If the Stormy Daniels is true, then….


Is it illegal to mess around while you’re married?  Nope

Is it illegal to pay somebody off to keep quiet?   Nope

Can DJT be impeached for any of the above?  Nope

Is it illegal to lie about an affair unless you’re sworn to tell the truth?  Nope

Is she Russian?    (!)   Nope

What happens if it’s proven DJT slept with Daniels….

I got to thinking yesterday…What’s the BIG WOOP?


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25 Responses to If the Stormy Daniels is true, then….

  1. bunkerville says:

    The usual suspects are running out of steam with the Russia Russia Russia thing so on to the next shiny object.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. bocopro says:

    With just a little checking, anyone can find that Donald J. Trump was a registered Democrat, as well as a private citizen, during the time he had that alleged affair with Stormy Daniels. If he’d stayed a Dem and become PotUS, he could have driven her off a bridge and abandoned her to drown and Democrats would still have voted for him.

    And I STILL can’t see how HRC backed up Slick during his libidinous escapades and Dems seem to have forgotten that HIS indiscretions occurred while he was in office as guv or PotUS, and they’ve completely blocked out all hint of graft involved in the “Foundation” and the Haiti relief fund.

    There used to be an old saying about “wrong ain’t wrong if it’s done by people we like.” Somebody changed it later to “if it’s done by people like us,” which is perfectly apropos for the liberals’ complete indifference to Clintonian felonious villainy or Obamanacious profligacy.

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  3. geeez2014 says:

    Bunkerville and Bocopro; My question being, and it’s not just a blog post/cutie thing to think about, it’s a legitimate question:


    Bunkerville, yes, it’s the latest shiny object.
    Bocopro, yes, on all you say (I keep reminding that the left would vote for philandering Bill Clinton YESTERDAY if they could…no PROBLEM for what he did…OR who Ted Kennedy KILLED!!!! They still voted for HIM.

    But let Donald Trump stoop a blousy booby blonde and ……..?

    SO WHAT??? JAIL FOR TRUMP? MONEY FOR STORMY (from another source but Soros or CNN?) WHAT?

    What are the media BASING this mess on; What’s THEIR “AND IF HE DID DO THIS…THEN…”


    Liked by 1 person

  4. bocopro says:

    Well . . . if you want me to get all serious about it, I think not a whole lot will come of it. I mean, libs will continue fishing for ANYthing to discredit and even possibly unseat him, but this particular type of “scandal” means very little – because of the simple feature of context.

    He didn’t campaign on the issue of illicit sex, and he didn’t commit the act while ON the campaign . . . and CERtainly not in office, as did JFK, Slick, and others. Ergo, about the only way he could get into enough of a jam to bring in the “high crimes and misdemeanors” criterion is to lie under oath about it.

    And if he’s dummunuff to get snookered into that trap, he’s got no bidness tryin to conduct affairs of state. Izzat whatcha wanted t’ hear?

    And to put it into context where his opponent is concerned, if he’s to be investigated and excoriated because of association with Stormy Daniels, it’s only fair that Her Rotten Heinous be similarly investigated and castigated because of her affair with Jack Daniels.

    I mean . . . hell, the evidence is clear, idnit?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 says:

    Bocopro…you think it’s ONLY to embarrass Trump? So then Stormy MUST be getting paid BIG TIME or why would SHE care? Because this can’t be an impeachment issue, right? No WAY. I see your point about lying under oath….that is probably why his lawyers have their knickers in such twists; they know that’s the only way it COULD bring Trump down.

    But, maybe….it just hit me that if it’s only being constantly talked about to embarrass him, then someone ought to SAY THAT…in other words, someone ought to say, in public, .”And what do you expect to come of this if he DID have a relationship with her?”


  6. bocopro says:

    ”And what do you expect to come of this if he DID have a relationship with her?”

    Sound and fury from the hypocritical left, signifying nothing.

    But . . . I’ve said before and STILL say I won’t be surprised to one day hear that he’s decided to chuck it all as not worth the stress and loss of income.


  7. Jersey Jack says:

    OT BUT…I couldn’t pass this up for the gun hating asshats around us…

    London murder rate overtakes New York!!
    According to a report in the Sunday Times, 37 people were killed in London
    in February and March, compared to 35 in New York City.

    And remember, they’re the disarmed ones and our “betters”, right?

    “But let Donald Trump stoop a blousy booby blonde and ……..?

    Oh…Ms.z…it’s call SCHTUP or the act of SCHTUPING ….LOL Not stoop. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mal says:

    I’ve thought about him possibly doing that also, Bocopro. I sure hope he doesn’t ’cause we really needed him and still do. The left should kiss him on all 4 cheeks for volunteering to do a thankless job. And boy! Has he been doing it great!
    As to his trysts, like you say, Z, so what? Not illegal. Immoral, perhaps, but not against the law.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Z says:

    Jersey! So I can’t spell every Yiddish word!!! So sue me! I say shtoop…I live in LA. …I.know some Yiddish, you mensch!! Xxx

    So no-guns Londoners are killing each other? Raise your hand if you can say with a straight face “and it’s the Brits killing each other….not the…immigrants!” I guess those stinking Safe Zones aren’t so SAFE?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. geeez2014 says:

    Even One America News ticks me off these days. Here is the headline that ticked me off “President Trump Freezes Funds for Syrian Recovery, Signaling Pullback”
    “SYRIAN RECOVERY”? As if that’s our job, or our responsibility? We should help…a little, but their RECOVERY should be a United Nations thing, NOT AMERICAN.

    Do you agree?
    Then, as if they will EVER recover?, they need to LEAVE GERMANY. Post haste.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I suspect that the Stormy Daniels story was crafted to discredit Trump in the eyes of Christian fundamentalists and drive them away (although “reason” seldom sways “religious” fundamentalists). Unfortunately for the crafters of the smear, it’s winning him supporters amongst Fishtown’s working class Democrats (explaining why Trump’s approval numbers are over 50% now)


  12. geeez2014 says:

    Vrag…THERE YA GO…THAT could very well be the plan…..good thinking.
    But yes, I think people are seeing through it and it’s backfiring….HURRAH!


  13. …after all, what self-respecting working class Democrat wouldn’t bang a hot porn star if given the opportunity?


  14. geeez2014 says:

    Vrag, you have probably heard, too, how the Left is talking about how shocking it is that evangelicals are ignoring Trump’s dalliances! “They don’t like it when WE do it, but they turn a blind eye to…”
    well, there’s some truth to that, but MAN, this is a bunch who let Bill Clinton slide (not ONE feminist spoke against his awfulness when it was PROVEN and his feminist wife even attacked the women he dallied with!) and would vote tomorrow for him, but are SO upset at Trump having had sex! ugh.


  15. geeez2014 says:

    and yes, what Dem, indeed??

    By the way, Barron had just been born, if these stories/dates are true, so I DO think Trump is a stinkin’ CAD toward his wife. And I am 100% positive Stormy isn’t the only one, of course!
    I don’t admire any man whose pitiful ego makes him cheat on a faithful wife…(i suppose she is)..but there’s a lot I don’t admire about Trump. Still, I remain loyal (ish) and pray hard that he IS “sly like a fox”


  16. geeez2014 says:


    If Trump colluded with Russia, do you think he’d invite Putin to Mira Lago? I mean, if he HAD colluded, the last thing he’d want to do is look like he’s cozying up to this jerk, right?
    By the way, on THIS move that came out this morning (his having invited Putin to the US to meet with him), Bolton is going to COMPLETELY disagree……
    this could get interesting. It might be that John Bolton lasts only a week! 🙂
    (I hope I’m wrong)


  17. Bob says:

    If Trump doesn’t let the Stormy thing bother him, nothing will happen. Remember, Bill Clinton lowered the bar for all who would be President.


  18. Z says:

    Bob…..I totally agree….this could be largely just to get so under Trump’s skin that he totally blows it….You mention lowering the bar: I also say that about Trump who says shit and ass with kids in his audience and on TV….I hate to think what this permits the next president if he is also of that bent.
    (sorry for the ‘typos’ earlier…it was on my cell and it preferred ‘and’ and ‘shot’ to ass and shit! SO do I, actually! hA!)

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Bob says:

    Z: Yep. I believe we all knew what we were getting. Even now, my wife and I will listen to a Trump speech (rally?) and laugh all the way through with his tireless self-praise. He really is entertaining, but you are right in that he is a bit rough around the edges.


  20. geeez2014 says:

    Bob, I guess I knew what I was voting for but I was appalled at his personality during the debates, when we all really got to know him. APPALLED. then the Tweets. TIRELESS self-praise is right. And yet, so thin skinned he can’t let anything said about him go unpunished 🙂
    Ah, well……..I hope it’s not true that the Republicans are saying the tax bill was enough for this year and they have to start campaigning for the mid terms…UGH. Doesn’t sound like Trump’s doing that, but he’d better get busy and get things DONE because, and I know I’m a rarity in my fears, I believe we’ll lose the majority in both houses in Congress in November unless something GREAT happens.
    Not because of Trump, but because this is a typical occurrence in midterms ….AND Republicans have ticked off enough Conservatives that those Conservatives will be stupidly defiant enough to stay home on election day, too. GOD FORBID.


  21. Sparky says:

    Whether ’tis true or not, this whole Stormy Daniels escapade is a smoke screen by the Left. If Donald Trump the man shamed his wife and home, that’s between them and is not illegal. There’s so much hypocrisy from the liberals. When it was revealed that Obama was a dope smoking, radical Marxist, homosexual, not a word was spoken or a finger pointed. When Ted Kennedy murdered a young girl with his car then sat on the info and didn’t report it, there was silence. When Bill Clinton raped and actually bit women and Hillary Clinton had lovers, again, not a word was said against them. (The Clinton’s have also had many people murdered.) There’s been many more real crimes committed by mostly Demoncrats through time. And all we hear are crickets from the Left. It’s sickening.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. bunkerville says:

    I am with Sparky above comment… nada…nothing… who cares at this point?

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  23. geeez2014 says:

    Bunkerville…That’s MY POINT. It’s not even “at this point”…it’s EVER. There is NOTHING they can get on Trump; it’s all legal, philandering isn’t against the law, etc.
    It’s laughable that CNN has literally spent 24/7 covering this.
    They’ve finally stopped a bit…let’s see what the next scandal is that they dream up.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. I echo what Sparky said above.

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