Sunday Faith Post…2 people who remember…

The Light of the Mind

By Joni Eareckson Tada

I once visited a nursing home back in New Jersey run by Marvin van Dyke, a dear Christian friend. The place was brightly lit, beautifully decorated, and very clean. The ladies in the kitchen prepared a wonderful luncheon for us, and Marvin invited several of the nursing home residents to join us. One of the attendees was his former pastor, the Reverend Herrmann Braunlin. This beloved man of God had pastored Hawthorne Bible Church for over thirty years, but Alzheimer’s disease had robbed him of any ability to communicate, recall, or think clearly.

Nevertheless, Reverend Braunlin came to the luncheon impeccably dressed in suit and tie, his hair neatly combed and shoes shined. Marvin introduced us and the pastor smiled, greeting me warmly. He didn’t talk much, though. He spent most of the time wandering around the room and looking out the window. Once in a while he would turn to me or one of my friends, and the vacant look in his eyes would clear for a moment; he would shake our hands and ask, “Hello there, and what’s your name?”

Marvin, to my surprise, asked Reverend Braunlin to say the blessing over our meal. Without flinching, the elderly pastor rose from his seat at the table, leaned on his hands, and began, saying, “O gracious heavenly Father, we bow before you this day to humbly ask your blessing on these, our friends, and upon this meal, which has been prepared by the hands of servants who love you. Strengthen us and endue us plenteously from on high with every grace and blessing so that we too might serve you with whole and devoted hearts. In the name of Christ our Lord, Amen.” My friends and I looked at each other in amazement. It was as though the room had filled with light from heaven.

After his prayer Reverend Braunlin sat down. The vacant gaze returned. But the light did not go out.

God’s Word is a light not only to our path but to our thinking. Hide it in your heart today, and you will never walk in darkness.

ODDLY, I happened to see a video of a woman who was about 100 years old recently.  She was asked what her name was …didn’t know.  What her age was…didn’t know…  ALL sorts of questions were asked and she knew none of it.  Suddenly, someone showed her a rendition/drawing of Jesus…”Who is that!?”  “JESUS!  He is my savior and I love him very much!” she responded.

I find these stories very beautiful.  Hoping you do, too……..Faith helps, especially in times like these!



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10 Responses to Sunday Faith Post…2 people who remember…

  1. Mustang says:

    Thank you, Z.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MAL says:

    This immediately reminded me of something I read earlier this a.m. and believe we’ve all been seeing lately: A testimony by Dr. Ben Carson about reversing Alzheimer”s disease. I’m wondering if its all B.S. because he appears to be a great neurosurgeon.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Mustang says:

    @ Mal

    I think I’ve seen something like that too.  It’s Carson marketing his supplemental pills for mental clarity.  It’s sad in a way, but I suppose the man has to make money somehow.  I’m okay with that, but I’m not interested in sending him any of my money.

    Aside: The author of the post, Joni Tada, has had two rough bouts with cancer and survived.  Bless her … she’s doing good work for the Lord. 

    Liked by 1 person

  4. MAL says:

    @ Mustang

    That’s been my thinking, also. Sad, someone with such high status has to be commercialized in this manner for a living. You’d think he’d be in such high demand that there’d be no need for supplemental income


  5. Sam Huntington says:

    Hide it in your heart today, and you will never walk in darkness — or walk alone.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Baysider says:

    Sam + 1. What a wonderful story in all its sadness and emptiness. Let’s all hope that, stripped down to nothing, we can still profess Jesus.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: Joni also has severe anxiety attacks….she’s REALLY gone through it. She paints with a brush in her teeth and is excellent. Her plight, just every morning getting her ‘ready’ is astonishingly complicated, painful and time consuming. All from diving into shallow water. Constant pain; all day long. I know a few people who’ve met her and they adore her.

    She is ASTONISHING and has an excellent Daily Email Devotional.


  8. I like that she (Joni) has been open about her doubts and trials instead of all rainbows and lollipops. A wonderful testimony.


  9. geeez2014 says:

    ED, isn’t that the truth? it’s a wonderful testimony to our faith that we do not believe faith brings nothing but rainbows and lollipops….it “just” brings a way to get through those doubts and trials… I agree….She’s an amazing ambassador for Jesus!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. geeez2014 says:

    I hate to say this, but FLORIDA’s LAURA LEE (or LAUREL!?), a Rep from there, just said that “Christopher Wray’s been TRYING to warn the president of the border situation!”

    WHAT? it’s 3 1/2 YEARS and he finally talked about the BIG THREAT 3 months ago at a hearing! WHERE HAS HE BEEN?

    Answer: Hoping nobody’d notice the border problem so Biden still looks okay.


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