I agree….with Joey

A ‘throw away line’ said by Joey Jones just before a commercial on a FOX show the other day:


I agree.  There are so many examples, but…  Where does a society go after teaching things like this to its children?

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30 Responses to I agree….with Joey

  1. Silverfiddle says:

    Where does it go? On a greased rail to hell.

    At root is an extreme cult of self, and that never works out well for a society.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. bocopro says:

    What I wanna know is how our species managed to survive for millennia without cellfones, sex education for pre-adolescents, CNN, awards shows, and mail-in ballots . . . . .


  3. bunkerville says:

    Apparently teachers do not have enough to do that they have time for this nonsense. Reading writing and arithmetic might be better subject matters.

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  4. peter3nj says:

    Is this the only western civilization ever to partake of national suicide with the consent of the voters?


  5. peter3nj says:

    Off topic:
    Had the Democrats retained control of the House Pelosi would still have resigned in an effort to keep Paulie’s affair with a homeless man out of the headlines. IMO


  6. kidme37 says:

    Peter: Pelosi. No.

    @Z, the time to hit the brakes on the migration of our culture was long ago and ignored by all those who could have had an effect. Parents mainly.

    I don’t know what the percentage is but now we have younger generation people who were not educated or trained to work, who have no interest in working who embrace the idea of communism, AKA Free stuff.


  7. peter3nj says:

    Do you feel she would have stayed on? Her ego bigger than her fear of her husband being outed?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. kidme37 says:

    Peter, I don’t believe dems care about any of that sort of thing. Could not care less, don’t even get embarrassed.


  9. kidme37 says:

    The story would be he has some sort of weird ‘sex addiction’ and he is ‘in rehab’ about it.


  10. geeez2014 says:

    So, I read your comments, the first few brought tears to my eyes…the last few made me laugh!

    SF…”Cult of SELF”….well said……..sad as hell, but well said 😦

    BOCOPRO; Yes, and I wish those things were ALL GONE!! 😦

    BUNK: I was just thinking that yesterday…..about curriculums, how we learned country’s capitals, how we learned arithmetic, how we memorized certain things that stick with us today (I watch Jeopardy!!), etc………….how do they have time for those basics when they’re screwing up our kids’ minds about sex, gender, social justice, and …other crap?!

    PETER…”national suicide with the consent of the voters”…gad……hideously true
    Did you hear Schumer wants to amnesty 30 million illegals? (He says 12 million)…I personally do believe vets and some others should get amnesty, but ALL? What the HELL kind of message does that give them AND US?

    PETER and KID: I think Pelosi would have done what Peter says, Kid….I was thinking the other day this was a great way to get out of the job gracefully, without having to kind of ‘admit’ she was VOTED OUT…Tho you’re 100% correct in your hypothesis of what the story would be …because it’s okay for Dems to be pervs…..Imagine if TRUMP had been caught in his underwear with a man who is said to have been a nudist and THAT’s why he was wearing underpants at 2 AM? Do even NUDISTS rob houses or want to kill Speakers IN THEIR UNDERWEAR at 2 AM??? WHAT?

    KID is right…our kids don’t WANT to work, and, apparently, don’t have to. I’m still wondering how that works $$$



  11. geeez2014 says:

    I think Joey Jones is a national treasure.


  12. Silverfiddle says:

    Piggybacking on the Boone county professors comment, isn’t it strange, the more weirdos have injected all kinds of perverted sex education into our school system, the fertility rate keeps going down

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Anonymous says:

    Off off off topic:
    What is one sign among so many to choose from that your culture is in the crapper: Sitting here waiting to have blood taken watching the scattering of 20-40 ish female patients clad in pajama bottoms, house slippers and North Face puffy coats in and out of the endocrinologist office.


  14. Mustang says:

    Culture is one of my anthropological interests. What we can be sure of is that human culture will change over time. Some of it we notice, primarily because it creates social unrest, and some of it we don’t notice at all. The determining factors are two: demand for change, and resistance to change. Looking back in time, I cannot see a single instance when society — any society — successfully resisted cultural changes.

    There are many catalysts for cultural changes — including political lies told ad nauseum, shifts in gender roles, increases in minority populations, environmental changes, technological innovations, and acculturation. No one in the 1950s imagined that white people would so readily embrace black people’s music and behavior, but anyone in the 1950s who didn’t see it coming must have slept through the 1920s.

    In some instances, it’s difficult to discern where it began because it’s self-fulfilling. In this story, we find that Danita McCray (a school teacher) has self-identified to such an extent that she stands out from others in her profession. Let me note once more — this is the price of affirmative action. I suspect that Danita should not be working in a school at all unless it’s in the cafeteria. That said, Danita is one of those “in your face” people who doesn’t mind saying, “It’s my way or the highway.” Well, in one aspect, one should appreciate that she has the strength of her convictions. We just don’t happen to agree with her convictions.

    I don’t know anything about Danita, but I’d venture a guess that she’s heavily into CRT as well. She is who she is. Fine. But does that make her suitable for teaching elementary-aged children?

    I have some questions:

    Why are we discussing HOW she teaches sexual orientation? Why aren’t the parents of her students demanding to know WHY she’s even teaching it? But first, what does the state curriculum say about teaching sex to early childhood students? Second, what is the state’s interest in wasting time and money on issues that belong to parents in the home? If you want “change,” then you must ask the right questions and impose the right demands. For example, would it be okay with anyone if she used a Raggedy Anne doll rather than a rhinoceros?

    Do the parents of children who are NOT in her classroom even care about what Danita is teaching, or why she’s teaching it? No? Then isn’t that part of our problem? Parents need to know what the SBOE is putting in the curriculum for their children’s grade level and age group. Second, they need to know whether their children’s teacher is following the SBOE (and parent-approved) curriculum. Then, if the teacher isn’t teaching a state-approved curriculum, parents need to become very loud and very obstinate. This is, in my view, how you fight to maintain valued culture.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. peter3nj says:

    The new math:
    In the mid to early 80’s the illegal population was given a figure of 11 million; arbitrary at best. But lets go with that figure to guesstimate how many lawbreakers and potential democrat voters are roaming the 50 states today. Hmm…lets see… 2022 minus 1982 (for those university graduates of today who can’t get their hands on a slide ruler) is 40 years. At a minimum of 1-2 million per year, so let’s say 1.5 million lawbreakers multiplied by 40 years equals 60 million plus the original 11 million illegals on the government dole. The math doesn’t lie unless your a democrat so since they are in charge despite the republicans winning the House by the slimmest of margins there mus be a mere 11 million denizens of the Rio Grande floating around working in kitchens, mowing our lawns and sending the cash south.


  16. peter3nj says:

    The new math:
    In the mid to early 80’s the illegal population was given a figure of 11 million; arbitrary at best. But lets go with that figure to guesstimate how many lawbreakers and potential democrat voters are roaming the 50 states today. Hmm…lets see… 2022 minus 1982 (for those university graduates of today who can’t get their hands on a slide ruler) is 40 years. At a minimum of 1-2 million per year, so let’s say 1.5 million lawbreakers multiplied by 40 years equals 60 million plus the original 11 million illegals on the government dole. The math doesn’t lie unless your a democrat so since they are in charge despite the republicans winning the House by the slimmest of margins there mus be a mere 11 million denizens of the Rio Grande floating around working in kitchens, mowing our lawns and sending the cash south.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. kidme37 says:

    60 million is a much more reasonable estimate.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. peter3nj says:

    So then if the 1980 US population was approx 230 million and in 2022 approximately 330 million might we surmise, unscientifically of course, 60% of that growth is from outside the US? Damn that’s a lot of cradle to grave dependency we worker bees are financing with our increasingly unfashionable Judeo-Christian work ethic so who the hell is going to feed clothe educate medicate and house the next 60 million “migrants?”


  19. MAL says:

    Only one thing I can say: SHE IS A SICK WOMAN. PERIOD!
    If they allow her to keep teaching, they will be complicit also.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. kidme37 says:

    Peter, Who? Interesting question. I see debt default in America’s future and not just from illegals. Also given the statistics that the US has been below the 1.9 per household birth rate to maintain a culture, let alone an economy, for a good while now, I believe we can conclude that growth is NOT from within. It is from those who don’t even know what the American culture is let alone would embrace it.


  21. geeez2014 says:

    SILVERFIDDLE…sadly, experts are saying there are a lot of icky reasons for fertility rates going down…chemicals, drugs, etc.

    Did you hear Schumer say he wants to have more migrants because our birth rate is too low? He who CHAMPIONS killing fetuses wants foreign children to be born here, or brought in here, in larger numbers.

    THEN, just as the Hispanics are turning to the Right, he wants to give amnesty to EVERYBODY! Gee, what a coincidence, huh? (Sarc.) Hispanics will LOVE that, won’t they! And they’ll vote…for the Dems!!!

    MUSTANG: Considering what this teacher’s pushing on the kids, I think she’s CLEARLY “.l… heavily into CRT as well. She is who she is. Fine. But does that make her suitable for teaching elementary-aged children?”

    But I honestly believe she’s probably into a lot of other stuff we might not want her around children because of……Is she a cross dresser, lesbian, trans? Lesbian wouldn’t particularly bother me EXCEPT that she’s spewing the stuff on our kids….unacceptable.
    “Then, if the teacher isn’t teaching a state-approved curriculum, parents need to become very loud and very obstinate. This is, in my view, how you fight to maintain valued culture.” Thankfully, I’ve seen many groups of parents, many nationwide, who are absolutely becoming loud and obstinate over the teaching of CRT stuff AND inappropriate sexual rubbish…
    I don’t see how teachers find time to teach normal state-approved curriculum of writing, arithmetic, etc….when they’re so busy telling 7 yr olds Americans have always been racist and need to pay reparations, etc etc etc….And we know that’s happening.

    PETER…apparently, those ‘denizens’ from the South also help themselves to walking on private property and INTO the homes of families who’ve felt safe there for 50 years….disgusting. And yes, we’re paying for EVERYTHING for law breakers at the border…………sending buses to pick them up…..smiling and shaking their hands in NYC as the buses doors open while complaining they’re there (then stop meeting them like they’re long lost cousins who’ve come to support YOU)…

    KID: DOn’t worry…Schumer, who said about 10 years ago that we must STOP illegal immigration to maintain our society, now says WE MUST MAKE THEM ALL LEGAL AND BRING MORE IN BECAUSE OUR BIRTH RATE IS SO LOW……….Let HIM pay for it all. Most of you know I’m not entirely against all amnesty /…I think illegals who fought with our soldiers deserve it, etc….some were 2 yrs old on arrive, have gone to college, married, etc…….fine….but SCHUMER’s stupidity and his clear grasp for votes sickens me.
    i hate that man, God forgive me.

    MAL is right and says it succinctly: SHE IS A SICK WOMAN, PERIOD!


  22. Baysider says:

    What SF and BP said. The evil teacher is right. She DOES know what she’s doing. And it’s what SF said.

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  23. peter3nj says:

    Hmmm-They’ve been killing so many African American babies they’ve got to replenish the voter rolls somehow and what better way then with the ready to vote invaders just give then a drivers license, makes sense. That Schumer he’s got it all together and with his homie Mitch bringing up the rear…

    Liked by 1 person

  24. kidme37 says:

    And the rebubblekins are voting mitchie back into the ‘kill all the good bills’ minority position.


  25. geeez2014 says:

    PETER…..imagine? African American babies whose ancestors have been here longer than ours……Americans. Kill them, allow illegal invaders to vote………
    Mitch spoke today and sounded pretty good but I had to leave …not sure what his point was or why he spoke? Did you hear it? Or hear any details?

    KID…let’s hope NOT.


  26. kidme37 says:

    McChuckles ‘sounded’ good ? They all Sound good, they just don’t Do anything.


  27. geeez2014 says:

    KID, all I meant was he hadn’t said anything typically obnoxious yet….that’s all.

    And no, they DO NOTHING. Just have meaningless hearings.

    Now they’re going to jump on the Biden family as IF the media’ll cover those hearings with anything but “and the Republicans….ignoring the unpresidential actions of Donald J Trump, are accusing the Bidens of ….(whatever)…., their undemocratic suspicions of our DoJ and FBI will put our country back years…” etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. kidme37 says:

    Got ya Z. Yea…

    So, it looks like pelosi is quitting. Maybe you were right. I just know many democrats have committed things that would have ordinary people moving to middle Africa and changing their names.


  29. geeez2014 says:

    KID…yes, she is!!
    I believe that if our universities hadn’t started on the ‘hate America’ thing, dems nor reps would do anything to hurt our country, have to move to middle Africa or change their names….BUT they learned they’re righteous in their hate and constant “RACISM” claims and how we’re “mean” not to allow millions of illegals in, etc etc., and they do politics aimed against America unity and patriotism.

    I despise them. Totally despise them.

    What’s this Hakeem Jeffries about? I’m almost afraid to ask 😦


  30. kidme37 says:

    Never heard of him.


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