Sunday Faith Blog

I wonder how God might be felt even more in our country during these really trying times if we prayed more, if we tried sharing our faith, if we remembered that our country was founded on the rights HE gave us.

Have a wonderful day….and Please pray……..I don’t have much more than that today….And remember He said…


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25 Responses to Sunday Faith Blog

  1. That was pretty much the content of my radio show yesterday.
    This nation will not get “normal” until the spiritual enemy that sponsors abortion, sexual immorality, murder, rioting is rejected.
    The only rejection is to take allegiance to Jesus Christ, the enemy of our enemy.


  2. Mustang says:

    Religion does not appear to be the problem. The problem is and has always been what men have done with it. If we visit the land which became the center of religiosity, we will find no “healed land” or any people uniquely qualified to lecture us about what is moral, what is just, what is godly, or its opposite.

    Regardless of all the words spoken about our country’s very foundations, it was never a Christian nation — only a nation that claims a foundation of Judeo-Christian values. We Americans were never a prayerful society except when we wanted God to bail us out of one predicament or another. We seem always to have time to negotiate with Him, i.e., if you’ll do this for me, I promise to … but I somehow do not think that’s what our Lord wants from us. I am not one who thinks that we are created in His image, but if it is true that many of our intellectual exercises and emotions are something we inherited from Him, then what I think is that our Lord would rather prefer a nice, heart-to-heart talk from time to time. Something warm, something genuine, maybe even ask Him how He’s getting along … if there is anything we can do to help … The sort of talk that makes folks feel good about their relationships.

    We should probably put our situation in its proper perspective. This government is man-made. It is, therefore, flawed. And, the longer it continues, the more corrupt it becomes — because, in truth, there is no consequence in this life for being utterly corrupt, which I believe is one of the worst evils in human society. It may have turned out differently had we not collectively turned our faces from the Lord, but that is what we’ve done, and because of this, we are no longer offended by corruption. Instead, many of us want in on the action. In this situation, this land will never be healed. There is nothing our Lord could do about it or even should do about it because one of His gifts is free will. So I won’t ask Him to heal the land. I’ll just ask, “Lord, is there anything I can do to lift your spirits these days?” Perhaps he’ll answer me, “Yes, there is. Let’s talk more often.”


  3. kidme37 says:

    What keeps occurring to me is “The Lord helps those that help themselves”. Moses had to keep his arms raised. That sort of thing.


  4. MAL says:

    What Mustang said about how we are always asking for something from the Lord and never offering our help to Him rang a bell. While praying, I have often thought about how I’m always asking for something, probably too much, but it never occurred to me to offer help to Him. I mean, after all, He is the Lord and who am I?
    Ya got me thinkin’ about that, Mustang! ;o)


  5. geeez2014 says:

    ED….it just plain makes people happier, more wholesome, more content people…it just has. I agree.

    MUSTANG: Not even sure what to say. I’m glad you agree with me when you say “It may have turned out differently had we not collectively turned our faces from the Lord, but that is what we’ve done, and because of this….,” which is exactly what I’m asking prayers for, of course.
    And I WILL ask him to heal the land because it’s his grace alone which can do it. As my friend Orson Bean used to say when asked why we pray…”because he LIKES it.”
    Oh, and I don’t think he needs our help 🙂
    When churches were full, life just was less immoral, more proper,…not to say bad things didn’t happen….! Free Will is alive and well. I’m grateful to have been born into a country I believe is Christian at its roots.

    KID, mostly, we’re told The Lord helps those who rely on Him…….And this isn’t a life where we can just sit around and wait for that…….I agree; we must help ourselves and count on Him in the meantime…

    MAL: It’s what CHURCH is for…it’s why we call that hour in the building WORSHIP, right? not BEGGING!? 🙂
    it makes you feel better to worship……..
    SO much good stuff happens, so many good feelings, so much amazing reward, when we do rely on Him.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. geeez2014 says:

    I’d have to add that no matter HOW much praying anybody does, PEOPLE WILL NEVER BE PERFECT, the Bible will never make us perfect, going to church certainly doesn’t make us perfect…………(which is why we go to church..there, we should be taught we’re there because we are not perfect)….

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Religion IS the problem.
    A relationship with God through Jesus is the answer.
    Somebody tell me how that can’t be a good thing, how God wouldn’t think better of this country if we supported Him more. If we got on His agenda.
    The enemy opened abortion clinics and pot shops and it took court rulings to get churches open.
    They are the grass root meeting places of liberty minded people.
    Avoid the ones with rainbow banners and signs that read “Science is Real!”.
    That religion will kill you.


  8. Baysider says:

    Yes, it’s only Jesus who makes us perfect. Sorry Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Yoga-ites, Animisms, Islam, Self Regulators, etc. When we respond to Him He moves us along that continuum in this life, but we only fully realize it in the day that the door on which we’ve been knocking all our lives will open at last.

    I think I have a more specific interpretation of Solomon’s admonishment than most who quote it, but it is a great principle that God seeks to bring forgiveness and healing to all who come to Him. And I do pray for His grace in healing our land. At this point, it looks like it would take a ‘reverse’ rapture. (And then a lot of work after that to ‘detox’ us from all the a-theistic poisons.) That would certainly solve the housing problem, especially on the coastal urban centers like NY, LA, SF, etc. 🙂

    This week in prayer I quoted a sign seen at a left wing rally – “We Are Ungovernable.” THAT is the problem of our culture, our world. I pray first that WE, the ambassadors who carry His name, submit to His governance, and that He draws (John 6:44) men to Him who accept His salvation and governance. Nowhere is this more needed than in Washington DC, media centers, and education institutions which are all under the thumb of darkness and criminalize righteousness. Only God’s power will turn these to the light.


  9. Baysider says:

    Ed, your “Science is Real” reminds me of a banner at a major Israeli conference in the early 1960’s. It read something like “We Will Have Peace Through Science.” How’s that workin’ out? “Science is Real?” Right! And where DID all those laws of physics come from? “Random chance.” Hmm, tell me, do you still believe in Santa Clause too?

    Mustang: I LOVE “let’s talk more often” – and am convicted.

    Tough day – please pray. Mr. B is already asking to “go home.” That usually doesn’t start until late in the day. So tiring on both of us.


  10. geeez2014 says:

    the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    “ideas about the relationship between science and religion”
    a particular system of faith and worship.

    I have NO problem with the term RELIGION…I am RELIGIOUS and I attend a wonderful church where we get more informed of our religion….which never ever leaves a relationship with God and Jesus out …

    ED, sorry, my religion, CHRISTIANITY, isn’t killing me.

    BAYSIDER: I think of our teens and how most are utterly pulled into the immorality we never even thought possible at their ages……nothing holds them accountable anymore, nothing tells them “No, that is really not a good idea” because anything which does tell them that is old fashioned..”Just religion” …..
    I admire so much those teens I know who follow Jesus and live such better, more productive, less dangerous lives than the many I know who don’t. But what I fear worse is the millions of misled teens who will bear children…and raise them like they are.
    We all should be praying our land is healed.

    IN that prayer, I’ll be praying that people like the Georgia Congresswoman , I think her name is Greene, goes away somehow……tomorrow’s post covers this a bit, the way people like US are being dragged through the media mud over things SHe has said (“The Clintons had JFK Jr killed so Hillary could win” and more and much more after that), because of the horrid 1/6 showing of what Republicans are apparently about (As if), etc etc etc…………And Trump SUPPORTS her a few days ago, so I don’t even have hope in him much anymore. Which really hurts.

    Yup…time to look UP more than ever.


  11. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, so sorry about what’s going on at home…will pray for comfort, peace…

    ED and BAYSIDER, SO many Christian scientists but SO many don’t know about them!!


  12. Baysider says:

    Yes, the left is calling Greene the worst person in Congress. Wrong! That would be Nancy Pelosi – far worse, and in a position to do far more damage. But Greene gives the unbridled media a baddie to latch on to. NOT good. Her introduction of impeachment against Biden is poorly considered and bad optics. Is she trying to be the Republican Maxine Waters?

    I don’t want to impeach Biden. I PRAY he will impeach himself!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, that’s what I mean, Pelosi’s just honored and revered by the media so there’s no comparison, really, as LOUSY and worse than Greene she is…..
    Greene just piles her name onto the list of things the media is broadcasting EVERYWHERE about us nutty Conservatives. And now Trump’s signed up with her, of course. Anyone who says he actually WON, he loves.

    THe media LOVES anti-Conservative….Even yesterday, when anti-vaccine advocates protested at Dodger Stadium, causing many to have to go home unvaccinated (causing them to waNt to strangle the next conservative they met, I’m sure) after having waited hours, the media included “Anti-Vaccine advocates and Rightwingers”…


  14. “This is religion pure and undefiled: to visit widows and orphans in their need and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” James 1:27
    That’s New Testament religion 🙂 I usually put that on forms that ask my religion.
    Religion absent Jesus is the problem, I should have been clearer. Mea Culpa.
    “Avoid the ones with rainbow banners and signs that read “Science is Real!”.
    That religion will kill you.”
    I trust you are not attending one of those.


  15. That little square in my last comment was a smiley face that did not translate well.


  16. geeez2014 says:

    ED, thanks…ya, clarity is not always that easy in comments…….
    I’d say religionS without Jesus are the problem, ALL of them…….And, probably , there are plenty of Christians who are without Jesus, too….at least in the richness that comes from finally ‘getting it’…
    Though my post is about faith in America and I know strong Jews who add beautifully to our country; without Jesus, but with a God whose presence in their lives is more coveted than it is in many Christians… They are SUCH strong lovers of God……yet….

    I don’t know why the emojis suddenly stopped…now I use 🙂 for a smile, sadly. As if it’s not enough we can’t see smiles behind masks, come to think of it.


  17. MAL says:

    Definitely not a good time to eliminate God or prayers from our schools, either. That reminded me about a few year ago when a graduating class was warned prayers were forbidden during the graduation ceremony, so as planned someone sneezed real loud and the whole class yelled “God bless you”! Remember that? They got innovated.
    “Where there’s a will……………” (theres a lawyer!). ;o)


  18. MAL says:

    That was suppose to be “INNOVATIVE”

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I thought you meant inoculated. insert smiley face (sans mask) here.


  20. Baysider says:

    Interesting scene at Dodger Stadium. Anti-vaxers come in ALL political stripes, except authoritarian. They have people all scared now, and this weak attempt to link conservatives to hurting your health is pathetic. Even more pathetic will be the minds that swallow it. No one ever accused Robert Kennedy of being a conservative!

    For THIS vaccine, though, as many people (including folks who have nothing against the idea or execution of vaccines) sense they’re being railroaded into an untested experimental gene therapy, I think the anti-authoritarians do come out. It’s frustrating to have responsible science ignored to push an agenda – what are your choices? I saw a news blurb about calling the Wuflu a scam. Really sorry to see that. The RESPONSE is a scam, but not the virus. The signs that read “99.97% survival rate” and “end the lockdown” – all good. Good place to get that word out.

    Here’s the bigger question: WHY did they shut it down for about 30 protestors? My answer: authoritarians have their own optics and want to create a problem where there is none. Did I miss violence, fires, assaults on people and destruction of property? Nope.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, I thought the same thing: You’ll see my post tomorrow…..just another attempt at showing HOW ROTTEN CONSERVATIVE NUTS ARE by shutting down all the vaccinations due to the 30?

    “Violence, fires, assaults, etc..” If it’s ANTIFA or BLM, that doesn’t count, of course!!


  22. Baysider says:

    Not to quote that ditz in the WH press room, but I want to circle back to Mustang’s comment. Mustang, that’s a downer. Technically you can’t call any nation a Christian nation if you construct that definition too fine. But a nation that is largely Christian churched, has a commonly accepted set of principles and values (Judeo Christian) derived from the bible, along with common literacy thereof, and expressed with behaviors and laws consistent with all that meets my criteria.

    As an historian you will appreciate a little rabbit trail here about the American revolution or – as I call it – the attempt to restore the Glorious Revolution of 1688 to this continent. We all know the great outcry of no taxation without representation. But few know that New England was filled with “No King but King Jesus.”

    Or the closing stanza of a song on the Battle of Breed’s (Bunker) Hill: “May God bring on that happy day when carnal swords no more shall slay, and Christ as Prince of Peace shall reign, and war be learned no more again.

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  23. geeez2014 says:


    “In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
    With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;
    As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free!
    While God is marching on.”

    I’ve heard so many times that the elderly in nursing homes don’t recognize their children but can sing the lyrics of most hymns they grew up singing. Christian hymns….the words to which most Americans knew from childhood since the Pilgrims. Of course, that will not be the case when children of today are elderly…and I don’t believe they will reach old age.


  24. A lot of people like to point out that John Adams claimed that we did not have a Christian government. But he was talking about the government, not the nation.


  25. Baysider says:

    Music is one of the last windows open to the mind closing to dementia. It’s in a different part of the brain than speech and seems to go last. It’s used a lot in therapy in these homes.


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