HERE IS ANOTHER WHITE HOUSE FREAK hired by the Biden/Obama boys.  Think his real last name is ‘Cherry‘?   He leads communications for Biden’s climate control office 🙂

“The police are the direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs”….But those posts are from his youth, he doesn’t think that NOW, right?  (smile)

He deleted something like “thousands” of tweets….Picture any Republican deleting tweets and getting admired for it!??!    He’s so dumb that people were sending around his tweets when he started deleting them, thinking they’d be gone.

We have him.. from the Democrats.  And we have   Representative Bowman who did an appearance yesterday and used the F word MANY times to the big crowd watching this guy, who only had to apologize for falsely pulling the fire alarm which could have got politicians killed had they not been able to MOVE in case of fire, etc??  He apologized and he’s OFF, folks.    Bowman said F so many times he asked the crowd why they think he has to swear like that…well, it seems it’s because he’s been treated so badly…………….Anybody ask why Trump (at least) doesn’t say F*** this and F*** that, talk about reacting to hate HE gets?




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19 Responses to CHERRY…..HE GOT HIRED AT THE WH???

  1. bocopro says:

    B’lieve I commented with sumpin like this not long ago . . . .

    Thing is, of course, Joe illegitimately took the helm 3 years ago and immediately capsized the status quo.  He gutted Trump’s border like a jackal on a dead antelope.  The keelover turned Trump’s energy independence into $5/gallon gasoline and pleas to countries which hate us to pump more oil.

    His squinty-eyed hard-left steering set the stage for WWIII with war in central Europe, multi-front wars in the Middle East, China threatening Taiwan, Iran completing its nuclear bomb, and Iranian proxies turning the western Asian shipping lanes into shooting galleries.

    In Washington he introduced a dystopia run by drag queens, transvestites, chicks with dicks, abortion on demand, suspension of law and order, and indoctrination in schools replacing critical thinking and research.

    His Supreme Court appointee couldn’t define “woman,” his VP can’t make lucid statements, his Secretary of State has no idea what’s going on, his son is a deadbeat-dad cokehead, his Transportation Secretary once rode on a choo-choo, his wife has the fashion sense of a 1950s lawn chair, his press secretary has donated her brain to the still-unfinished Hopital General in Port-au-Prince for medical research, and he sometimes can’t even find his Secretary of Defense. 

    Warning us hat Trump would become dictator-like in a second term, Joe Biden stole a presidential election in the wee hours of election night, lied to the people about his involvement in his son’s influence-peddling activities, stifled journalists who criticize his frequent absences, is banning gas stoves and incandescent light bulbs, mandating hugely unpopular and unaffordable electric vehicles, and ignoring the violence in major cities.

    JRB is a career plagiarist and wrong-way legislator.  Virtually everything he ever said in his half-century of political life has been either wrong, reversed, or ripped off from some keener mind.  He has the savvy of Moe Howard, the personality of Professor Irwin Corey, the vision of Stevie Wonder, the agility of Stephen Hawking, and the patriotism of Colin Kaepernick.

    He is a run-of-the-mill mafia capo, a thug by nature, a greedy finagler, an exploiter, a bully, and a crook.  He has as much business trying to run this country as I would trying to reform Afghanistan.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. peter3nj says:


    Truth is stranger than fiction when considering Lunchpail’s rap sheet covering only the last three years never mind nearly half of a century and the FOX News national poll puts him 2% points ahead. Maybe we’re missing something, maybe his nasty little faux pas are as the left claims good for the country.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. peter3nj says:

    Bowman of the foul mouthed false fire alarm pulling fame is running in his district’s primary today. Considering the white man running against him is a non cursing lefty POS my money is on Bowman.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mustang says:

    I read about Cherry yesterday at Bunkerville – and nearly threw up.  What a disgusting turd he is, and of course, I wondered if, in the process of hiring such filth, Biden had given any thought to his presidential legacy.  I supposed not.  America has become a joke to most of the world, and it’s no wonder none of our major competitors can take our government seriously.  We sure don’t.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: Did Bunkerville cover Cherry yesterday? I will look. Since Mom died, I’ve not been `100% myself and it’s a struggle to post every day; I’m doing FINE, finer than I’d thought, but not myself yet. THanks for the head’s up.

    Yes, see these WH appointees and how can the world NOT look at us as a joke…a weak, ‘ready to be attacked in any way because they’re too busy making their military woke instead of highly prepared, hiring freaks at the WH, are more against Trump than enemy countries…and anybody can come in as if this is a banana country..” Oops, it IS!

    BOCOPRO…then I’m taking you as a “NO” to this ridiculous, awful Cherry guy, too~!

    PS…I think you COULD reform Afghanistan 🙂

    PETER….can you tell me what Bowman meant when he was screaming “They come for me, they come for my house, they come for my kids..F F F F F F !”



  6. Sam Huntington says:

    I’m guessing Cherry isn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Baysider says:

    Isn’t is amusing when a 26-yr old (Forbes listed him last year as 29 in their 30 Under 30 List) references “when I was younger.” He says he does not stand by his past tweets but supports the WH views. How are they different? Perhaps only in adjectives chosen.

    ““No one should be targeted simply for being themselves. It is cruel and unacceptable,” the White House stated.” How does this position square with their coordinated lawfare assaults on Donald Trump? On parents in Virginia? It DOES explain a weak response to Hunter’s crimes.

    Tyler is ‘married’ to a man who works for the Navy Dept. Wonder what his influence is there. The happy couple:

    This sad sack’s degree is in political science, civic management, and gender studies. Whatta shock. (I do think his last name is probably Cherry. It’s not uncommon. I knew one, and found a football player by that same names.) He deserves the blowback he’s getting, and the Biden administration richly deserves the opprobrium they are getting for being unserious and irresponsible in all the ways BP lists and more.

    This story provides also provides them a smokescreen to stories that NEED our attention, like our bungling around in Ukraine teeing up WW3, the loss of demand for dollars (which fuels our spending – now what?), and that the FDIC now has 63 banks on their watch list with $517B in unrealized losses plus the Fed with another $165B (yeah, that empty building syndrome you’ve written on). 


  8. Baysider says:

    PS – since you did not see Bunk’s post, I’ll add a graphic I posted late as a coda to her story, and now yours:

    Liked by 1 person

  9. geeez2014 says:


    BAYSIDER….just got a little ‘dirty’ with the ‘cherry’ thing…..ODD that a guy like that’s name would be Cherry which, as you say, isn’t completely unknown but….being gay…. Well, I’ll leave it at that. It was more a ‘joke’.

    A joke like those two ‘men’ are… And THAT man works for the NAVY…isn’t that SWEEEEET? We need ‘men’ like that in our military! Surely he’s a desk worker (please, God, do NOT let our lives depend on him)

    “Ruling over the Ashes” is about all the Leftist king makers will be doing….because they’re destroying us and that’s all they’ll get 😦



  10. Mustang says:

    “No one should be targeted for just being themselves.”

    That’s pure BS.

    Anyone who harms children, rapes others, murders, assaults, or uses the law as a cudgel against good and decent people should be targeted and persecuted. Deviancy is ALWAYS unacceptable and intolerable.


  11. peter3nj says:


  12. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: I believe no one should be targeted for being themselves IN PRIVATE. And IF nobody “…harms children, rapes others, murders, assaults, or uses the law as a cudgel against good and decent people…,” of course.

    When people dress like those in that picture…lipstick on men, dresses, etc etc, then they ASK to be TARGETED……In the past, I understand that trans dressers, etc., did it AT HOME if they felt so inclined; I’ve read of families whose kids were used to dad dressing like a mom!!!! Seriously! Today, it’s “LOOK AT ME…I KNOW I LOOK WEIRD….BUT DON’T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT!” UGH.

    BUT today, our kids are SO indoctrinated that they feel THE MORE DEVIANT, THE BETTER….(TRUST ME) Kids at a nearby Christian high school held, in private after hours, a gay wedding ceremony…the administration supposedly didn’t know about it..or were they afraid to make a stink because, after all:

    DEVIANCE ROCKS TODAY! We can’t respond to it negatively because what if the rich parents who pay tuition are FINE with it? (God, help us)


  13. geeez2014 says:

    SOOO…Judge Merchan is TODAY taking some of the gag order away from Trump! is that JUST in time to “let” Trump bluster in VERY ugly, vote-preventing ways about the trial? JUST IN TIME? At least the gag order might have made him look like, for once, HE was taking the higher ground in the argument!…


    BIDEN: So, you’re a CONVICTED FELON!!

    TRUMP: Yes, and I hope America’s aware that you’d go THAT FAR to prevent your losing the election. I wish you could be that cunning and effective with our enemies around the world. On the other hand, maybe it wasn’t that effective?


    BIDEN: So, you’re a CONVICTED FELON!!!

    TRUMP: What a joke YOU are for having drug me through that BS, Crooked Joe! blah blah blah….it was all YOUR fault, you and your horrible WH people are disgusting, DISGRACEFUL JERKS and…blah blah blah

    THRILLING his base; completely turning OFF the ever-so-important INDIES.


  14. Cherry reminds me of a Disney character, or caricature.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. MAL says:

    ………and to think John Wayne’s given name was Francis! AAAAARG!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Sam Huntington says:

    @ Mal

    I thought his name was Marion Robert Morrison…


  17. geeez2014 says:

    SAM…Yes, ‘Marion” was Wayne’s first name

    I love his quote “Some people say I’m TOUGH…when ya wear high heels, ya gotta be TOUGH!” 🙂


  18. MAL says:

    Right, Sam. It was Marion.

    Francis, Marion, whatever………..still kida mean to name a boy, right?


  19. MAL says:

    That reminds me of an old Johnny Cash number where he sings:


    The song says how his father knew he would be out of the boy’s life so gave him a name he knew would get him into a lot of fights and make him tough. That makes me wonder if something similar happened to John Wayne. He also played football at USC.

    Liked by 1 person

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