Christmas Eve

The night Jesus was born.   I think that says it all.

“The hinge of history is on the door of a Bethlehem stable.”    Ralph W. Sockman

Just say one little prayer if you’re not used to it…..feel His love.   “You can never truly enjoy Christmas until you can look up in to the Father’s face and tell Him you have received His Christmas gift.”John R. Rice

God Bless you ALL!


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11 Responses to Christmas Eve

  1. geeez2014 says:

    Merry Christmas, sweet readers….

    This post can have Christmas wishes or thoughts….but politics, too.

    I have One America News on, the one place now that I can go and get NEWS, not just biased nasty stutt and this morning I’m disillusioned…they’re turning against Trump on the Syria thing, too!

    Some generals are actually coming out for it, very few but some, and so I’m VERY sad to hear what’s coming next on OAN. Well, I’m going back to bed and hear this stuff (It’s almost 3 am…hoping to sleep through it!?

    BE HAPPY THIS CHRISTMAS! I recommend not watching or reading ANY news 🙂


  2. geeez2014 says:

    CORRECTION: The news gal is on the side of the wall…guest is not. Whew!


  3. In spite of all the political roiling…

    ★ Merry ★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
    •。★ Christmas 。* 。
    ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
    ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______ /~\。˚ ˚ ˛
    ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚And a Happy New Year
    * Joy to all! ♫•*¨* Peace on Earth ♪♫•*¨*


  4. bunkerville says:

    Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Christmas. Merry Christmas to you Z and all your readers


  5. woodsterman says:

    Merry Christmas Z


  6. Mal says:

    For at least one day, lets all forget about the world problems and simply enjoy the season.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    Mal, couldn’t agree with you more….let’s make it TWO DAYS 🙂


  8. Mal says:

    Two days it is then!


  9. Kid says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MAL ! 🙂 And Z. And all the rest of you folks.


  10. Bob says:

    Merry Christmas!


  11. Baysider says:

    Christmas blessings to you and all the Z’s in your household.


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