Worth the Read





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20 Responses to Worth the Read

  1. speaks loudly to America: the law protects only those who follow the norms of one party


  2. geeez2014 says:

    ED! GREAT scene, thanks for linking it. I cry every time the club’s attendees sing “la marseillaise”…it’s SO MOVING! For FREEDOM.

    Yes, the law only protects one party; Do you remember it going this far by Republicans?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Joe Conservative says:

    The Government sure seems to be hung-up on Trump’s records, Presidential (Jack Smith), Business (Leticia James), and Personal (Alvin Bragg). After ALL those years of crying for his Tax Returns…

    What is it about Trump’s “Records”…. the fact that he doesn’t maintain ANY of them?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. geeez2014 says:

    JOE…as you TOO WELL KNOW, it’s all about STOPPING TRUMP no matter what they have to do………it’s scary for so many Americans not to allow our becoming “Just another country because we shouldn’t feel superior….!” 🙂

    (thanks for telling JB about Mom…kind of you)


  5. bocopro says:

    The Biden trial is now set for 3 June, but very likely the dissolute bastard will make some sort of deal to deny bloggers and legitimate media any opportunity to cast aspersions on the family while Joe struggles with Dems who want him to back out of the race before the DNC convention.

    Here’s what bothers me . . . read this excerpt outlining restrictions the judge has placed on testimony the jury will be allowed to hear —


    In court documents filed Friday morning, Biden’s defense attorneys asked the court to block certain salacious details of his life from being shown to the jury to avoid “significant risk of unfair prejudice.”

    In what is called a “motion in limine,” Biden asked the court “to exclude reference to the child support proceedings in Arkansas and reference to his discharge from the Navy.” This is in reference to the child Biden fathered out-of-wedlock with ex-stripper Lunden Roberts


    and compare it to the drecch the prosecutor was allowed to sensationalize from Daniels and Cohen in Trump’s trumped-up persecution.

    WordPress won’t allow me to drag and drop the URL for the article.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO….Trump had those same possibilities, right? Wasn’t it Stormy Daniels restricted from giving any salacious dealings with ol’ Donald J? (SMILE…I’m being sarcastic because, CLEARLY, fairness is reserved for only one party).

    Doesn’t matter; people know about Hunter’s junk…(literally!!) 🙂 This isn’t a sequestered jury, I’m sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    I actually felt like crying this morning when I heard the Dad who’d been detained, with a possible 12 yrs in jail for having ammo in his luggage at Turks and Ciacos, was freed with only a $7K fine and 52 months of…nothingness, basically.

    Thank GOD. (but they shouldn’t get the $7K!)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. geeez2014 says:


    Please pray for this beautiful young couple killed in Haiti yesterday by Haitian gangs! Pray for their shocked and devastated families!!

    Just FYI, her dad is a Missouri State Representative. …….how he can breathe after hearing this is beyond ME 😦


  9. Mustang says:

    @ Z … I have to ask – oh, never mind.  Look, you hang out with uncivilized baboons, and this is what happens.  It’s been going on for a couple of hundred years now.  Ask the French how Haiti worked out for them.  Maybe Haitians do not deserve the blessings of liberty. 

    Liked by 1 person

  10. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: It’s hideous….must we stop doing good? I agree with you; we can’t really help anyone because, for example, giving someone a ride can get you killed, even approaching someone with a mcDonald’s coupon could get you punched or knifed, etc etc……….this couple thought they were doing the right thing AND probably a lot of Haitians appreciated them, and then a few destroy everything. They’re DEAD!?

    what a world………and here in America, we’re going toward the same thing; gangs don’t get punished, etc……there IS no “BAD” anymore by which to judge anything….”GOOD” is for saps? Or “Who are YOU to say what’s good and bad?” REALLY?

    Remember my Ducky story; I’ve told it here before. Years ago, maybe 18 yrs ago, he commented on my blog “Who are you to say what’s right and wrong?” and I FROZE. It honestly hit me that this was a change I hadn’t anticipated and that life will be different.

    There HAD been rights and wrongs…and life was good. And safe. If it wasn’t safe, someone got punished in synch with how bad the crime was. Life was RIGHT. and it is not anymore. And these young kids are DEAD.


  11. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG “you hang out with uncivilized baboons”… I thought you were saying I DO until I realized what you meant! ? HAHAHA!! “WHAT?”


  12. You mentioned that father who got caught with bullets in his luggage. I went to a Detroit Tigers game a couple weeks ago. Having walked a bit from the parking lot, we had to go through metal detected screening. That’s when I realized I had two rifle bullets in my jacket pocket. I volunteered that I had them and the guy says you must have a lot of guns. I said “well I don’t know how you deduce that from the fact that I had two bullets in my pocket but you’re right.” They confiscated the bullets instead of making me take them back to the car which made me very happy.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Joe Conservative says:

    @Z – No problem. Just keeping myself and the blogosphere up to date whilst making my rounds. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Joe Conservative says:

    Hunter won’t be prosecuted because he’s a USIC contributor (NDI). He’s their new Jeffry Epstein.

    Hunter Biden was a director for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (1995), The Center for National Policy (1981), and the Chairman’s Advisory Board for the National Democratic Institute [NDI] (1983). Having served as a Senior Vice President at MBNA bank, former U.S. President Bill Clinton appointed him an Executive Director of E-Commerce Policy Coordination under Secretary of Commerce William Daley.


  15. Joe Conservative says:

    ps – …and personally, I doubt very much that Jeffry Epstein is dead.


  16. Joe Conservative says:

    The drug-addled son is Hunter’s “cover”. Who wouldn’t want to “turn him”?


  17. geeez2014 says:

    JOE: So you don’t think he was killed, but that Epstein is NOT DEAD. I wouldn’t be surprised

    HAVE YOU SEEN THAT PICTURE WITH HIS ARM AROUND KAMALA HARRIS WHEN SHE WAS YOUNGER? it could be an AI shot, but it’s pretty believable!!!!!!!!

    And you mean “the drug addled son is BIDEN’S “Cover,”, no? I’m not sure what you meant there…you’re often too smart FOR ME! 🙂 xxx


  18. Joe Conservative says:

    Worse. I think that the entire USIC SYSTEM (Justice, Foreign Relations & SSCI) is corrupt, and Biden’s merely a symptom (Hunter being part of the NDI component).


  19. Joe Conservative says:

    The same goes for Pelosi and Kerry’s kids. All part of the USIC wealth generation industrial complex.


  20. Joe Conservative says:

    More evidence…


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