How is this TRUE, folks?

Went to a doctor specialist Wednesday.  He was very friendly and I said “Remember? I was married to a German who tried to turn  you into a Conservative?”    His shoulder-length silver hair shined in the exam room light and he said “I do remember!  It didn’t work!    Have you seen the economy lately?”

OK.  Fine.  Bad economy these days, no doubt about it.




You have probably heard people slam Trump for this economy.   Are they really THAT STUPID?

TELL ME.   I don’t think you’ll need much prompting…but, honestly…do they HEAR THEMSELVES? !!!


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29 Responses to How is this TRUE, folks?

  1. It is a religious belief of theirs, deeply held, reinforced by peers and confirmation bias.
    It takes a major trauma to shake people from such a mindset.
    Such trauma in the past has led to a great awakening.
    But it is usually painful.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. peter3nj says:

    Stupid is as stupid does… or something to that effect. Even Forest Gump was smarter than over 50% of the Amerikan morons who make up the democrat electorate. Last night was a wake-up call to conservative voters as even the FOX elite had Miracle Whip running down their collective legs following Biden’s acceptance non-speech last night. Even my political neophyte wife saw through the bilge. As for the Happy Days crowd outside sitting on the hood of their cars, I was waiting for the popcorn and hot dogs to march across the drive in screen.
    A my late mom used to say to us kids after we told her a whopper, “If I believe that will you tell me another one?”
    WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kidme37 says:

    Logic doesn’t work on mental disease.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ed nailed it: It is a religious belief of theirs, deeply held, reinforced by peers and confirmation bias.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mustang says:

    The perfect storm in politics is that two thirds of the voting populace is divided in half, each believing that the other is stupid, criminally insane, idiots, morons, nincompoops, and blithering radicals. What brings home the bacon in most of our elections (in the past 50 years) is convincing most of the remaining one-third to vote for your candidate. Now if this is true, then Biden is placing all his bets on getting most independent voters to cast their lot for him. By placing his bets, I mean that Biden is counting on most of the remaining one-third of voters to be the kind of people who:

    1. Are not offended by such labels as “communist,” “socialist,” or “fascist.”
    2. Are happy to live in a cesspool of human filth.
    3. Do not believe that America is, or has ever been great.
    4. Accept the narrative that “majority white” America have treated them poorly.
    5. Accept the argument that because history has been unkind to their ancestors in the past, people living today owe them something.
    6. Find no offence in the irrational notion that in order to make things right for America, it is necessary to destroy businesses (look at what Covid-19 restrictions have done to the economy) by taxing them into oblivion, so that a huge percentage of their income can be redistributed to illegal aliens, drug using homeless people (many of whom are illegal aliens, mentally insane, or criminals released back into society), and radical/homegrown terrorist groups.

    Is Biden and his backroom handlers correct? Only time will tell. I never thought Americans would elect an avowed communist, but they did that twice (2008, 2011), and I’m not holding my breath.

    As Peter and Kid have said (many times), you cannot fix stupid. Stupid doesn’t mean “poorly educated.” Stupid applies to “well-educated” people who were taught, from a very early age, to embrace socialism because it’s only right to work toward the goal of treating and rewarding everyone equally no matter how much or little they contribute to society overall. Apparently, no one on the left understands human nature. They would understand human nature if they would take a good look at themselves. None of these commie/socialist creeps (Biden, Harris, Clinton, Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, etc., etc.) are willing to give up their vast wealth or position for these ideals; they are only willing to give up our wealth to achieve them.

    It truly is insane and not at all confined to American politics. It was only recently that the Brits tossed out Jeremy Corbin, the Joe Stalin of England, only to replace him with someone just as bad, but more sophisticated in his delivery, who supports the same platforms adopted by the American Democratic Party. English communists are thoroughly devoted to Biden/Harris.

    Expletive astounding.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. kidme37 says:

    Mustang, as Chris Rock said on Letterman years ago “There is No Rehab for stupidity”. 🙂


  7. geeez2014 says:

    Mustang..Right, but the WHOLE WORLD is dedicated to getting rid of Trump. The things Conservative German friends of mine are hearing these days is astonishing……….they’d always given Trump’s personality a pass but now they’re just stunned because they believe their news is honest. As I’ve said before; IT ISN’T, at least not the big papers which stupidly pay German “Journalists” not knowing those ‘journalists’ have really just translated, cleverly enough to not make it look plagiarized, from OUR media. And we expect anybody to LIKE TRUMP?

    I think you’re 100% right on the voters Biden is expecting. Sadly, the Stormy Daniels thing should hit any day now that the NY Court has ruled Trump’s tax records may not be kept closed.
    Trump will lose even MORE women if that happens and they find he paid her…Michael Cohen is out to get Trump, so stay tuned. Although, who would put payments to stupid prostitutes on your taxes??

    I WISH Trump would speak to WOMEN….kindly, persuasively, optimistically…REMIND THEM that crime in the streets could hurt their families and Biden’s not addressed it, REMIND them that a good economy is to their benefit, REMIND them that charter schools are necessary, REMIND THEM that America is the great place it is……………………..
    He just doesn’t do this…without sounding like a blustering buffoon and getting in some non-truths which are fact-checked and which become THE STORY, instead of any really good things he said 😦
    He could win this so fast……he has to work SO HARD just to get those votes back which HE turns off with his rhetoric. And he really is a very nice man and could be tough but kind at the same time.


  8. geeez2014 says:

    Peter! I didn’t watch Biden’s speech..I’m glad you did. So FOX (other than Chris Wallace and Juan Williams, whom we’d expect to) liked the speech …or just said “He got through it without gaffes!?””

    Ya, it’s REALLY not difficult to pull every single line out of these leftwinger speeches and prove they are DEAD WRONG…it’s astonishing.

    Thanks, Kid, AOW, Ed……all true………….all so sad 😦


  9. geeez2014 says:

    I’ve been hearing some of what the new Postmaster General’s been saying…………..

    He is sharp, and unrelenting……….fighting thru the false narratives……..
    The Dems were as ugly and insulting as usual.

    Dejoy reminded all the numbskulls that no changes have been made……..USPS can handle the influx of mail for the election, calls it his SACRED DUTY…
    Senator Josh Hawley was fabulous, as always.

    He’s a kind of New York Thug type of talker..a bit smug in his expertise…..I like that.


  10. geeez2014 says:

    OH, NO!! “You do support VOTING BY MAIL”

    “I DO” says Dejoy…without understanding (?) or clarifying that ABSENTEE BALLOT is best and the fraud universal mail in will cause? OMG.


  11. geeez2014 says:


    Liked by 1 person

  12. peter3nj says:

    I too watched the inquisition of DeJoy and was saddened seeing that the issue of fraud was left out of the conversation by the republicans unless I missed it. And Dejoy supports mail in voting- que lasting! Seemingly no matter what the issue The political Gods side with the left. Again, as Chico Marx said, “You can’t fool me, everybody knows there is no sanity clause.”

    P.S. Happy Birthday 🎂 Ed😎

    Liked by 2 people

  13. geeez2014 says:


    THIS is what people will listen to! CIVIL CRITICISM….I’m so happy about this talk in Virginia..


  14. geeez2014 says:

    “Biden still calls Scranton his home but he hasn’t lived there in 70 years…his REAL home is somewhere he NEVER leaves anymore”

    Big applause 🙂 SO FUNNY!!!!

    He’s going through what ‘they” want to do….take away guns, stop being energy independent, etc etc…GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD!

    I am LOVING his new campaign mgr…I think HE is the good effect!!!


  15. MAL says:

    Z, we have 3 doctors in our family and two are anti-Trump, but I’m still working on one of them. The third, my DDS son, is in the Trump camp. Just possessing a diploma doesn’t make them gods. My late father had only an 8th grade education (but NOT in the U.S), and learned 3 languages therein. After immigrating to the U.S. he learned 2 more (Polish and Spanish), retired from his business at age 49, and died at 94. No doctorate. No B.A. Not even an A.A. or hight school diploma. Those “doctors” are what my father use to call “book smart” (lacking common sense).

    Liked by 3 people

  16. skudrunner says:

    When the economy was roaring it was because of the actions of the previous administration. When it fell due to the virus it is trumps fault. Stupid runs deep.

    Biden has promised to brink back economic recovery and he has a plan. Keep students at home because if they are stupid they are life long democrats. Keep small businesses shut down and give them billions to survive. Bring down unemployment by putting several million collecting unemployment on the welfare rolls, immediate reduction of unemployment.

    These are all the things biden will do in the first three months and then he can be declared a genius and harris can take over.


  17. Baysider says:

    Ed, Kid and Mustang +1.

    It’s hard to turn a doctor visit into a corrective discussion, but in another setting I’d want to say “you mean, of course, after the Wu Flu – right? The one where the Red Chinese locked down their own country but let people travel internationally out of Wuhan while they were cornering the marketing on personal protective supplies before they spoke up about the contagion? The more gentlemanly persona I would personally prefer probably could not have brought out such a brilliant economy with the highest employment of black Americans in recorded history while facing a tsunami of a 3-year witch hunt and daily media assaults over imaginary collusion with Russia and his continuation of Obama policy on illegal alien family detention – all while achieving some stellar accomplishments in individual rights, trade and justice.”

    This doctor could be brilliant at medicine (and I hope he is for your sake), but he is not wise.

    Yes, I briefly read the postmaster’s outline of where we need to go with the USPS. Thoughtful and made sense. How did a man like THIS rise in the post office?

    Liked by 1 person

  18. MAL says:

    Right on, Skud. The quickest way to silence them is to say Biden has been in politics for almost 50 years. Name his accomplishments. (I usually get a blank stare).


  19. Baysider says:

    And happy b-day Ed!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. MAL says:

    Oh. I will give him one accomplishment. His family all got very wealthy.


  21. MAL says:

    Yes, Ed. Many Happy “Re-Runs”!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Baysider says:

    Oh, Mal, I have to remember that one! @11:38 am


  23. Baysider: “Thoughtful and made sense. How did a man like THIS rise in the post office?”
    Thanks all for the well wishes. I’ve still got a couple of years before 110 though. 🙂


  24. geeez2014 says:

    Dejoy did not ‘rise in the post office’…he was appointed to this position this year…very successful businessman with an accounting degree originally.

    Yes, it was rather a rhetorical joke; I don’t believe an excellent physician has to be politically savvy and the reason I mentioned his shoulder length hair seemed obvious 🙂 Once a hippie, always a hippie…he’s about 65 now 🙂

    And I mentioned Mr. Z’s ‘turning Dr K into a conservative” in my post to set the scene… Doc and I go back a while! No, I don’t normally turn medicine into politics.

    However, I did just spend 2 rather miserable hours at Best BUys until I found the young Hispanic clerk was a TRUMP FAN. We talked about COVID and I said how sad it was that Hispanics were getting hit so hard and he said “I know NO ONE who’s had COVID. They’re lying to us.” Bingo “You a Trump fan?” “I sure am,” he says.
    DOesn’t take me long, trust me!!

    Skudrunner….47 yrs and Biden did ZIP and now he’s going to save the world…what a talent !!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  25. bocopro says:

    Well, see . . . what happens is that Murkan society is set up to overschool people and create “specialists.” Some start school when they’re 5 years old and don’t finish ’til their 30s.

    They train, and train, and train, and specialize . . . and become “experts” . . . and then one day somebody asks them something unrelated to their specialty, and they have no data bank to draw on except social media and Wikipedia.

    NO ONE is quite so ignorant about the rest of the world outside his limited milieu than an “expert.” Most of them don’t know what the hell is going on, and the tragedy is that they don’t KNOW that they don’t know.

    For proof of that I offer MaligNancy, who knows nothing of life outside the artificial bubble of D.C. politics; Mooch, who knows nothing about poor black people and even less about how things work in a society based on ethics, personal responsibility, and self-sufficiency; and Little Tony Fauci, who knows nothing except how to apply positional authority to other people from whom he wants to steal.


  26. Baysider says:

    Wow – you can go into Best Buy now? I don’t like it, but the only thing worse than going in person is NOT going in person and trying to navigate details – especially when you need comparative spec sheets and want to ‘see’ the merchandise. Plus they offered no installation for a replacement cooktop and again for a replacement dishwasher I had to buy during lockdown, not to mention new computer and specialty cords at the same time. I hope you don’t have an appliance on the fritz.

    Good to know about the postmaster. I just glanced down through his recommendations. But KNEW a lifetimer at the post office could not be coming up with this stuff.


  27. MAL says:

    Yeah, Bay. The Biden’s made their money the old fashion way: They STOLE it!

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  28. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO..”MaligNANCY”..the best yet!
    Great comment!

    BAYSIDER! Right? I SO didn’t want to go; he told me they’ve only been back about 2 weeks….they are letting very few people in at a time…had to wait about 10 minutes in line first…all masked. Ya, my cell had a pop up that I couldn’t get rid of, Geeks on phone AND Chat on line couldn’t. Samsung couldn’t…………I knew it’d be a piece of cake in PERSON OR I’d end up buying a new phone. Which, after one hour, I did.
    But it was awful.
    Till that Hispanic kid Nikki said he’s a Trump fan. That cheered me up! 🙂


  29. MAL says:

    I went to Best Buy on Thursday to see the Geek Squad for issues with my laptop. The guy was very helpful and took care of some of it, but I still need to see an Apple store for the rest and they’re closed.

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