FRAUD when it comes to CLINTON INNOCENCE….


  10. geeez2014 says:

    Does “extremely careless” in duties for our country, as Comey said, mean ANYTHING to people voting for PRESIDENT?

    THIS IS GRAND because Hillary’s constantly beating the drum that Trump can’t be trusted…REALLY? Can we trust an EXTREMELY CARELESS president?


  11. Imp says:

    Isn’t “extreme carelessness”, gross negligence under the law? The law is clear…intent is not a prerequisite for a prosecution or criminal charges. I once naively believed that our government was made up of our employees. Starting with Holder, Fast and Furious, Lynch with the IRS, Benghazi and that scumbag Cummings getting in Gowdy’s face every damn day to lie and obfuscate more…I now know that our employees are our rulers…and our rulers have decided finally and once again…that our rulers will not be held accountable by their fellow rulers. That 3 days ago the fix was in…solidly by Lynch in her “chance”
    meeting with the impeached rapist philandering Bubba. And I think Comey was involved. The most we can hope for is a few Mavericks agents ready to spill their guts for the good of the country. The stench is incredible…as are the flies circling her pants suit.

    The lawless demrats have shown clearly that honesty, integrity and the rule of law matter not for their rulers. Yep…Goddamn America today. It’s over.


  12. geeez2014 says:

    Imp: “The most we can hope for is a few Mavericks agents ready to spill their guts for the good of the country”
    I’ve been hoping and praying that since Obama’s first transgressions as pres…..so far, no good…..
    Oh, I WISH…but even then, the media won’t cover it, so…………and what threats to them for spilling?


  13. Kid says:

    “This is the issue of this election,” Reagan said five decades ago. “Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government, or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.”

    “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny,” Reagan said. “We can preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we can sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.”


  14. geeez2014 says:

    You’ve gotta love it when liberal talking heads are reminding America this morning that Comey was selected by both Bushes for really high-up positions.
    The inference being “YOUR guys thought the world of him..” so…..he’s worth listening to and is absolutely right in this finding.

    Wait! Suddenly, if BUSHES approve, it’s OKAY? Those Bushes NOBODY liked? Those Bushes who TOOK US TO WAR, who DID RAISE TAXES, who WATERBOARDED so WE hATE THEM?” (unless they do something we like, then we LOVE them!?) I love the double standard; how the talking heads don’t laugh at themselves after saying anything like this is REALLY laughable 🙂


  15. geeez2014 says:

    Kid, well, THAT thoroughly depressed me even MORE 🙂
    having lunch with a friend on our side; hopefully, he’ll cheer me up.
    or NOT, come to think of it. 😦


  16. Kid says:

    Thought it might. And Reagan knew what he was talking about.


  17. Baysider says:

    Bocopro and Kid +1
    Because of what kid said, what B said is true.
    This is why our founders wanted religion promoted – just not a specific sect. I’m reading the most excellent God of Libertynow on this subject. They ALL emphasized the need to promote virtue and rear a virtuous nation. They had scoundrels in their day too. They just had the propriety to made it hard and unrewarding to be one or the nation couldn’t function with Liberty.

    We didn’t and now we have this ridiculous situation of adulating an unindicted criminal.


  18. Imp says:

    This was the……most blatant middle finger to the people since the healthcare noose was slipped around our necks.
    THIS is not my COUNTRY


  19. Kid says:

    IMP, kanye west and taylor swift for Pres and VP 2020.


  20. geeez2014 says:

    Baysider…there is no such thing as “VIRTUE” anymore because it used to be objective and now it’s totally subjective, as you know.

    I will never forget writing a blog years ago, saying something was “WRONG” …it was something like unwed moms or illegal immigration, etc…and I’ll never forget Ducky was the first liberal dope to correct me with the ‘new thinking’ “THAT’S YOUR OPINION”

    Wow, killing babies is MY opinion? Women having children with no father is MY OPINION?
    I hate to sound naive, this was about 15 years ago, but REALLY? WHO KNEW?

    So, our founding fathers DID have scoundrels, PLENTY of them, but they WERE SCOUNDRELS because they knew virtue but didn’t give a damn…and AND, our good American fathers could actually say “YOU ARE WRONG, you know that…” and be rewarded, not insulted for being TOO CHRISTIAN, TOO CLOSE MINDED, NOT INCLUSIVE, STANDING IN THE WAY OF THE NEW MENTALITY (of slovenliness)



  21. geeez2014 says:

    Kid, I may have to dismiss you to the chair in the corner….you’re depressing me WAAAY too much 🙂


  22. Guess y’all heard that the FBI is going to let the HildaBeast walk. Our country is dead. It is now officially a banana republic sans the bananas.
    I feel sick. I’m too disgusted to say anything further.


  23. bunkerville says:

    It started out being a pretty good day. What happened? Oh…. we lost our Republic.


  24. FB says:

    The Banana Republic of America. It is a sad day for America right after the 4th. We’ll turn into a South America republic in a few decades. Corruption, moral relativism, poverty, very rich, etc… Makes me sick to my stomach.


  25. geeez2014 says:


    Mal thought you’d all be interested in that……who couldn’t be? (except the media and other leftists?)


  26. Baysider says:

    Yes, no more virtue because we’ve cut loose the anchor that connects us to a ‘code’ of commonly accepted mores – the authority of the Almighty. I recall Ducky’s “that’s your opinion.” Hog wash! “My opinion” is the flavor of ice cream I like. “My opinion” is that I prefer cats to dogs. Killing a human being before it’s born trespasses a moral and rational code. Moral: killing people. Rational: killing your future.


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