So where is MY money??


’nuff said 🙂

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15 Responses to So where is MY money??

  1. bocopro says:

    Two things:

    1. Accepting forgiveness for student loans should cost the right to vote
    2. Deconfer degrees for anyone stupid enough to incur 6-figure student debt

    or maybe a coupla years workin for minimum wage in the scullery at Rikers . . .

    4 years active duty 11B40 . . .

    street sanitation worker in SanFrancisco . . .

    fact checker for Joe Biden unscripted stories . . .

    professional apologist for Adam Schiff . . .

    publicist for The View . . . . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mustang says:

    If you enjoy reading John Grisham, check out his 2014 novel The Rooster Bar.  It’s about the law school scam; he got the idea from an article he read in Atlantic Magazine by Paul Campos.  To me, it stands to reason that if this kind of thing can exist in law school(s), it likely also exists in other post-graduate private institutions.  We might wonder about medical schools, for example.

    My opinion of Mr. Lambdin isn’t much, actually, and not very high, but all he did was take advantage of a government program.  I’m betting the Democratic Party now has a member for life.  And now, Joel Lambdin and Cat Stevens (aka Yusuf Islam) can rock away, developing music that only those who stone women can fully appreciate.  Life is good.


  3. peter3nj says:

    A tale of two musicians:

    Lets get personal: First of all how does this guy get in student loan debt for over $250,000 and can’t get a job somewhere, anywhere in the wide world of music? I can ask that question because …because:

    My son has two master degrees in music performance, my son is certified to work as a counselor, my son is certified to be a school principal’ my son’s student loan balance is…get ready: ZERO. My son graduated with 4.0 cums in his bachelor and two masters programs and in doing so earned schlorship monies and along with his father (that’s me) paying paying paying owes nothimg while earning six figures in private education as well as having played music on five of seven continents over the years., owns a home is married with two children.

    So now this guy for whom we’re to pay his way so he can go to India and meditate with Ravi Shankar, is he still alive, gets a free ride at taxpayer expense-The American Drean is still alive and well. And this begs the question how the hell does he rack up that amount of student loan debt in the first place in a music program? Jerk!

    A close friend’s daughter went to Temple and f__ked around (literally) for six years earning a four year bachelors degree in nothing, makes $48,000 per year as a glorified clerk and currently owes approximately $143,000 in student loan debt, is unmarried, no kids and lives with her parents and her pay is garnished to the tune of $900.00 per month by the department of education.

    Choices choices choices

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mustang says:

    @ Peter

    If your friend’s daughter makes only $48,000 annually with a college degree, then she’s not exploring all her options.  As a single mother, she could rake in another $20,000 (or more if she’s black).  Also, there’s money in the part-time personal escort business.  Or, better yet, get a job with the U.S. government.  If she has a low IQ, there are opportunities in the FBI for lawyers who can’t pass the bar examination. Surely there are administrative positions for those who f’d around for six years, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “Death to America! (After you pay off my loans)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Anonymous says:

    I came from a poor white family that was lower middle class when I graduated HS in 75. As my sister and brother experienced 8 and 6 years before I was shown the door and told to find life. I found a job with the phone company to live and pay for college. I met my wife at UCLA and her family was paying her way. I became an Electrical Engineer and worked in telecom for my life. We were Californians but my wife was from the Silicon Valley and hated Los Angeles so we moved there.

    When working for AT&T designing and setting up large buildings I was seeing that companies were sending their employees to learn IT at a community college that the R&D Engineers were teaching at so they could be trained cheaply. I went there to learn IT and SW at low cost on my free time. AT&T killed my division and I went to work for Sprint. This lead to me later being promoted in 96 to one of their companies on the east coast and they moved me and my family.

    Me and my wife found in Northern Virginia that the school systems for our two sons were not good. The way they were taught was not correct, the teachers did not listen to us, the admin did not either, and we did not get through with the school board, Both me and my wife tutored our sons through each class and we still had problems with teachers and many teachers would quit. We realized that the issues we had read about the college changes were being put into middle and HS. Our sons graduated HS in 2004 and 2005.

    At that point we talked to each and decided on different Trade Schools. The costs were half a year of college and within 5 years they were making over 6 figures.


  7. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO’…I just love that list! So funny!! 🙂

    MUSTANG…he is just taking advantage of a gov’t program; that’s legal!

    What I thought lousy was his talking about what he’ll do now that he has our tax dollars get him out of debt. I’m not sure studying in India and buying a new home, and feeling the weight off his shoulders (“i hadn’t felt it there until it was taken away”), etc. , and TALKING ABOUT IT, are welcome by anyone! It’s like you and I are writing him checks to do all of that, isn’t it!

    Regarding the FBI ” If she has a low IQ, there are opportunities in the FBI ” cracked me UP!…I feel bad for the legit FBI guys who are led by the nose by Christopher Wray (someone I hate to admit I DETEST with every fiber of my being) and are getting a bad reputation because of HIM.

    PETER….you have quite a son and you’ve been quite a dad! And this guy IS A JERK!!!!  Maybe that girl can make more money if she continues f-ing around but with richer guys?! 🙂 !!! Just trying to be helpful!! 🙂


  8. geeez2014 says:

    ED, exactly! The irony, OH, the irony!!


  9. geeez2014 says:


    1. Did you hear Biden say on Howard Stern that he will debate Trump? ”Yes, I’ll debate him somewhere…”  ”SOMEWHERE?” Who’d SAY that? How about “Yes, I’ll debate him sometime…” ”I’ll debate him if that’s what he wants”… 

    “SOMEWHERE?” Who cares WHERE, Mr. Biden? The man is REALLY not well!!! You debate, Joe…let’s see how THAT goes :-) (I hope they check his ears this time for microphones from Obama and his other puppet masters during the debate!)

    2. I’m just hearing that 28% of Americans approve of Biden’s border situation.

    WHO ARE THEY???????????????!

    3. I know none of YOU will watch (I’ve seen your disdain over the years!!), but I LOVE the Correspondents Dinner and look forward to it tonight!!!


  10. peter3nj says:

    Next move for this guy should be squatting in the home of some poor slob who saved his money, paid off his student loans and took his family on a weekend vacation. Bet he’d look good in a lead embossed t-shirt.


  11. Baysider says:

    Cancel it! Sorry, that letter went out in error buddy. And if for some reason Biden feels duty bound to actually keep the promise (unlike his oath to protect and defend the country) let HIM pay off the loans from his payola accumulated at the public trough. 

    QUESTION: How the hell does a musician accumulate $250k in tuition costs? It “only” costs $67k/year for Columbia 26 YEARS LATER. He chose it when 2 years could be virtually free at a JC. Yes, Peter, CHOICES.


  12. geeez2014 says:

    PETER! Why SHOTGUN!?  And ya…you are SO right…this guy is a user, FOR SURE.


    BAYSIDER…”… to actually keep the promise (unlike his oath to protect and defend the country)” so so SO good…SO true! 

    Re the expensive music degree…I’m going to wager I’m right in saying there are EXCELLENT music teachers at JC’s, too….. You are SO right.

    and YES, PETER..CHOICES………….absolutely RIGHT.


  13. peter3nj says:


    This probably woke musician is a possible stereotypical squatter and the owners return from vacationing at Wally World they’re gonna dispatch him with the side by side. C’mon Z!!😎

    in other news: just found out the cement in concrete roads contributes to Global Warming…uh oh!


  14. geeez2014 says:

    PETER! I’ve always liked SHOTGUN but still don’t see your point!!! If it helps at all, I’d like to not “DO” the “Jerk Now” but “PUNCH THE JERK NOW!” 🙂 !!!!!

    So, wait….we going to be pulling up all our sidewalks because of climate change?!!!


  15. geeez2014 says:

    OKAAAAY!  This is THE WORST Correspondents dinner EVER….Thank God I’m watching the Lakers more than THIS…

    I’m wondering, if the Left is so intently believing Trump will destroy our democracy, what do Leftwingers think when they have almost no conservatives AT ALL at the head table or speaking? Isn’t that rather threatening to Democracy?

    I think so.  They’ve always leaned left but this is not fun…it’s usually fun.


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