Tapper……..no words. I’d be banned from blogging.

I believe THIS LAW SUIT will be so easy to prove that it delights me.   Mostly, because it’s against CNN and the loathsome Jake Tapper, debate host Thursday night.

Let Afghans come forward and prove they themselves had to pay a patriotic veteran who worked so hard to help during the botched Biden  Afghanistan withdrawal!  They’d never do that because all we heard was how much they appreciated  Zachary Young !

BUT….Please read the end of the article because Zachary Young WAS paid to take people out of what had become a war zone!    I suppose he should have paid HIMSELF for the planes, the security, the medical staffs necessary to HELP PEOPLE????



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13 Responses to Tapper……..no words. I’d be banned from blogging.

  1. bunkerville says:

    Well the lawsuit was filed in Florida which goes to show he has intelligence and a good chance at winning. Too bad the GOP doesn’t catch on to that little factoid.

    If these so called migrants pony up 10 to 15 K to get here, it seems to be the going rate. Which always amazes me no one has tried to figure out where all these millions of illegals get such a sum.

    The fella no doubt had to pay off all kinds of people along the way to get them out.


  2. Joe Conservative says:

    I thought that liberals LOVED coyotes…


  3. Mustang says:

    I’m not allowed to read the article because I’m not a paid subscriber, so I can’t comment on the article or anyone else’s observations. 


  4. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG…please try again. I am not a paid subscriber; FOX doesn’t have that, anyway….it’s free.

    JOE….right………..seems like they do.

    Zachary Young is a hero who, apparently, was expected not only to risk his life and those working with him to get Afghans and others out but to PAY for it, too!! Tapper was , as usual, UGLY in his condemnation……….and wrong.

    BUNKERVILLE…. exactly! Florida is the place………HOPING Tapper loses BIG TIME.

    AND…yes, Young definitely would have had to pay to get people out, probably even for planes, pilots, etc!!!

    AND… WHY CAN’T REPUBLICANS EVER FIGURE THE SIMPLEST THINGS OUT…?? Although, not being a lawyer, I don’t know if someone can sue from anywhere he wants ….??


  5. MAL says:

    The $10-15,000 fees the migrants need to pay has me wondering how many more are waiting, trying to get in or attempt it on their own. Does the money include their food and other necessities besides their transportation? And perhaps even the cell phones they all seem to have. Also, speaking of cell phones, we get weak cell service here at a lake maybe 10 miles from town with Verizon, so what kind of service are they getting, if any, while on foot, out in the open?


  6. Baysider says:

    “Prices well beyond the reach of most Afghans,” — so where are all those ‘humanitarians’ who are helping masses of folks from all over the globe break into our country, arranging buses and air charters, etc?

    So, are the news heads paid to deliver news? Heaven forfend! Since it’s a religion with so many, why don’t they volunteer their time?

    It’s popular to venue shop for a judge. (He also demanded a jury in the original filing – very smart, for an ex military guy cleaning up the mess of an administration unpopular with regular military. A “jury of his peers” would have been there too at some point.) There is a BIG case going on now where the parties are fighting over a Texas District Court …. and one in Washington D.C. Each claims a nexus for their cause. I think the Texas claim won out. Young’s company is located in Florida so he can file there.


  7. geeez2014 says:


    Regarding that Rep Bowman who just lost his race in NY………..In his ridiculous rant the other day, he kept saying “They’re coming for me, my family, my house”…..

    WHO ARE “THEY”? Did anybody ASK?


    This morning, I had FOX on and they reported on a Supreme Court situation where a ruling was given that was too early… they took it back, so to speak. It was on Abortion and , I think, Idaho? Anyway, FOX’s Shannon Bream, an attorney and very smart gal, reported on it.

    About 20 minutes later, I put on CNN to see if they were covering the Mayorkas presser in AZ that FOX was showing about the boarder (they weren’t, of course, they RARELY cover the border) only to find CNN’s reporter saying how “Nobody else covered this story on abortion but us….I saw no other outlet covering it at all!”

    FOX had covered it way before she did………so typical.


  8. Sam Huntington says:

    I see that CNN’s first line of defense was that Tapper’s show was opinion rather than fact.  We’ll have to wait and see how that flies in the long term.  A lawsuit filed in FL is probably a good thing, but if it goes to trial in a whacked-out liberal county courthouse — not so good.


  9. geeez2014 says:

    MAL: All very good questions! Are you on a lake? Who knows who pays for all these illegals? Those from overseas come over on planes $$$, the FOX reporters all say how well dressed, clean and snazzy the Chinese are, in particular…as they add “THEY didn’t walk for miles to the border, that’s for SURE!”

    I really do wonder about the cell phones, too……where are they even charging them? In the desert?!!!

    BAYSIDER: It’s popular to venue shop for a judge..Republicans mostly just don’t GET IT, apparently. Also, what cracks me up is when a judge rules against anything-Trump and the leftwing media gets the BIGGEST charge of “TRUMP -APPOINTED judge rules against him… ” etc….

    YET, the Left disparages the Supreme Court justices when they vote against their leftwing ideology! The Left just doesn’t understand that judges are to rule ON THE LAW, not the LAW OF DEMOCRATS.

    And yes, why doesn’t the Conservative news make a bigger stink about how Biden’s flying illegals all over? Bringing them in, too, I’m sure….


  10. geeez2014 says:

    SAM: I think Opinion or not, it was a REALLY low blow, probably a LIE, and this poor guy lost reputation and income…….so how could “only opinion, not news” apply?

    Did you see the Trump Representative on CNN being interviewed by a woman who completely cut her off for QUOTING TAPPER? Tapper’s called Trump HITLER! And HE’s hosting the debate? He’s said AWFUL things and Dana Bash, too.

    It’s an utter joke!


  11. Sam Huntington says:

    I agree that it appears CNN handed Mr. Young a low blow, but the truth is a defense to slander, libel, or defamation in U.S. law.  Truth means “fact.”  Opinion is not fact, so courts have held that no defamation exists when someone merely offers an opinion.  I also think that Young has a good case; let’s hope he also has a good lawyer.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. geeez2014 says:

    SAM: Let’s hope he has a free lawyer.


  13. MAL says:

    Z, in answer to your question, yes, we are on a lake about 10 miles south of Olympia. Its hilly and in a forest which makes cell phone calls difficult. They held their annual boat races here last weekend with boats screaming around all the buoys with speeds up to 90 mph. Most folks are glad its only once a year. The rest of the time the speed limit is 35 (but they will go a little faster, maybe 50 or 60 at times). I haven’t decided if I’m going to try slalom skiing this Summer. The last time I did was 25 years ago at age 70 so if I do, it won’t be over 30 mph. I’ll be sure someone gets a video of it, for sure!

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