My Fellow Americans….ya, it’s me, but don’t turn this off!!!

Thank you for your attention today.    You know, I have to admit that I can be VERY blustery and seem ‘full of myself’ and people don’t much like the personality they see in public, and I really can’t blame them!… I know most of you don’t like the nicknames I have for politicians, and I get that!  I’m definitely not perfect, that’s for sure!  But I get SO ANGRY on America’s part and I’d like to explain if I may:

You see, I love this country so much that it bothers me more than some people might be bothered when people in American leadership mess up such important things! And, I’m just a MAN, it bothers me to see the lies the media prints about me, the way it treats me and my family, and my business…’s very hurtful!  BUT most hurtful because they’re lying YOU!

-Since when did we not need borders?  What other country does that?

-Since when do we treat illegals better than US Veterans?

-How did inflation get so high and who’s doing something about it?

-Why did we stop drilling here for oil and make ourselves reliant on unfriendly countries?

-How did crime get so acceptable that you just can’t steal over a certain amount?

-I could go ON and ON, but you get my point.

THESE THINGS and much MORE are why I’m upset and probably act like the big bad guy much of the time….when I just love this country so much I can barely stand what’s going on!  Can YOU?

Why would you vote all over again for those things I just enumerated???

Please vote with the half of America who feels like I do about those things…this might be THE most important election in our country’s history!  Not because I’m included, it’s not my ego showing here… NO!  It’s because we can’t take another four years of open borders, the threat of illegals voting, difficulty with high prices, the way crime is so out of control and the bad guys seeming to best our good guys in blue,  etc etc.

Remember this one thing before you vote;   Yes, technically, you’re voting for me but you’re voting for AMERICA!!!  Ignore me!  And VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP!!  I’ll even try to be a little more likable, I don’t suppose that’d totally help my grouchy reputation but I mean this most sincerely!!!

Thank you for your patience…please stand with me and VOTE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!   She deserves to be the best because she IS the best!    I’m even thinking I’ll try to be the best!   We’ll close borders, lowering the costs for food and gas, we stop taxing hospitality business taxes…….we will SUCCEED AGAIN!  Do it with me!!  We’ll be thrilled and will get our country in shape!   Thank you all…God bless you, fellow Americans!    AMERICA THANKS YOU!

Donald J. Trump

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8 Responses to My Fellow Americans….ya, it’s me, but don’t turn this off!!!

  1. Baysider says:

    One could only WISH!!


  2. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER; I sincerely believe he’d win 75% of the vote were he to say anything CLOSE to this!!


  3. geeez2014 says:

    The very idea that the gag order still stands, after the trial, and that both sides generally get a gag order and that isn’t happening for Trump, is outrageous.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fisker just didn’t have an IC operation to subsidize it’s EV endeavours.
    Ford loses $60k on every EV it builds.
    They have drastically cut back, but not abandoned.
    Suppliers who added equipment to support them get squeezed now because, Hey! the auto companies ask you to bid, you bid, or lose work.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 says:

    I’ve sent this to a few friends who WISH, too, like BAYSIDER, that Trump WOULD say something like this……..I WISH!!


  6. Joe Conservative says:

    If only YOU could advise and convince him, Z. He’s a “tragically” flawed candidate for certain. His pride and obstinacy are both his greatest virtues, and greatest vices.


  7. geeez2014 says:

    JOE… you’re one of the few who sees that, too…..His EGO is a vice but the virtue of his ego is that he’d say “Nothing bad is going to happen to America under MY WATCH!” 🙂 Right?! I think that’s why so many felt safer under his watch!

    Liked by 1 person

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