FINALLY, as Baysider texted me the other day, others are beginning to see (or at least MENTION/PUBLISH) what I’ve been warning about for months (and, trust me, economics aren’t my forte)..the ECONOMY HAS TO FALL BECAUSE RENTS CAN’T BE PAID BY FAILING RESTAURANTS AND SHOPS, BUILDINGS CAN’T PAY THEIR MORTGAGES BECAUSE RENTERS ARE RUNNING BUSINESSES ON LINE, NOT AT THE OFFICE, ETC ETC..BANKS ARE SUFFERING…..Those are just a few of the reasons we are in HUUUGE TROUBLE$$$

SO…what can TRUMP DO?   The arguments against Biden are “Nobody can afford a home!” (News flash;  I’ve not known many 20-somethings to buy homes even when things were economically brilliant), “groceries are too high!” (that is FOR SURE), “Rents are terrible” (Yep), etc etc.



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  1. bocopro says:

    A 2nd DJT term would be little more than a speed bump, a splash of mercurochrome on a political body bleeding from countless open and festering wounds, a styptic pencil on a neck from which the head has been removed, a square of tissue paper on a seppuku gash.

    Murka is well past the turnaround point on the Path To Ignominy, the Road To Ruin, the Highway To Hell.  The Ethics Meter needle is bouncing on 0, the Corruption Gauge is stuck on Max, and the Trust Meter is off the scale past E.

    He might appoint another SCotUS justice, maybe a pair, and he might hold a thorough field day to get DEI and pride flags out of the Pentagon, but he won’t fix the CIA, the FBI, the EPA, the UN, or the Middle East.  Ain’t gonna happen.

    Conservatives simply don’t understand how to win political fights.  They go to hockey games wearing skis and gunfights carrying water pistols.  There’s just no hope for the debt, no way to reverse inflation, and no fix for 30 million illegal parasites.

    I no longer listen to polls, to Fox, to any political news on TV.  Nothin I can do about any of it anyhow.  In the BEST of conservative conditions set up by the next “election,” they’d have a tiny majority in the Senate and nowhere near the 2/3 threshold in the House.

    Libs would never permit funding or legislation supporting a general housecleaning, so Trump would be forced to govern by EO, which would again be totally reversed by any future D admin before they could be codified.  Speedbump demolished.

    The only way things can get “fixed” in this disintegrating republic would be for California, New York, and Illinois to be placed on Dean-Wormer double-secret probation with their electoral votes held in suspension pending paydown of the debt, withdrawal from the UN, establishment of term limits, in-person voting with foto I.D., and removal of all persons inside the country without proper authority.

    We have NO national interests in central Europe, where Biden’s team is working diligently to trigger world war, NO national interests in the Middle East, where nobody in our government has a clue what the hell is going on, and NO national interest in allowing 1% of the population to dictate rules of behavior for the other 99%.

    Turn off social media along with 24/7 “breaking news,” eject the anti-US cabal from their cushy gig on the East River, extricate ourselves the “holy land,” and tell NATO to solve their own damned problems.  IOW, physician heal thyself.

    New broom.  Clean sweep.  Spring housecleaning.  Thorough decontamination.  Rope.  Tree.  Rail. Gate. Send in the farm team and throw out the clowns.  If not, call in the dogs and piss on the fire, ‘cuz THIS party’s over.


  2. Mustang says:

    Sixty-one percent of working Americans regularly invest in stocks and bonds.  But what drives the economy is consumer confidence.  Any marker above 100 means American consumers have confidence in our economy, and any marker below 100 means Americans have lost their trust. 

    Presidential leadership (or lack of it) significantly impacts the economy, particularly in terms of confidence — a leading economic indicator.  If 61% of investing Americans have confidence in the market, they are likely to invest.

    Now, consider the impact of federal and state tax policies. Every dollar spent in taxes is one dollar less; consumers have to invest in the market or themselves. Lower taxes mean more disposable income for investment. What this means is that presidential leadership (or lack of it) determines how much people invest or spend and the kinds of things they invest in or purchase.      

    New ways of doing commerce emerged in the 21st century.  Online commerce is convenient.  People who operate out of their homes keep more of their earnings to themselves.  The goal of every business is to maximize profit by reducing overhead.  We are still in the middle of this transformation, but it explains the disappearing shops in the malls, which are closing in droves.

    And we can already see that large department stores are transitioning from gosh-awful, expensive mega-stores to online selling and marketing.  This hasn’t anything to do with Biden’s piss-poor economic policies — but consumer confidence does.  One of the great mysteries in our universe is why any Democrat had confidence in Biden sufficient to justify his election in 2020. 

    Liked by 2 people

  3. geeez2014 says:

    ED….Reagan….just the name makes me smile, then frown that he’s gone!
    As a person who’s forte is NOT economics, I guess I zeroed in on the other great things he did. Tell me; Did Reagan bring our economy back and HOW? I’d love to know…thanks SO much.

    BOCOPRO….so no advice to Trump on the economy!?

    I LOVE the idea he spoke of two days ago “No more taxes on tips”…WOW, vote getter…then we might think “Wow, less tax money for the country” But maybe FIRING all those IRS agents Biden wanted to hire to SCREW any American he could find owed an extra $5 would even out the lost money!!? HAA!

    MUSTANG: Excellent. you said “What this means is that presidential leadership (or lack of it) determines how much people invest or spend and the kinds of things they invest in or purchase. 

    So YES, lower taxes REALLY should help…………….then I worry that less taxes aren’t enough to support gov’t…….???


  4. Pingback: If All You See... - Pirate's Cove » Pirate's Cove

  5. Sam Huntington says:

    Don’t we already have too much government? Do we really need a Space Force, a Department of Homeland Security, or a Department of Education? Why do we need it now if this country survived for 226 without all that super-sized stuff? In government, smaller is better.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. bunkerville says:

    Drill baby Drill…. get our economic engine roaring once again…Build things, make things for the next generation….Iran was on the ropes, Russia as well until Biden forced all these alliances against us… China is not doing well at all….Sell Europe all the Nat Gas and coal it needs as well as the rest of the world.

    We still are the number one economy….Get India on board with us and let us be the super power we were.

    It will go a long way toward collapsing those countries that oppose us. At the least make them far less beligerent


  7. geeez2014 says:

    BUNKERVILLE…I like your suggestion and I like your optimism…and I AGREE!!

    SAM: The Dept of HS has done ZIP, hasn’t it…but I’d have thought we need SOMETHING FINALLY protecting our SECURITY….

    The MILITARY, as you’d otherwise suggested in your site post I highly recommend reading?? (Listen, GeeeZ readers!)


  8. Joe Conservative says:

    Why? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mustang says:

    What Bunkerville said … in spades.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Joe Conservative says:

    Hope on the British horizon. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Baysider says:

    I’m not optimistic. Especially since I think many have naively high expectations. I believe deep money interests are ready, willing and able to scarf up actual assets (like property) at fire sale prices. Interests that got in their way in the early years of the lockdown, putting small competition out of business and so forth. Interests who don’t give a rat’s ass if 10% of the country starves then or goes broke now on rampant inflation. Part of the road to “you will own nothing.” The government largess of the covid era is actually the chains of slavery.

    Trump’s last Fed chief moved energetically against him, doing the opposite of what he wanted, trying to clamp down the economy, and it still flourished under Trump. I think that surprised some of these moles. I said in April 2020 that Trump lacked the resources to responf to the more insidious threat on which Fauci and Birx led the charge. What’s to keep the next Fed chief from over correcting to bury Trump in depression? Watch that space.

    The question will be who learned the most? Donald, on how to “rein in the swamp” or the swamp on how to bury any opponent by lawfare? Donald’s case depends on thousands of strong, vocal minions who can withstand the same lawfare. Surely events of this year have put a chill on that! The swamp’s case depends on being able to keep doing what you’re doing, unseen and unindicted – like the current felon in the White House. Having a black network of unaccountable spooks stand against you in ways you can’t see or anticipate IS pretty tough. Additionally, I fear there’s a reality somewhere that is laying the groundwork to pin a nuclear war with Russia on Trump – just in case.

    “Bland as blu tack” – whatta line!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Baysider mentioned the Fed opposing Trump.
    Under Reagan (at his insistence), Paul Voelker raised interest rates, caused a recession which lowered inflation and the economy prospered as a result.
    Reagan took a chance and a political hit, but recovered.
    It cost some pain.


  13. geeez2014 says:

    ED….WOW….”raised int. rates, caused recession, lowered inflation, we prospered!” No wonder Reagan took a hit…that’s a lot of pain to get to where we need to be.

    Thank you SO MUCH, Ed. That helps!!

    JOE: Argentina, Hungary, Italy(tho my German stepson assures me Meloni isn’t as conservative as she once let on, but that could just be because he’s German and she pisses them off!!!! :-)), El Salvador (My personal favorite), and, maybe, England (good luck on that, but…)

    “and the times, they are a changin’….” I’ve been saying this for a couple of years….I think my wishes might be coming to fruition…. God, please.

    BAYSIDER….it’s hilarious to see that all the Left you suggest is pinning on Conservatives/Trump is exactly what THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING. Hilarious, or DISGUSTING…I guess I’d favor DISGUSTING over hilarious, but…

    I believe that all the hideous government infighting going on NOW may be helpful when they start attacking Trump even harder; people now mistrust the news (even libs, according to the polls), they mistrust the DoJ, they want QUIET AND PEACE AND ECONOMIC SUCCESS…which is why I posted this today;

    If Trump can SOMEHOW pull that off, finish what he’d started before he got blind sided by COVID, we could get Republicans in for some years to come.

    “let us pray……… Amen” (Judy Swatt passed last night, Bay)


  14. Larry Lambert wrote:
    “President Reagan had a unique political talent for explaining complex policy and strategy matters in simple terms. In 1986, he summed up the state of the U.S. economy under the Carter administration:

    “Back then, the government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: if it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

    Over eight years, the Reagan administration successfully rolled back excessive government interventions of the Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Carter administrations, unleashing the productive capacity of the U.S. economy.”


  15. Baysider says:

    Oh, no. I thought she was home in hospice from the email we got, and sent a card today. I had a tenant who went through 2 successful rounds of treatment for same and is well today. There is a lot of luck in life. Another family that could really use prayer – that her sons draw to God, not away.


  16. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER…”for same?” Even her best friends don’t know what it was….What’s definitely known is it finally went to her brain and that was it. yes, definitely need prayer…Rick, particularly. He is EXTREMELY private and it’s going to be rougher on him. Tuvya will do the service at the Hillcrest..I think it’s Tuesday.

    ED…thanks so much…. Great stuff. And thank you, Mr. Lambert 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. geeez2014 says:

    ED…I don’t mean Carter did ‘great stuff’….I mean UNDERSTANDING this so well through your help is GREAT STUFF, thanks! 🙂 !!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, Judy’s mother is in her early nineties and very ‘together’ mentally….please keep her in your prayers, too, as they were quite close xxx


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