I have nothing to add

NEW: L.A. County DA George Gascon (from San Francisco, of course) has issued a directive to prosecutors that the following misdemeanors will be declined for prosecution, with exemptions.


-Disturbing the peace

-Driving without license


-Resisting arrest



I give up.

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40 Responses to I have nothing to add

  1. bocopro says:

    A very scary quote from Reagan is “We are never more than a few years away from barbarism.”

    O.K. He didn’t actually say those words . . . what he said was “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

    Quite prophetic, considering what happened to Argentina, which was one of the richest countries in the world a century ago, exporting grain and meat and comparable economically to France, Italy, and several other nations, including the US.

    After the Great Depression, though, its economy and its government became unstable, divided, turning from conservatism to near fascism with military juntas running things that previously were handled by constitutional government. Kinda like today’s epizootic

    The US was the most economically stable and powerful nation on the planet a year ago, before the Chinese allowed their WuHuFlu to get out of control and spread here like a bad case of crabs from a Manila whorehouse on an American aircraft carrier in the 50s.

    We are surrendering freedoms left and right out of fear that we might catch a bug with a 99.95% survival rate for anyone under 70 years old who isn’t already weakened by asthma, bronchitis, or other respiratory disorders.

    Millions of jobs are lost, many of them forever, and thousands of businesses have shut down, many of them permanently, because of lost revenue from government restrictions on customer behavior.

    It’s even resulted in election of a commander-in-chief who has very clearly profited by using the power of his office to rake in millions from foreign corporations and governments, a man who hasn’t made a correct decision on geopolitical matters since he first took public office nearly half a century ago.

    And his second-in-command, only a heartbeat in a 78-year-old away from total power, was chosen not because of her skill set or her experience but by her skin tone and gender. Quid-Pro Joe and Quid-Pro Ho.

    In what sort of world does that kind of thing happen? Well, consider another case in this hemisphere: Venezuela. Only 20 years ago, Venezuela was the 3rd richest nation in the Americas, behind only Canada and the US.

    Then it decided to go with a socialist government espousing government-controlled healthcare, free education, confiscation of personal firearms . . . basically AOC’s green new deal with no 2nd Amendment.

    Today it’s a basket case, very much like Zimbabwe, which at one time was one of the richest countries in south Africa until it decided that white people were the source of all its problems and confiscated their lands and businesses for redistribution because black lives matter.

    Each case was total collapse in basically one generation . . . from success and prosperity to eating stray dogs and zoo animals to stay alive.

    I just don’t get it. To me it’s like finding a guy bleeding profusely from self-inflicted wounds and offering to help him with bandages and antibiotics, but he asks to borrow your K-bar to open more veins.

    Apparently the only lesson today’s students are learning in history class is that history teaches us nothing useful.

    Except for Trump’s, the policies and decisions from our top leadership over the past 3 decades would be impossible to parody, especially those of the Magic Negro. In fact, the only mistake Trump has made so far is giving Fraudy Fauci any measure of credibility.


  2. peter3nj says:

    I just read an article saying Antifa has declared it is within its right to assault anyone, journalists-wait a sec, there are no journalists anymore, reporters, police or anyone else disagreeing with them. They are 100% correct as we’ve seen during the summer riots they are free to act out without being deemed a terrors group except by bad Orangeman. Will they be designated a charity and supported with taxpayer dollars by the incoming administration a la Planned Parenthood and NPR? Don’t bet against it. Antifa is on it’s way to becoming herr Harris’ brown shirts. And naturally the 80 million Harris/Biden voters will embrace this as the tarred and feathered police are driven out of town on a rail. Without firing a shot the Chicoms along with the ignorant suicidal american voters have opened the door to anarchy. The best we can hope for is when the White House is set aflame for the second time ( War of 1812) Biden trips over his dog breaking his ankle and with the secret service having scattered and the Vice Ho unable to push off her latest conquest who was trapped on top of her by a falling beam they both meet the devil.
    Headlines read “Hillary offers to fill the void.”


  3. The Civil War is on.
    Texas is joined by ten states in it’s attack on Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia for trying to deprive them of a lawful federal government.
    Long live the Republic!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s been said of Lefty DAs, they’ll empty the jails to protect the inmates from Covid and fill them with citizens because of Covid violations.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. L.A. County will be ruined. Buy guns to protect yourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Re: Text Spam. I posted a comment at the end of yesterdays thread.


  7. kidme37 says:

    Boco, whaddya think of this one.



  8. bocopro says:

    Yeah, that’s a good venn. Ayn Rand has a lotta things to say ’bout such stuff, too.

    One says somethin like . . . when government works to “help” individuals, it often winds up being more dangerous than when it works to reduce crime — the victim suffers more than the criminal. (That’s not a quote, but it’s a close relative in spirit.)

    She also says “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” Tell me we ain’t in that territory these days.

    In one of her books she describes the entire process of civilization as a concerted effort to provide people with dignity and privacy, her thesis being that in primitive societies people’s lives are completely out in the open and governed by a harsh set of rules and restrictions enforced by an absolute dictator. Sounds a lot like what’s happening today in many places, especially with that little self-absorbed media whore Fauci.


  9. kidme37 says:

    Reagan “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.

    The recurring thought I have is that Capitalism works best when left alone and that government is made up of people who won’t and who aren’t smart enough to run a pizza joint. Also that they actually know this and have given up on trying to solve anything so they’re busy emptying out the vault and safety deposit boxes instead before the bank closes for good.

    All the efforts to promote lawlessness is a self-protection knee jerk. Most know how guilty they are while some are just nitwits like AOC. Heard yesterday she’s got 1.3 mil in the bank now after not being able to come up with rent and security for an apartment in DC a couple years ago.


  10. ACUCHUCK says:

    Just turned 69 yrs old last week. I fear that, in the years I have left on this earth, the USA I know and love will be forever changed, and not in a good way.
    When I was younger all I worried about was partying and having fun. Some of it legal and some of it not. Sure had a better time then than now.
    I am constantly amazed on how evil, and disgusting so many on the Left really are. All those cheaters in the swing states ballot rooms, had no fear of any punishment for rigging an election. Cheating, lying and breaking the law is normal for those loosers.
    This saying ‘i THOUGHT GETTING OLDER WOULD HAVE TAKEN LONGER” applies even more now than ever.

    Let me add this, we have a new licensing board in LA. “The Water Board” They are here to monitor the water that runs off of my property when it rains, because it could be making the run off water dirty. I have a small lot around 4,000 sq ft with 2 buildings on it and they are concerned that the dirt created from my welding business, will pollute the street run off.$1.400.00 per year and that’s before they tell me what I must do with the run-off rainwater, can’t wait. (Water Board-sounds like a torture technique the CIA uses)

    Liked by 2 people

  11. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO…we did our family Zoom last night (whoever can join, once a week)….My #2 sister (we’re 5) said to my Doctor Nephew “I love the book ELDERHOOD you recommended….I put down my OBAMA BOOK to read some of it the minute it came!” I just shudder. (Yes, she went to Berkeley) My OBAMA book….and she’s one of the smartest people I know…and she SAYS she listens to both sides. She’s not listening carefully. I wish she’d read the blog, the comme nts here might help!!
    (and, of course, my beef isn’t that she CAN read OBAMA, but that if I said MY TRUMP BOOK, I’d be disdained…but not her…it’s O B A M A!! Thankfully at least 3 of us sisters are STAUNCH Conservatives…FOUR were before Trump 😦

    You said “We are surrendering freedoms left and right out of fear that we might catch a bug with a 99.95% survival rate for anyone under 70 years old who isn’t already weakened by asthma, bronchitis, or other respiratory disorders.”

    THIS IS THE DILEMMA, BOCO…..l see it this way: When Obama was brought through the ranks and (I believe) groomed for the presidency (after all, who’d not support the Black candidate? If you don’t, you’re racist, right?)….everyone was cowed and bowed to the RACE GOD.

    With COVID, I believe there’s a kind of connect, as you suggest, “NOT FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES? Do you WANT people to DIE?”
    “But most ARE NOT DYING!!!” “Do you HEAR yourself? What if it was YOUR family in the ICU?”
    Pandemic is as tough to be reasonable around as having minority nominees…you cannot fight it…or you’re a racist…or you don’t care if your mother dies.
    Do I make sense??


  12. geeez2014 says:

    PETER “Antifa is on it’s way to becoming herr Harris’ brown shirts. And naturally the 80 million Harris/Biden voters will embrace this as the tarred and feathered police are driven out of town on a rail. ” OH MY GOSH…SO SO TRUE!
    Imagine a police dept where they can’t keep someone for resisting arrest? WHAT???? That has so many ramifications I literally can’t get my head around it! And TRESPASSING is FINE?????? Not at MY HOUSE it isn’t!!!!!
    Peter, what can we DO against ANTIFA?????? Or BLM, which is really there to destroy our country but, as I suggested above, hides behind OUR SUPPOSED RACISM!!!! RIGHT??? Criticize BLM? YOU STINKING RACIST! OY


  13. geeez2014 says:

    Ed Bonderenka says:
    December 9, 2020 at 1:22 am (Edit)
    I just got this text:
    “VERY IMPORTANT: Google have just rolled out (most likely a mistake) a change which impacts all SMS/MMS apps, (so not specific to just Textra) resulting in delayed SMS messages.
    To see if the problem impacts you, open the Play Store app, search for Messages (by Google) and if there is a button there that says “Enable” then you need to press that. If not, then the issue does not impact you.”

    So I found that Google has a Messages app.
    I read about it and saw it has spam detection. I installed it. Up till now, I’ve used Textra. We’ll see…

    Z: I don’t trust GOOGLE……..Knowing GOogle, they’re probably just collecting your info and that’s a great way to do it….BUt I HOPE YOU ARE RIGHT and that works for you!

    AOW: WE’re still doing pretty well here, believe it or not….or maybe I’m just too hard headed and FAR too in love with my hometown…? Living here near the beach is amazing…..but yes, it’s getting tough AND people ARE waking up. This restaurant ban couldn’t DO more to get Republicans elected…!!! I LIKE THAT. Los ANgelenos are waking up because of Garcetti the JERK and Newsom the PHONY.

    CHUCK! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A month from today, I have a BIG birthday! I’m a year older…my mother is having a tougher time with it than I am! “I have a daughter who will be….” (I can’t write the number, so I guess I’M having trouble, too!!!!)
    And yes, who knew? One of my fave lines is “I thought getting older would take longer than this”….and I do lament what Garcetti’s done to L.A., but I do have hope….

    As I DO WITH BIDEN: He’s already doing so many ridiculous things that even centrist Dems might vote Republican next time IF we have the right guy. I hope it’s Trump, but I think he has too much baggage by now…unless he learns to package it better. THEN? SLAM DUNK!


  14. geeez2014 says:

    YOU ALL HEARING THE ERIC (THE JERK) SWALWELL STORY ? I thought “AXIOS ISN’T CONSERVATIVE!” But the Left is blaming Axios!!!!!! Here’s the truth:

    Axios – Media Bias/Fact Check

    Axios – Bias and Credibility

    A factual search reveals that Axios has never failed a fact check. Overall, we rate Axios just Left of Center biased based on story selection that slightly favors the left. They are High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and zero failed fact checks.

    SORRY TO SAY, I have always despised Swalwell, who now blameS Trump for this…You know, the Trump which AXIOS supports?!! (NOT!)

    Liked by 1 person

  15. geeez2014 says:

    I’ve always found Tulsi Gabbard was a snake, too…and SHE, too, has connections to the Chinese spy lady….hmmm


  16. peter3nj says:

    My birthday last week: One more time around the Sun…

    Liked by 2 people

  17. geeez2014 says:

    PETER..and happy birthday to YOU! I hope it was a nice one…Imagine 3 Geeez folks, you, Chuck, and me, out of about 12, have our birthdays within 4 weeks.
    Before I married, I haD an all girl holiday party…I say “Holiday” because about 12 girlfriends were invited (no guys) and only 1 was Jewish and I loved having her bring her menoorah and light it at the party! Out of that 12, 10 were Capricorns..totally coincidentally…weird, eh?



  18. kidme37 says:

    Trust Google? I don’t trust anyone except Tommy Silva to fix the framing in my house or Norm Abram to build a nice piece of furniture. (This old house guys and Norm also did New Yankee)


  19. bunkerville says:

    Soon it will be “Lord of the Flies” revisited… Evil stalks the land. Did I ever think I would see this in one generation? No.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. geeez2014 says:

    Kid, exactly what I thought.

    A restaurant owner/dear friend of mine said she’d heard there was a video made about how there is no evidence that eating outside has EVER been found in contact tracing. She told me she googled the guy’s name, et cetc….and Google didn’t have it until about 4 pages into articles like that…all the others were how dangerous it is to eat outside. TYPICAL.


    BY THE WAY: did you read my comment above about this new Swalwell scandal with the Chinese? he’s saying this is only coming up because he was hard on Trump all these years…..
    The TRUTH is it was found by AXIOS, and AXIOS is NOT a Conservative site, and NOBODY’s mentioning that anywhere on the news! AXIOS does NOT play along with DONALD J TRUMP!!!!!!!!

    ALSO: The Georgia gov or AG, or WHATEVER, who’s saying Trump lost and let’s move on is NOT appearing on FOX…..I clicked over to CNN and saw him THERE whining…

    that bugged me so much and SAID SO MUCH.


  21. kidme37 says:

    I pay no attention to anything anyone on the left does. Not intentionally anyway. 🙂


  22. kidme37 says:

    .. or says


  23. Baysider says:

    … or preach in a church or you may go to jail. I’ve actually heard even though some churches are (or were) opened they prohibited “worship.” Well, what the heck is ‘worship’ if not what happens when you join together to pray and study the bible! What do they expect you to be doing in those churches anyway? Planning the next BLM riot?

    We are now the ones in prison. Read this here. From our local apartment magazine. A woman who characterizes herself as “a bleeding-heart libertarian”, with an example of it, details what’s going to get worse under Gascon. It a hideous story of suffering because authorities have abandoned a core role they have in society. Gascon belongs nowhere near a DA’s office.

    When Chief Bratton implemented broken windows policing on Skid Row (2006) felonies, OD’s and homicides dropped. The DA supported him. Now the reverse of that – to which Gascon is adding rocket fuel – is returning to make our town a trash heap. [LA] Mayor Garcetti pushed a “Housing First” policy that has no strings attached (like behavior changes or drug rehab) in exchange for housing. They dump meth heads into transitional housing who then prey on other residents.

    And now there is NO REPERCUSSION for all these broken window crimes that lead to more serious stuff. You can make other peoples’ life hell (read that story!), and as long as they’re law abiding citizens we won’t touch YOU. Unless, maybe, you trespass at the mayor’s house to protest his diktats. Or, God forbid, don’t wear your masking doing it.

    As a letter in our local paper pointed out yesterday, the fact “that the entire State of California voted overwhelmingly on November 3rd to NOT end cash bail in the state and now Gascon is unilaterally doing it on his own in LA County is outrageous. People should be furious about this and yes, it’s going to be the Black and Hispanic areas that suffer the most.”

    Coming to a city near you…


  24. Baysider says:

    Kid, that “coming to a city near you” was meant for you especially. I understand the impulse to ignore. But they are readying their troops to come over the hill everywhere. They want NO restraints.

    Can one imagine what would happen if, say, all Christian voices disappeared overnight?

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Baysider says:

    and prayers plz for life of my kitty. Things iffy. Another lo-o-o-ng day at the vet yesterday. Figured she’d long outlive Mr. B, and so hope for it. We’ve been through so much together with all the household stress. I hoped we’d both get some peace time at the end of it.


  26. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, we DID vote against NO BAIL, is anybody in the media talking about that? Honestly, I don’t pay much attention to California news; I’m fixated on federal…..

    It’s so easy to be a Democrat. You do something REALLY illegal or awful and you say you didn’t know and hey, you’re sorry.
    It also never makes the media because they’re covering for you.
    Now AXIOS, a LIBERAL site is after Swalwell and he says “it’s because I went after Trump”? HELLO?? Nobody’s mentioned yet “AXIOS does NOT do DJT dirty work!” 🙂

    What “Christian voices” are substantially helping anything???

    I will pray for kitty!!! I SO hope she suddenly becomes MUCH better! I’m so sorry you have to go through this, too!! XXXX

    BUNKERVILLE..Baysider is right..Californians voted NOT to end bail….but the new DA doesn’t care…imagine?


  27. Baysider says:

    Z, I believe that the prayers of Christians – unseen and unheard – still work to hold back the forces of evil. Not political voices, but the gardeners throughout the nation who prepare the soil, sew the seeds, and are faithful. So … imagine they’re not there anymore.

    Kitty’s choices are: bad, very bad, and deadly.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Baysider says:

    And BP, I saw that woman’s presentation video. Very thorough, dispassionate, all science, little editorial.


  29. geeez2014 says:

    BAY..so sorry about kitty…awful.

    And of course Christians still pray…I thought you meant , literally,’ voices’…I wish you did 🙂 Don’t you?


  30. kidme37 says:

    Baysider, I always respect what you have to say. You’re a lot smarter than me. But, what do I aim at? I’d say there are over 100 million of us in the same boat. Civil disobedience will only go so far with these commies. I’ll take every opportunity to resist.

    Yea, they definitely want to destroy Christianity. The Pope sure isn’t helping, nor are the silent priests and other clergy.

    Obviously, if they do manage to take the ballot box away from us, there will only be one option left which is violence where it will do some good and if the cops and Natl Guard follow unconstitutional orders, that option won’t be avail;able either.


  31. kidme37 says:

    Sorry to hear about Kitty Bay. I know you’ll do what’s right for him/her. Always difficult.


  32. Baysider:
    The Holy Spirit in us.
    “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now holdeth back will hold him back, until he is taken out of the way.”


  33. geeez2014 says:

    Watching JEOPARDY: Can’t imagine anything in poorer or sadder taste than Ken Jennings being one of the question givers on one of the columns while Alex was still there (he filmed until early December…) I suppose Trebek approved it but it turned my stomach knowing Jennings might take Alex’s place.
    As if anybody could 😦


  34. peter3nj says:

    Geeez- I also saw Jennings. He’s appears to be a nice enough guy but he will not replace Alex.Here in the east there’s a local channel airing mostly original game shows with some oldies thrown in. Jennings is a permanent contestant with two others on a show called “Master Minds.” The show is a clunker as is Jennings who unfortunately comes across as a wet dish rag. He just doesn’t have the charisma needed to host Jeopardy and he will not be chosen to do so.
    One day after high school in 1968 I turned on the TV and there was Jeopardy, airing at 3:30 EST hosted then by Art Fleming a real nice guy who came across an an articulate gentleman. Instead of tuning out as I usually did I watched and what caught my attention was The Beatles as one of the categories. I’ve watched faithfully ever since. Jennings, should he be picked , will not last very long. There are two others, the professional gambler from Las Vegas and Ziggy from LA. Let’s see.


  35. The contest to host a game show is a game show.


  36. peter3nj says:

    All things being equal(pun intended) the new host will be a negro transsexual from a third world nation with blonde hair and a speech impediment.

    Liked by 2 people

  37. kidme37 says:

    Peter, Michele Obama as game show host?

    Liked by 1 person

  38. peter3nj says:

    Kid- naturally with her gal pal Oprah replacing Johnny Gilbert as the announcer. Hey y’all dis be’s Jeopardy and here be’s de ex-first lady Mooch, I be meaning Michelle Obi One Obama, ha ha ha!
    Yo Oprah thank y’all…

    Liked by 1 person

  39. peter3nj says:

    …and today’s categories be:
    Black History, Michael Jackson bizarre behaviors, Amos and Andy sit com rip offs, Dennis Rodman tattoos, Black men in space and How to survive in the big house.


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