Who will it BE??




Tom Cotton?

Marco Rubio?

Tim Scott?

Ron DeSantis?

Tulsi Gabbard?

Nikki Haley?





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18 Responses to Who will it BE??

  1. Joe Conservative says:

    Tulsi. She’ll bring moderate Democrats into the Republican tent.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s got to be who we want in 2028.
    I still want Desantis.
    A governor.
    Burgum is a governor, but I’m not informed enough about him.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. petermccullough233 says:

    I agree. Now then a healthy dose of melatonin might even seal the deal along with a history of lesbianism, abortions and having married her brother.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. petermccullough233 says:


    Seriously though I have been a Desantis fan from the start. In a sane world his record in Florida would be convincing enough.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. bocopro says:

    Trump’s ideological clone is Ramaswamy, of course, and it seems the guy is genuine, but I doubt he’ll be picked.  Don’t b’lieve he’s electable in his own right.

    Burgum has a face that looks like it belongs on currency, while Rubio has one that looks like it came from a booking foto.

    DeSantis is a good governor, but a lousy campaigner.  Somethin missin in his podium presence

    Tim Scott has a whiff of “WTF?” about him, and Orangeman already has made huge inroads into winning over the black vote because of all the indictments, so I doubt he’ll get the nod.

    By November, all memory Noem’s ridiculous canine caper will have dissipated, and I think she’d be a good addition.

    Same with Sara Sanders.  She’s not makin many points as guv’nor, but she’s definitely strong, aware, and on the proper side of the creek.  IMO, she’d be good for grooming in 2028.

    Stefanik prob’ly would be best at working with the legislature, which Trump doesn’t particularly enjoy, and Vance could do it also if he wanted to, plus he’d help win Ohio.

    But my choice would be the lady who ditched the Demorat party because it’s, “under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness”  Gabbard.

    Will he pick Tulsi?  Doubt it.  

    I’m gonna go with either Stefanik or Noem, although the best mind for the job is the dowager countess in Downton Abbey (Maggie Smith).  Rarely do I see a true conservative with such crisp eloquence, such keen clarity, such honed snark, such lethal wit as she wields with deadly accuracy, stunning speed, and effortless aplomb.

    Milady has no need for common expressions or hinted profanity; she’s a feminine Lord Byron with a touch of George Bernard Shaw and a good measure of Winston Churchill served in Waterford Crystal on a silver Queen Anne tray.  And she has that unsettling habit of always being right in her advice. 


  6. jess says:

    After Pence, I don’t know what Trump will use for his decision, but I do know career politicians are usually the most evil, vile and untrustworthy of people on the Earth. The most unelectable may be the best choice, if the reason for their not being electable has nothing to do with their integrity.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mustang says:

    Ultimately, Trump will decide what’s best for Trump.  He can’t help who he is; he is a very vain man.  I pretty much agree with Ron’s observations.  In my view, choosing a running mate who appeals to a certain demographic is challenging.  Women do not vote for other women simply because they’re women.  No one will give Gabbard or Haley a closer look than a woman.

    Similarly, blacks will dismiss Scott because he’s an Uncle Tom.  Cotton and DeSantis have the personality of a soup sandwich.  Rubio is already as corrupt as the law allows, and his past actions may not bode well for the future.

    No red-blooded American will vote for Noem now, knowing she murdered the dog in cold blood.  So that leaves us with three possibilities: Sanders, a cow in a human dress; Haley, who is as inept as it is possible to be and still be a politician; and Tulsi Gabbard.

    Gabbard’s problem is that she has her mind, and Trump avoids people who talk back. But, if Don were to seek my counsel, I would strongly advocate for Tulsi Gabbard and urge him to find an accommodation so that she can demonstrate her governing ability.

    If Trump would make room for Gabbard at the table, her selection could be a game-changer.  She’s as “no-nonsense” as DeSantis but nicer to look at.  She has no stomach for woke.  She calls them as she sees them.  And she’d be the perfect VP to inherit the kingdom.  Gabbard, unless she screws the pooch, could have a national presence through 2036.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Sam Huntington says:

    Who I think is electable, and why —

    Does it even matter? After more than two hundred years of being bossed around by a troop of blind monkeys, a Frontier computer with a logic table could do a better job governing this country.  Although I am willing to admit that Gabbard is nicer to look at than a computer. 

    Liked by 2 people

  9. geeez2014 says:

    EXCELLENT COMMENTS from you all.

    BOCOPRO…I forgot Stefanik and Ramaswamy (who I like a lot) Thanks, I added them to my list in the post.

    I just don’t GET Burgum popularity…he’s started sounding a tad brighter and ‘upbeat’ lately but, before that, I was disappointed because I liked what I saw when he first came on the scene (I’d never even heard of him before that)… But, REALLY? ANother kind of Trump figure? nope.

    GABBARD was a Dem, so it worries me….why her Hinduism bugs me , I don’t know, but it does…maybe because we need Christian AND Jewish voters and this is weird, a little too ‘new’ to many Americans? Though I don’t begrudge WHATEVER she wants to believe…I’m only talking to how it appears to the public.

    Otherwise, I’ve REALLY liked her lately…didn’t at first, I thought she was a wolf in sheep’s clothing when she started to talk like a conservative!

    JOE is right…Tulsi WOULD bring in moderate Dems, etc……JOE, do YOU think her religion/hinduism, would bug people enough not to vote for Trump!??

    EVERYBODY: I’m not sure many of the accusations above actually fly, but they could be right!

    I can’t stand Nikki, so I’m hoping she’s been wiped off Trump’s list.

    Sanders has done a good job as gov, but…

    Tom Cotton really is DULL but no dummy….

    PETER could be right about the woman/lesbian/minority thing………..

    I really do LIKE Tim Scott and, as you all know, I’d thought his sudden first engagement in his Fifties was on orders by Trump! “Can’t have a single VP!”…but he’s kind of fading from view somehow?

    MUSTANG AND BOCOPRO: How about Noem (who I REALLY favored) saying she’d met UN of N Korea and HADN”T? Worse than the dog thing, to ME, anyway.

    Thanks, ALL…keep talking…this is ALL great stuff and I thank you!


  10. Baysider says:

    I lean toward Gabbard. But does SHE lean toward Trump? Plus everything Mustang said. I thought she’d be the best pick for RFK. Maybe she was. Maybe she said no.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. MAL says:


    Seriously, I’m with Peter. I even contributed to him originally, then after he dropped out (way too soon, incidentally) I backed Trump. Although a Trump-DeSantis ticket would’ve been an ideal one in my opinion, it would continue to open up all the crap thrown at him during his first term, while DeSantis has an enviable record, both from his time in the Navy as well as Florida’s governor that didn’t shut down his state.


  12. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER…RFK really couldn’t have picked a worse VP candidate…he’s trying to look more centrist and he picks a fan of Gascon and Williamson!?

    I think his having picked Gabbard might have been a very good idea….not sure how she’d have felt because , from hearing her speak a lot lately, I think he’s “Lefter” than she is NOW. And yes, I think, from hearing her, she does lean toward Trump’s sanity, common sense, etc.

    MAL: Yes, I’LL BE VP! NO, I just want to be SPEECH WRITER. If he’d listen to the one I’ve put here recently, bits and pieces at least, he’d win by 90%. Tough, honest, factual, patriotic, even a tad of humility? EVERY speech he includes kindness and a bit of humility in gets RAVES…

    but, no………he just can’t keep it up.


  13. MAL says:

    DeSantis dropped out of the race waaaay too early,. He coulda and shoulda won.


  14. bunkerville says:

    Gabbard’s voting record is questionable back in the day before she had enlightenmentJust looked for it without success.. As I recall before she hung it up she was quite the Progressive…. voted present twice for Trump’s impeachment was not exactly an act of courage.

    DeSantis is from Florida and thought there was an issue with it…

    Who? No one rings a bell.. though agree that Gabbard would help Trump alot.


  15. Mustang says:

    @ Mal

    I am concerned that if you aren’t careful, Peter will soon talk you into contributing to his campaign.  He’s been doing this since 1992.  He’s one of the richest blokes in the North Caldwell area. 


  16. MAL says:

    HAH! No way, Mustang! My wallet is so tight lately, it squeaks!


  17. geeez2014 says:

    BUNKERVILLE…yes! We’ve all been discussing how Gabbard was a definite LIBERAL back in the day…if you watch FOX at all, you’ll see she’s changed plenty and describes why nearly every time. I know it’s no more popular here to agree with watching FOX than at CNN, but I believe insight like what I get there is helpful to me. Tulsi’s situation is like that.


  18. Joe Conservative says:


    JOE, do YOU think her religion/hinduism, would bug people enough not to vote for Trump!??

    It might some, but at the same time Joe Biden has Kamala on his ticket, and so could break off and pull some of her “hindu” support in from the Democrats.

    Liked by 1 person

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