
Thanksgiving Day……Thoughts run the gamut from..


I tend to go toward the top image…I do give thanks to the Lord, but not enough.  On the other hand, the goofy turkey is cheerful and fun!

Tell us…….any thoughts on Thanksgivings past?  Happy ones?  Things you’re most grateful for?  Let’s get serious and talk TURKEY! 🙂


Kid, Mustang, Bocopro, Mal, Bob, Bunkerville, FairestWitness, Baysider, Always on Watch, Skudrunner, Jean….

I took a chance of missing someone (I hope not) but didn’t want NOT to mention you all by name because you mean SO much to me.

to yours……………..Z

Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation for a perpetual national holiday set aside for thanksgiving. In 1863, with the nation torn apart by the Civil War, he declared:“I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”


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21 Responses to Thanksgiving

  1. bocopro says:

    Well . . . besides having none of my clan in jail, in hospital, in graves, or insane, I gotta say the thing I’ze most thankful fer is that Hillary Rodham ain’t prayzedunt.

    Now, the potus we got insteada her is kinda aggravatin in a differ’nt way from her, what with his braggin and snarkin and tauntin on social media . . . and he’s his own worst enemy in terms of PR sometimes, but he’s doin ‘zackly what he said he’d do, what we hired him for:

    Revivin the economy
    Doin somethin ’bout the migrant invasion
    Puttin people back to work
    Clearin the deadwood and rotten stumps from the swamp
    Workin to establish some kinda reasonable balance in trade
    Givin the military its propers
    Repairin the damage done by the halfrican
    Frustratin the whiners, tax-raisers, and history revisionists

    No illusions or delusions ’bout how long it’s gonna last, ‘cuz it cain’t last furever — too many snowflakes, nevertrumpers, unicorn riders, pixie-dust junkies, and entitlement addicts out there, so by 2025 at the latest we’ll have ‘nuther lib in power with a lib congress to back herm up.

    I just hope IF DJT gets a second term nobody goes full-coup on him with a scoped rifle or a drone or an IED or somethin. I’d like to see him appoint 2 or 3 more SCotUS associates to keep a grip on the reins of legislative and executive yahoos when the pendulum swings back hard to port.

    But . . . I done fought alla my battles; it’s my grandkids’ turn to drive with one hand and hurl grenades with the other. Doubt muy mucho if I’ll be around to see the Jan 2025 inauguration.

    And if Milady’s kitchen rehab project don’t git done REAL soon, I might go full-out barsark, or amok, or at least dangerously asymmetric. Tired of livin in a place that looks like a warehouse ransacked by a drug-dependent baboon tribe.


  2. bunkerville says:

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Z….. 🙂


  3. Mustang says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Z. My best to you and yours on this day of reflection and thankfulness.


  4. Happy Thanksgiving Z.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Z, a most blessed Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I’m copying bocopro’s rants and raves to send to people as it is classic! Jean


  6. jean worland says:

    Hi, dear Z. A most happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours. I’m going to send the classic rants and raves of bocopro’s to others!


  7. Law and Order Teacher says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Z. I have a lot to be thankful for because God has seen fit to let me stay around longer to torment my family. We are having a big dinner here at the hacienda with my family. I’m happy to be with them. Blessings to you and your readers.


  8. kidme37 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Z and hope it is a wonderful day for you and yours.

    Mine have all been very good as far back as I can remember. Mom and now Mad were and are fantastic cooks. I’m thankful we have not everything we want but surely everything we need.


  9. MAL says:

    I want to add my Thanksgiving salutations to everyone, too. Eat heartily, but not fool-heartedly for those who indulge, bulge! ;o)
    Boco, never doubt you’ll be around in 2025, or any other time for that matter. I sure don’t because I refuse to program myself into the grave.


  10. bocopro says:

    Yeah, well . . . considering what I did to myself for about half a century — smokin, drinkin, carousing, ridin around in steel ships, playin contact sports, eatin all the wrongest things, and hitchin up with a woman who turned out to be a GUH-R8 cook . . . and the fact that I’ve already outlived all my grandparents — I wouldn’t advise bettin the farm on my bein here for 2025.

    I’d be 84, and I figger ever’thing since about 70 has been time stolen from the scorer’s table. The rat in the woodpile is my inverted HDL/LDL ratio (genetic) and some seriously occluded coronaries.


  11. MAL says:

    You still gotta think positive, Ron.
    (Not “Okay. I’m POSITIVE I won’t be around in 2025!).

    Liked by 1 person

  12. bocopro says:

    You stole that as a quote from my wife, dincha!

    She has told me on many occasions that if I die before she does, she’s gonna kill me. I try to tell her that could be taken as a threat, or at least an omen, but she insists that stick around to organize and manage her sendoff.


  13. geeez2014 says:

    I really do love you ALL and thank you for your marvelous comments here!

    We do have a TON to be grateful for and I’m grateful LA is getting a ton of rain 🙂 (except for the driving, of course…) We need it! And it’s seasonal, right?

    I watched my show, OUTNUMBERED, this morning, and loved their answers for being thankful…mostly BEING AMERICAN. No, Marie Harf, the only lib out of 5 of them, didn’t. But I don’t think she doesn’t love living here.
    Neither did Melissa Francis, but she doesn’t need to…we know….and I got weepy when she talked about her apparently wonderful husband……..I do miss my Mr. Z particularly on days like this. He wasn’t American, but he sure loved it.

    And I was glad to hear Charlie Hurt (one of my faves…especially just to LOOK AT!) is married…and Katie Pavlich was grateful for HER hubby…. And yes, those two said the MOST of their gratitude for just being an AMERICAN. Harris Faulkner brought tears to my eyes, too…that her military dad was in town and they missed her mom, who passed away around THanksgiving rather recently.

    Good stuff. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!


  14. Baysider says:

    Thanks, Z. I have so much to be grateful for. I’m grateful for the RAIN! (and only having to drive in 2 hours of it yesterday instead of 4), for more work with a fave client, for ONE weekday with no effing construction racket (4 nites are coming next week), to be seeing the end in sight of extended repairs, termite work, gutter work, landscape remediation, and plumbing, plumbing, plumbing (and Lord especially for a plumber who is a thinker! and finally solved THE problem last Thursday) over the last 6 weeks. I’m grateful for a contractor who is a thinker and can help me optimize repair strategies with all trades. I’m grateful I can still remember it is only “stuff” when it gets lost, broken, damaged and stays dirty.

    We have to see the good we have. I can’t have a working brain here, which I’d prefer. We had another chilling drop off this week. I am still surprised at what I see. Life has become a circular state of rudderless confusion.

    It’s a good thing to have gratitude, but even more important to internalize it. I LOVED this post by Dr. Mercola We know this, and I’m sad for the angry infantilized lefties who don’t (here). Everyone suffers, including them.

    The founders of Hillsdale College said they were “grateful to God for the inestimable blessing … from the prevalence of civil and religious liberty.” Amen!

    Dennis Prager interviewed a Russian author who described moving to America “like dying and going to heaven.” Amen!

    Blessings to you and your extended family, and your dear mother today.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. MAL says:

    My wife wouldn’t know where to begin in managing our affairs……and refuses to learn, so I guess i gotta stick around till she goes first.
    Hey! When I go, I wanna go like my uncle did: in his sleep, not like his passengers yelling and screaming! ;o)


  16. geeez2014 says:

    Hi, Baysider….glad things are looking up with the house, etc…..
    And I liked Mercola’s thoughts though I think they’re slightly hyperbolic…..I DO think feeling gratitude just plain puts one in a better mood and all those good things he describes fall into place….likewise, if we’re not in a good place, all those things really suffer. Gratitude is a big step toward all good things.
    As for that “here” article, I’d not heard about this and couldn’t help imagining what the media would have done with that situation were the shoe on the other foot and Republican students were doing ANYTHING CLOSE to that to Democrat Student clubs!! Exposing themselves? Imagine?
    And the language! So feminine, huh?

    Mal…such an old joke but such a good one 🙂


  17. kidme37 says:

    Russia – From watching Russian driving/crash videos on youtube, it is clear that 90+ % of Russians live in efficiency apartments in huge apartment blocks there. Those who live in rural settings live in structures that should be condemned. The place is a hellhole. This observation was verified by a man who lived in Russia in a diplomatic position, though he said that Russian cuisine was Very Good.

    Still, I’m not interested in apartment living -, even with a Beautiful Stunning Russian female, which there are many,


  18. geeez2014 says:

    Kid…”RUSSIA”….What’s the question?!!

    Russian and Ukrainian women, basically the same blood, can be VERY beautiful….yes.

    I have NEVER heard ANYTHING good about Russian cuisine unless someone’s a HUGE fan of borscht. But I DO LOVE CAVIAR!!!


  19. kidme37 says:

    Z, Just another example of how we have it pretty darn good here even if we are surrounded by maniacs.


  20. MAL says:

    AMEN, KID!


  21. MAL says:

    Z, “Mal, such an old joke……”. What else wouild you expect from an old fart?


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