Sunday Faith Post…and HAPPY DAD’S DAY to my wonderful GeeeZ readers!

A friend is in the hospital and the “pastoral care” guy came into her room yesterday.  She told me he asked if she was a person of faith and she mentioned she was a Christian.  He said “We don’t mention religions….I get atheists for pastoral care, too…” 

She asked where he studied for this “UCLA!”  Ah, that’s why.  When UCLA first took over Santa Monica Hospital, a friend who was a docent there said they were instructed to take all Bibles out of the rooms….that’s over NOW, FOLKS!  NO MORE BIBLES..EVEN IF YOU WANT ONE!  SOMEONE MIGHT OPEN THE DRAWER AND BE OFFENDED BY SEEING IT!….(sarcasm..yes!!)

Turns out he seems to be a Christian, too…….and agreed with most of my friend’s comments about her Christianity, etc.   And, I don’t believe you must be a Christian for pastoral care…you can be Jewish, you can just need someone to talk to, I GET THAT… but this guy was a Christian, apparently.  AND he told her this:

Of the SEVEN people in the class training them for Pastoral Care, SIX are “IN TRANSITION!”   He said “In training, we call it FLUIDITY”.

And, again…what do I CARE what they are..?  But SIX OUT OF SEVEN?   What is GOING ON???   At Mom’s funeral, there were about five guys from Forest Lawn Mortuary …all dressed in dark grey slacks, shirts, ties…and jackets.  One was a female to male trans…My friend asked me “Is this person from man to woman, or woman to man?”   My response was “There are breasts behind that tie!” 🙂   But, the person, while more DOUR and humorless than the very nice men she worked with, was fine!


So, today I ASK FOR PRAYERS…….For people to be content, to leave our children alone, to know this is just plain WEIRD, and to forgive ME for finding it troubling and, personally?, kind of sickening.


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12 Responses to Sunday Faith Post…and HAPPY DAD’S DAY to my wonderful GeeeZ readers!

  1. bocopro says:

    As a li’l kid, I was forced to eat beets.  Didn’t wanna eat ‘em.  Didn’t like ‘em.  Wanted pork chops, ham & eggs, gravy, smashed taters, bread & butter, maybe even some green beans or peas now and then.  Not beets.

    One of my aunts delighted in pinching my chin to get me to open my mouth and then jamming a wad of red beets in it.  She’d clamp my mouth shut with her hands until I swallowed the unwanted mouthful.

    To this day I don’t like beets.  Won’t eat ‘em.  Bad memories of stuff I didn’t want bein crammed down my throat.

    Today the media, AND the gummint, are crammin tiny minority demographics down my throat — mostly black faces in commercials . . . gays in sitcoms . . . biological males in women’s athletics . . . mutilation of pre-adolescent children for a perverse fad about as credible as pet rocks.

    As a young man, I was purty liberal . . . all for the underdog, civil rights, Jackie Robinson — most of my girlfriends were dark-haired and dark-eyed, some even Latina.  Even married a southeast Asian girl.  Felt good about it.

    Now all I see on TV is black faces, mixed-race families, same-sex couples on TV, obese beauty queens, DEI wrecking the military, high-level appointees chosen for color and gender.

    I’m beginning to dislike same-sex couples, mixed-race commercials, gay and lesbian officlals and spokespersons in D.C. 

    Sometimes it seems the Biden administration’s goal is to turn me into a racist, misogynist, bitter homophobe who doesn’t see the logic of less than 1% of the population (trannies) setting behavioral standards for the rest of us.

    And what I REALLY can’t comprehend is why nobody seems to understand that it’s monkey-see/monkey-do . . . weirdos demanding their 15 minutes of fame . . . perverts insisting that we “Look at ME!  Look at ME!”  and without Madison Avenue, without social media, without “progressive” leadership, it wouldn’t be happening AT ALL !!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joe Conservative says:

    It’s about the power to pick winners and losers in society. The master and university discourses are in agreement. Trans are the winner “flavour of the month!” If you’ve got an official “history month”… you’re on the government’s top ten winning flavours list.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sam Huntington says:

    I am so with you on this, Z.  I don’t understand why people are unsatisfied with how God made them. And yes, it is sick.  Somehow, years ago, I knew this was coming.  I knew it was only a matter of time after British scientists began experimenting with test-tube embryos.

    The utter stupidity of our so-called best and brightest is jaw-dropping.  Do you remember when scientists argued for developing particle accelerators — didn’t they call it “searching for the God Particle?”

    As you like to say, “What?”

    They were trying to create manageable dark matter.  Since no one has ever seen dark matter, I don’t know how anyone would recognize it even if they had made it.  Somehow, at least to me, creating a black hole on Earth inside a test tube is a terrible idea. 

    Liked by 1 person

  4. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO…YOU COULDN’T BE MORE CORRECT ….. It’s starting to frustrate me when I see happy American couples with a Black Dad, White Mom and Asian kid; how’d they create THAT? No problem; the Ad department had to please everyone…

    There probably isn’t anybody more for mixed race marriages than I am…My family is blessed by THE best Christian, handsome, NFL exec Black nephew and their 3 ADORABLE mixed race kids………..but we love him because he’s HIM, not because he’s BLack! I do think mixed marriages might be the only way to stop the racism I hear is still rampant across the country (I never see it here, myself, in the part of LA I’m in…ever) But cramming down unrealistic scenarios in ads doesn’t help. It DOES help at LITTLE to see normal Black families, not ghetto people with guns!!! but…enough’s enough. America is NOT 95% Black, so stop the 95% Black TV commercials.

    And now we have men tenderly kissing on ads for HIV meds…..maybe it’s just ME but it creeps me out to see it on TV and our kids now think that’s just as normal as man/woman. When it isn’t. I hope they’re happy but, this is why I usually add “Do your thing, but LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE” I don’t mean “Don’t molest them!” necessarily! (but don’t!) I mean STOP SHOWING THEM IT’S JUST AS GODLY AND NORMAL AS THEIR FOLKS ARE.

    (I love beets…pickled, especially!!) haha!

    JOE: Ain’t that the truth!

    SAM: Yes, the whole thing is TOUGH. I’m not suggesting these people honestly feel they’re in the wrong body; imagine feeling like a woman when you’re a young boy??? But we assimilate mostly to having watched our parents……..Man and WOman…we make our choices based on what we know…..only a VERY FEW seem to have been desirous of changing their sex all these years since Adam! WHY NOW?


  5. Mustang says:

    There is nothing new under the sun.

    We used to call such people hermaphrodites.  We don’t do that now because the word hurts people’s feelings and makes them feel freakish.  Well, they are freakish.  A hermaphrodite may have begun as a set of twins, but the biological process melded two into one, such that they had both male and female parts when they were born.  The word has fallen out of favor, so now we refer to them as “intersex” people.  They’re still hermaphrodites.

    We first learn of such creatures from the Sumerian creation myth.  This suggests that such people have existed for at least 4,000 years.  From ancient Judean history, we know that such individuals took on male or female roles according to their psychological inclinations.  We also know that such people existed in ancient India, Greece, and Rome — and some have said that the post-Roman Ostrogoth emperor Theodoric was a hermaphrodite, but I don’t think we know this as a fact.

    So, my point here is that in terms of biology, such people do exist.  The modern solution to the problem is that parents can decide which sex they wish their child to be, and the miracle of science will produce it.  I’ve known one such person.  As a child born with both sexes, doctors advised the parents that since the dominant sex was female, the greatest long-term success would be to create a female, removing male sex organs.  That’s what they did.  She grew up to become a normal female.

    Since such a mishmash can exist biologically, we might also imagine such a condition can exist psychologically.  We are aware of the inclination for cross-dressing.  No doubt, this is an expression of a preference; some people derive pleasure from dressing in the garments of the opposite sex.  Perhaps it is a place where they feel “more comfortable.” Both parts do not exist, of course, but psychologically, something is amiss.

    Modern science allows people to change their physical structure to the only other possibility.  The difference in the modern world is that rather than being tortured by such conditions (physical and psychological hermaphroditism), people can choose to move themselves (almost) entirely to the “other side.”  This is a grave mistake because it is not a simple medical procedure.  It is not only life-changing; it lasts a lifetime.  Surgery is never done, medications continue forever, and there is a physical sickness involved that evolves from the natural body trying to reject that which is being forced upon it.  Sexual migration is not a wise decision.

    I do wonder — is such freakishness also part of God’s plan for some of us?


  6. jess says:

    I find it contradictory for all emotional, and mental, disorders to have a concentrated effort for psychiatric treatment, except for transsexualism. That, and the hypocritical view of accepting all religious beliefs, except for Christianity. Neither is the result of a healthy society, and ignoring the damage of such views will only lead to more damage.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG…a friend of mine were texting last night and saying what you’re saying….this has been always here with us.

    MY question, and I think this is valid, is WHY NOW? We did NOT have six out of ten people probably even considering transitioning……… We chose what our parents were, we assimilated to the male and female (I should say “OR!”!!!) we were grown and raised with…most of us.

    And your last question is THE QUESTION I always wonder about “What’s this about, God? This is your plan?” Your Biblical plan is for men never to lie with other men, women not to lie with other women, it is for man to marry woman and procreate. Where do these people, who I FIRMLY believe don’t always CHOOSE to be gay or want to become the other gender, go? What’s for them? Most are fine people…they’re not murderers, thieves….not more than all people are!! What’s up, God?!

    JESS….I felt really bad that CHristianity wasn’t able to be discussed until my friend says the guy kind of relaxed in their conversation and ‘came clean’ that he was a believer…….he even said “I fear this culture is what my kids are growing up in”…don’t tell ME he was including his six TRANSITIONING, FLUID friends in that….

    You say “…ignoring the damage of such views will only lead to more damage.” And many , mostly on the Left, will say “ignoring them is the thing that’s damaging them…they need acceptance, they need to be known for who they”! You know that’s what people say.

    I say “Live who you are, leave our children alone…live lives of dignity, we don’t need to see men in fishnet stockings and false eyelashes, thank you very much!!” 🙂 Those stupid outrageously ‘gay’ folks are destroying any respect we could have for those we’ve all known who are quiet, wonderful people just living their lives….like FOX’s Guy Benson, for example….White, Gay, married, a father…….he wears suits, clean cut hair, etc. He’s just living HIS LIFE. Good for him! Enter some flaming ‘flamer’ and we think “Man, those gay freaks!’…how could most people not?…until NOW when teachers have taught our kids “Gay is better”…


  8. Baysider says:

    Great point BP. We’re sick and tired of being force fed ‘beets.’


  9. bunkerville says:

    All sounds reasonable to me Z.. I think you are on point~. ! What have we come too?


  10. geeez2014 says:

    BUNKERVILLE….you don’t mean “…you are on point…What have we come to,” but “What have we come to that this is all crazy?” RIGHT?!!! 🙂

    (Sorry, I just had to!! HAHA!)


  11. Statistically, true hermaphroditism is rare,
    There are women who have a very large clitoris that approach the size of a small penis. They don’t pee through it.
    This is demonic oppression. This is marketing. This is an attack by the Enemy on God’s plan.
    “What was God thinking?”
    Read His book.
    The question is, “What are the ungodly thinking?”
    They are misleading many into permanent dependency on drugs to remake their bodies into something someone convinced them was appropriate for them.
    Making themselves in their own image.

    And freaks who have done it want the affirmation of other people doing it.


  12. ** You can pretend to be a girl, but you’ll still need a prostate exam at age 40.


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