It IS a “Grand Old Flag!” to go with the Grand Old Party!

I just saw something that said;


This seems to be VERY true.   I also see young men in universities who are clean cut and they’re usually supporting America in some way.  I also see that at posts with pictures of young people in churches, or Conservative debates, or anything Conservative….the young people are clean cut.    I’m not saying that long haired guys and scantily, or sloppily, dressed girls are all Liberals, not at all!, but it’s a trend I’ve “tried and trued” over the years.    I’ll see an image on TV of a big group in some kind of conversation or meeting for some purpose and, if they’re cleaner cut, it’s always a kind of Republican or Conservative situation.

I think that’s important……..I DO drive down a street and, if I see a flag, think “They’re Republicans”    I wish more people didn’t just notice that, but ask WHY?

Do you agree?

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12 Responses to It IS a “Grand Old Flag!” to go with the Grand Old Party!

  1. Pink hair, nose rings are a dead giveaway. And I’m talking about the guys!
    But you are right. You can tell the fraternity boys protecting the flag from the Hamas loving losers attacking it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MAL says:

    It’s a different time, Ed. My “Greatest Generation” also spoiled us and made us depend on the government instead of being independent, self-reliant and free. No one ever discusses that, do they? Yes, we built a strong nation, invented the internet, advanced in electronics, and even went to the moon. We also invented AI which, many fear, could take over our lives. Have we outsmarted ourselves? Time will tell.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Baysider says:

    It’s sad but true I think. Years ago we flew the flag daily. Our Democrat neighbor across the street picked that up and put hers out, too. It came down when she died, and that part of America was dying too – where a Dem could fly the flag of the country she loved. Now they fly Ukraine’s flag, or Hamas, or whoever is the latest fad. Shallow.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. geeez2014 says:

    Honestly, I’m not implying all Democrats don’t fly the flag or are clean cut, but IN GENERAL? Oh yes, I think we’re all correct on this!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. MAL says:

    Of course not, Z. Just because they’re clueless doesn’t mean they aren’t good people. They just fail to get it.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Sam Huntington says:

    If they hate America, they’re not good people … or my kind of people. America is no place for clueless people. If they’re clueless, they have to go away.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    SAM…I’m suggesting all Dems don’t hate America…just because they don’t fly a flag, right?

    But I AGREE….I’m tired of hearing people say, or reading, how “Just because people don’t agree with us doesn’t mean they’re bad..” etc. My response is I used to feel that way, but now that their disagreeing with me MIGHT mean OPEN BORDERS, ILLEGALS VOTING, HIGH GROCERY PRICES ARE OKAY, STAYING SEATED FOR THE FLAG OR ANTHEM, etc etc………….then Yes, I THINK THEY’RE NOT GOOD PEOPLE. PERIOD.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mustang says:

    Bravo, Z … I agree with you (and Sam).

    Liked by 1 person

  9. MAL says:

    Wow! That made me an outcast. AAAARG! I should’ve said some or many Dems aren’t bad folks just because they don’t get it. In Vegas I had a neighbor that was very active in politics and in 2016 she even held a Hillary get together at her home with T.V. crew filming from the street, etc., but she was a warm person that always held a party at Christmas time for all us neighbors, etc. We use to kid around by teasing one another. I still have one home left there and the tenants are Dems, also, but nice people. They all just don’t get it, that’s all. Trying to convince them otherwise is impossible. I’m convinced there are a lot more like them that have been brainwashed.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. geeez2014 says:

    MAL: Of course they’re fine people…I have a Black friend who believes as I do but says “my family’s always voted Democrat, so I just can’t…” (I think she’s finally changing now, but…) She’s an amazing person!

    I think our point is that, once an American votes for a person who’s implemented and welcomed open borders, and once we see people remain seated for the anthem or flag, or allow inflation to get to where it is, or welcome wokeness even in the military, etc etc., THEN they’ve crossed the line.

    They go from being good people to dangerous people, dangerous to AMERICA…that’s how some of us feel, anyway. I sure do. I’ll bet your friend wouldn’t remain seated for the anthem, etc., and she’d probably hate the open border, but would she vote differently? If not, she’s not someone I could admire, that’s for sure….

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Baysider says:

    Z, that is what my Democrat neighbor said when we asked her why she stayed with things she totally disagreed with going on in the Democrat party. “we’ve just always been Democrats.”

    Liked by 2 people

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