Terrorists…The White House’s Version and a QUESTION for you

terror IDDo you think ANY Republican candidate will have the guts to talk about how the Obama people have classified the heinous acts of Islamists?

Do you think a candidate might bring up how the Pakistani man who helped us find Bin Laden is STILL in jail and we are doing nothing?   Wouldn’t that expose Obama’s laziness or just plain no desire to help this guy?

Do you think ANY Republican candidate will mock the Obama stupidity of calling the Ft Hood murders “workplace violence?”  I don’t know a SOUL who thinks that’s a smart moniker for what was obviously another Islamist MURDER, do you?

Could these things be used against the Left?  Obviously, Obama’s not running again, but are Hillary or Elizabeth Warren (touted yesterday morning as being the darling of younger leftists and, thereby, rising in the polls against Hillary?) are not far behind him on any of this.

WILL a Republican candidate have the guts to call it ISLAMIC TERROR?  Which candidates do you think have the guts?

AND, why the heck do our governors and senators and news people always call Mohammed “THE PROPHET Mohammed?”   If they ever mention Jesus, do they say “the SAVIOR, Jesus Christ?”  I find that curious.  I would no sooner say ‘The prophet Mohammed’ unless I was a muslim.  Would YOU?

And don’t you find it odd/irresponsible for the news in America to elevate cold blooded murderers by calling them “Islamic State” as they do this article about the Jordanian pilot’s being burned alive?




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34 Responses to Terrorists…The White House’s Version and a QUESTION for you

  1. I just nabbed that graphic for my post this Friday.


  2. Do any of the GOP candidates have the guts to challenge the sacred word of Obama?


  3. By saying over and over again THE PROPHET Mohammed but not uttering the SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, these people are promoting Islamic supremacism. Disbelieve that reality at one’s own peril.


  4. John M. Berger says:

    Q: Who referred to the ISIS terrorists as merely “jayvee” ?
    A: The most dangerous man in the United States today.


  5. Impertinent says:

    Flaming muslims? Rubio, Cruz, Perry, Walker, Trump, Huckabee have it in them…Bush? Nah…not Bush sadly. It’d make GW look bad. I want to hear someone talk about obliterating the murdering scum. There can be NO accommodation or peace with these new Nazi animals. It’s either their blood spilled…or ours. No boots…just nukes. Ignore the weeping and whining and phony hand wringing from the CAIR impostors and the MB. Banish them from the US…period.


  6. Lisa says:

    The only jayvee here is Barry and his loyal followers. A very destructive scenario when you blindy follow


  7. Impertinent says:

    We need a King…like Jordan’s.


  8. Lisa says:

    Yeah Imp instead of the Burger King


  9. Impertinent says:

    @Lisa…ya know Lisa….this mutt has a perfect opportunity to seize. He could attain the stature of a Churchill if he just declared all out war on this islamic “state”. Now that they’ve claimed they are one…then our gloves can come off. They have territory, a flag and an army. Just like any other state on the planet. And they must be obliterated like Germany and Japan were.
    Probem is…and all of us should see it by now…is that he is a mudslime deep down. A phony Christian in disguise. He is…spineless and despicable for not facing these Nazi’s. It’s 1938 again and he can change things.


  10. Impertinent says:

    A Jewish man was sitting in
    Starbucks reading an Arab newspaper.
    A friend of his, who happened
    to be in the same store, noticed this strange phenomenon.

    Very upset, he approached him
    and said:
    ‘Moshe, have you lost your
    mind? Why are you reading an Arab newspaper?’
    Moshe replied, ‘I used to
    read the Jewish newspapers, but what did I find?

    Jews being persecuted,

    Israel being attacked,

    Jews disappearing through assimilation and intermarriage,

    Jews living in poverty…

    I got so depressed!

    So I switched to the Arab
    newspaper. Now what do I find?

    Jews own all the banks,

    Jews control the media,

    Jews are all rich and powerful,

    Jews rule the world.

    The news is so much better!’


  11. Baysider says:

    Imp, I LOVE that.

    But this business of everyone calling Mohammed ‘The Prophet Mohammed’ is more than irksome. I’ve had the same comment – why not balance it out with ‘our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ’ and ‘God’s servant Moses’ or ‘the Lord Buddha.’ It’s obvious why, and AOW nailed it.

    Will a Republican candidate make an issue of the Pakistani dentist? I wish so, but I doubt it. Yesterday’s news. I think about him a lot, though. Will he say ‘Islamic terror’ – I’d say yes. The murders in Paris give fresh impetus to call a spade a spade.


  12. silverfiddle says:

    I don’t believe our government should be denigrating Islam, but I too am tired of government officials engaging in Islamic apologetics. It’s sickening.

    Your point about Jesus is brilliant! We should demand that anytime they mention Christianity, they call Jesus, the Lord and Savior. But then it occurs to me, when have any of these Feral Government bureaucratic spokesmouthes ever mentioned Christianity?


  13. geeez2014 says:

    SF, I’ve thought that for a while…”who mentions JESUS?” I guess that ought to be another red flag.
    Don’t worry, this gov’t is NO WAY going to denigrate Islam…of that we can be sure! They won’t even denigrate the evil islamists!

    Imp, that is good…sad, but good!

    Baysider and AOW, I doubt if FOX or CNN are “promoting islamic supremacism” but they sure better wake up to how their PC idiocy IS doing that in subtle and not so subtle ways.


  14. The thing I find most disturbing is what I saw on Fox News last night, but nothing in the paper today.
    It showed students at UC Davis yelling “Allah Akbar” along with Anti Semitic remarks. UC Davis is one of the many California State campuses and is mainly known for Animal Husbandry, so what in heck is going on? There also was news on Fox this a.m. that ISIS is active here in the U.S. trying to get our children involved. What in Hell is going on with our Congress? And why isn’t Obama impeachable? The more the enemy succeeds, the more others from all around the world will seek join with them.


  15. “….will seek TO join with them”.


  16. John M. Berger says:

    “And why isn’t Obama impeachable?”
    Damned good question! WHY?


  17. geeez2014 says:

    Mal, I hope we all saw that hideous situation at UC Davis…imagine people yelling Alluha Akhbar (damned if I know how to spell it and I resent having to even worry about it….when that apparently stands today for burning people alive. This is our new American college student?


  18. John, the people put the ball in the hands of the GOP so they can put a stop to all this, so why haven’t they? If they don’t act, and QUICKLY, they, too, will lose all credibility. This is NOT why we gave it to them. We’re running out of options.


  19. Impertinent says:

    @Mal..”the people put the ball in the hands of the GOP…and they fumbled it today and yesterday worse than the SeaHawks. If you actually believe these lite weight commies, RINO’s and no goodniks will follow thew will of the people….well…..you already have too may fairy tales in Vegas to deal with already


  20. John M. Berger says:

    “will of the people” ?
    I’d like to think so !


  21. geeez2014 says:

    I think Mal’s right….if the Republicans don’t act quickly, who can anybody trust? Except leftwingers, of course; they can rely on the Republicans eating their young, as they usually do.


  22. Remember how many times top Democrats like Biden and Pelosi said the Tea Party were terrorists, or hostage takers? Yes, to them, the real enemy are Republicans, not the monsters who burn people alive and behead children. And what about the left and their claim they uphold the rights of women and gays? Women are being sold as sex slaves and gays are being executed by ISIS. Not a peep from the left.


  23. Hey Imp! “Too many fairy tales in Vegas to deal with already”? I represent that remark! 🙂


  24. I’m beginning to think even if we move to our little island in the Pacific, some Muslim will probably come in and want to build a Mosque! 😦


  25. bunkerville says:

    Great graphic that says it all.


  26. Impertinent says:

    @Mal…:-) Mal…I’ve been there lots of times….what’s done in Vegas, stays in Vegas…Thank God.


  27. geeez2014 says:

    Mike, the left forgets the women and gays in their rush to protect ALL MUSLIMS against any kind of derision…right?

    Mal, in Germany, maybe 20 years ago, we’d drive through charming villages with a mosque in them……..no muslims walking around the village. Just getting ready. Honestly.


  28. Imp, yeah. But the Strip isn’t typical Vegas to us locals. We seldom go there. We actually have some very beautiful homes in quiet communities, with views of the mountains, golf courses, palm trees, etc. and at very affordable prices. We live in Del Webb’s Sun City, Aliante, in N. Las Vegas which on a golf course and is about a 20-25 minute drive down the freeway to the Strip. We are about 45 minutes from Mt. Charleston Ski Resort and Ski Lift, and an hour from Lake Mead. We would love to stay here the rest of our lives but will eventually have to sell and move up to Washington State to be near our kids “when we get older” (remember: I’m 86!) but NOT looking forward to it. Plenty of incentive to stay healthy.


  29. Impertinent says:

    @Mal…you’re a funny guy!! When you get older!! Yes…I hope I can say the same in 20 years. I have friends in Henderson and I’ve spent time in Reno, Mono Lake and just love the Silver State. But to me…Vegas is the pits. Too damn decadent, expensive and gaudy. But then again…we have Miami Beach…it’s all the same…LOL


  30. geeez2014 says:

    Mal, parts of Vegas are beautiful…serene, quiet….lovely.
    But we all have to admit the STRIP is something quite different!
    Impertinent..ya, MIAMI!??? Talk about ‘damn decadent expensive and gaudy, right!? 🙂


  31. Mustang.Koji says:

    Isn’t it odd that no terrorist has broadcast that Obummer is their enemy?


  32. Well, every area has its downfall. I prefer the dry heat of Vegas to the humidity of Miami any day.
    We also don’t have sink holes in Nevada to deal with. But no ocean or beach, either, so its a tradeoff.


  33. …..and like I say, we maybe go to the Strip once a year for the sake of visiting guests! Period.


  34. AND, why the heck do our governors and senators and news people always call Mohammed “THE PROPHET Mohammed?” If they ever mention Jesus, do they say “the SAVIOR, Jesus Christ?”
    Not even at prayer breakfasts.


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