“Oh, DAD! Thanks for coming!”

The TV was on this afternoon as background noise and I happened to take a look at the screen to see Biden being met at the airport by Hunter and his wife!   Big hugs, cameras rolling, kissing, etc…………It struck me as odd that Hunter and wife would meet Joe at Marine 1….instead of just being home with family and waiting till Dad got there, which is probably 10 minutes from airport to house in that small city.  Seems like privacy at times like a felony conviction are what most people would want.  Am I just being mean or looking for trouble?

What did you think of Jill Biden being there for jury selection?

How could Hunter’s wife feel about all this testimony from past sisters-in-laws who had an affair with him or knowing he’d turned that sister-in-law into a crack addict (Beau married a girl who’d let herself…??)

How’s the media SO good at keeping Joe’s brother’s story so well hidden?  Only lately are they beginning to reveal he was involved more than people think in the corruption.

Hunter went to a nearby cafeteria for lunch with wife and little boy, apparently laughing and eating, son in lap, etc.   Not sure I’d not just GO HOME after a FELONY conviction.

Sure, none of this is fascinating to most of you men here at GeeeZ, but I write this stuff because it simply baffles me that there are those who think Joe Biden is such a FINE MAN….who raised crap like THIS?

I THINK all of this reveals more than many people understand………..and they WILL vote for him.

Can you just IMAGINE if one of Trump’s kids was a crack head, not paying child support, even ignoring a child he knows is his?    Does anybody but ME know that his landlord here in a house he rented in Venice, CA was on the radio about six months ago, clearly a Biden fan but angry enough to tell his truth that Biden owed him months of rent, that he’d destroyed a stereo then wouldn’t allow a repair man in, etc etc??



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5 Responses to “Oh, DAD! Thanks for coming!”

  1. geeez2014 says:

    OFF TOPIC!!! (already?) I just saw a CNN Capitol Hill reporter say “…and so ME AND MY COLLEAGUE went to the Senate…”

    ME AND MY COLLEAGUE? Are we teaching grammar at American universities?

    ALSO: I purposefully subjected myself to the first minutes of CNN to see if they are covering the horrid news about Tajikistan terrorists caught who’d crossed over illegally…with a plan to hurt LA, Philly, New York and …I forget where else.

    They haven’t mentioned that, or the HUGE problem remaining at the border in spite of Biden’s ridiculous new exec order……..

    ALL CNN is covering is the Garland contempt possible charges…..and Sandy Hook kids graduating from high school and commemorating that day (“guns are bad” so this story has to be told as a “Major breaking news” of course), etc etc.

    NOTHING on the huge threat of terror, the enormous border problem continuing…

    it’s not amazing…but worth remembering why people vote like they do who do still watch CNN.


  2. Baysider says:

    Let’s say your cousin were charged with a crime, and the day the jury was being selected her dear friend the Princess of Wales came to court to be there for her. Ok, Jill Biden is not the Princess of Wales, but the closest Hunter could come for the same effect.


  3. Baysider says:

    Yeah, I find the “me and X” like fingernails on a blackboard. Always considered declasse. Yet some of the sharpest knives in the drawer do it. I have heard a brilliant neurosurgeon interviewed who consistently says “me and Harry” are gonna do this. He was raised in a hard scrabble urban upbringing in NYC, with street smarts, etc. Very bright in his field. Still …. cringeworthy.


  4. MAL says:

    I guess proper grammar went out with bushel and peck. They’re both outdated.


  5. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER…ya, that’s what I’d mentioned….Jill was SO THERE to not support but INTIMIDATE!
    And, my main point was “would i get convicted of a felony and go to the airport to pick up my president dad or stay at his home with family and wait till he got there? I THINK I’D WAIT TILL HE GOT THERE….it’s probably 10 minutes… But, of course, cameras aren’t rolling at home, are they!!!

    Oh, YES! VERY smart people say “Me and him…” YIKES! They must not have had my Dad or my teachers 🙂

    MAL: Sad, isn’t it…that they’re outdated. Honestly, who cares, but it just drives me NUTS for some reason!!


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