Sunday Faith Post

I ran into THIS ARTICLE and thought I’d post it, that “we at GeeeZ deserve to see GOOD NEWS instead of all the negativity coming from anti-Israel ‘protestors'”

Like Liberty College much or not, to see hundreds of young people and their faith made ME feel good!

Also, I believe former NYPD inspector Paul Mauro, a regular on FOX lately, is correct;  We’re giving the protesters too much attention and feeding their egos and their purposes.  Time to stop.

Maybe it’s time to have a media which would include the piece I posted here above?  

Happy Sunday.  God bless you all.


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6 Responses to Sunday Faith Post

  1. Mustang says:

    I agree with you.  We need more, not less, such news stories.  But what is it that people say?  Bad news sells newspapers.  But I want to reiterate something that AOW and I have been saying for twenty years — since 2004: Islamist activities, such as what we’re seeing on U.S. campuses, are nothing new and certainly not unanticipated by people who’ve been paying attention.  Ask yourself, who is behind this?  Hamas is a Sunni operation.  Whoever can’t figure this out has no business voting.

    Blessings to you for the article.

    A standing ovation for our friend, AOW, who has been on watch since 9/11.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Joe Conservative says:

    Don’t you LOVE a “reflexive environment” where everyone is talking about “the current thing”?

    A reflexive environment is one where everybody has to talk about a certain thing. That thing is going to be very polarizing, and there are either going to be one, or two, right ways to talk about it. Usually they’re going to be diametrically opposed to one another, and that means it’s a dialectical weapon.

    When George Soros famously shorted the the pound sterling in like ’92 or whatever, which led to him writing “The Alchemy of Finance” where he said that “Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it’s interested in operational success.” The method he said that they used to do the Alchemy of Finance was reflexivity. The idea is that you start jinning up an idea and make the idea become true because everybody starts talking about it and believing it in a particular way. So “the current thing” takes place in a reflexive environment (often Social Media).

    “Natural Science,” he (Soros) says, “studies events that consist of a sequence of facts. When the events have thinking participants, the subject matter is no longer confined to facts, but also the participant’s perceptions. The chain of causation does not lead directly from fact to fact, but from fact to perception, and from perception, to fact. This would not create any insuperable difficulties if there was some kind of Correspondence, or equivalence, between facts and perceptions. Unfortunately, that is impossible because the participants perceptions do not relate to facts, but to a situation that is contingent on their own perceptions and therefore cannot be treated as a fact.”

    “So,” he says, “that in fact, people don’t act on facts, they act on their perceptions of facts.” As he says, “facts lead to perceptions and then perceptions lead to new facts, which are new states of the world, but those are assessed as perceptions.”

    “Again, and the process repeats over, and over, and over again.” And the fact is that he says, “there’s not a correspondence between what people perceive, and the facts.” Which seems to be a strong overstatement of how much bias there is, “but to,” he says, “a situation that is contingent on their own perceptions.”

    So, people’s perceptions are based on people’s perceptions, they’re not based on the facts of the world. Which kind of overwhelmingly says that when we’re looking at Social phenomena, we can’t kind of boil it down and do the observational study. Which, I think, some rigorous social scientists would have a hard time with. The way that we say could boil it down and agree upon the facts, you know, describing a rock, or a tree, or something like that in the, or a proton in the natural world. He says, “economic theory tries to sidestep the issue by introducing the Assumption of rational Behavior.” So, economic theory in fact does presume that people can be rational, he overstates it by saying that it assumes that people are perfectly rational. And we all know those Libertarians, and we know that that’s not correct, but at any rate he says the economic theory is wrong because it assumes rationality. So, this is a, this “Alchemy of Finance” is a robust attack also on the rational Tradition at the heart of Classical liberalism. So, to characterize Soros, even though he’s already admitted he’s a dialectical character, means not classical liberal, as a classical liberal, or in line with Classical liberalism, would be dead wrong.

    …The other point is more subtle, but I want you to catch it. He said the participant’s bias is the key to an understanding of all historical processes that have thinking participants. So I don’t want to give away the whole point, although I did at the beginning too quickly here, but it’s this. Soros realizes something very important, and I want you to take this in. Get ready, Soros realizes that he who controls the biases of the people, controls the future. Not, “he who can relate the best facts, he can understand the world the best, who can articulate facts the best, that’s not who controls the future.” Soros realizes, it is he who controls the biases of the people, is who controls the Future. Okay? So that’s really important.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Joe Conservative says:

    Who’s funding all these protests on campus all over the nation… George Soros and his Open Society Institute. He’s shifting the Overton Window, once again.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Baysider says:

    He who controls the food controls the people. 

    Yes, it’s refreshing to see a 24-hr prayer session going on, too. Reminds me to keep praying for that situation. You know our old friend who used to own the little Christian bookstore in WLA works there now? I was also happy to read about the exodus of incoming freshmen to some southern schools that don’t put up with this rabble.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER…yes, I do remember that family…..He works at Liberty? So glad they’re doing well. Yes, we need prayers

    And YES YES!!!!! I heard that, too…many incoming freshmen going south where they don’t allow that rabble….hallelujah!!

    JOE…more and more, people are discussing Soros’ involvement on TV and the lib stations are NOT disabusing the Cons of that…so it has to be true.

    By the way, how many people do YOU know have turquoise tents, why do they need tents, and why’re they all so new? It’s almost like they got the money and did the deed! (OF COURSE)

    SO INTERESTING :“Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it’s interested in operational success.”


    Sadly, I’d heard better about his son a few years back, but now I’m hearing he’s JUST AS BAD and HE is taking over 😦

    MUSTANG! I know! You, AOW, and all of old Front Page Mag. commenters…what fun that was!….and WE ARE CORRECT about the STORM ahead! and were THEN!!! :) I DID enjoy being on her show….I can’t remember what we spoke about !!!

    “….certainly not unanticipated by people who’ve been paying attention.” Definitely NOT.

    And yes, AOW has really been ON WATCH for years and I salute her, too! (what was that guy’s name who she shared the radio show with?!! He was a nice guy) Of course, I’m partial to Warren!!


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