“Heroic National Narrative”

On Tucker the other night, Mark Steyn said John Howard of Australia had once talked about teaching Australia’s children the HEROIC NATIONAL NARRATIVE of their country.  I liked the sound of that!

Not sure the Aussies have a narrative extremely heroic, but okay……..the point is;  I believe America definitely does.

I invite you wonderful people to tell us what you think would be included if you were going to discuss AMERICA’S HEROIC NATIONAL NARRATIVE ….Which historical happenings helped create the HEROIC NATIONAL NARRATIVE the most in YOUR MIND?  One incident?   Ten incidences?   What  has happened in America over these many years to create our heroic national narrative?

Eager to hear!


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21 Responses to “Heroic National Narrative”

  1. kidme37 says:

    It’s our whole package. A cultural and economic and innovative system that provides the best possible standard of life and opportunity for everyone. Teach that. Teach why that is from all aspects of the above. Compare it other countries.

    Well used to be that way. Democrats took care of that while republicans sat around playing with their thumbs.


  2. geeez2014 says:

    KID, ya, hoping to remind us with this post that there’s a lot of good here and what you mentioned really helps….TEACH THAT is right!!
    I think it provides the best standard of life and opportunity, too………


  3. geeez2014 says:

    aMAZING…1:00 EST and Kid’s the only one who’s here to talk POSITIVE, albeit only a little, about our country.

    I still think we’re pretty great…I refuse to buy into the China, Russia, Biden/Harris CRAP.

    OK: I wanted to avoid NEGATIVE today SO badly, but let me now….

    WHY DO 2 yr old ILLEGALS have their faces blurred in TV coveraGe “for privacy”? WHAT PRIVACY? Do non citizens get that? Does anybody think some kidnapper’s going to steal that kid for ransom, from a penniless family?

    Did you hear Biden and President Harris talk ASIAN RACISM yesterday? CNN is celebrating that, REALLY whipping up the RACISM claims. Another RACISM NICHE..OH GOODY!!!
    They had COVID, they had HATE-TRUMP, and BLACK RACISM for weeks…now they havE something new to talk about………..they’re avoiding immigration, keystone job losses, Ford moving to MX, how Trump was the one who got Warp Speed through, etc etc…..

    My own Doc’s Japanese wife said she fears for her parents…..3,000 supposed incidents have happened in 350 million and she’s worried? He asked why, she said ASIAN RACISM…TRUMP STARTED THIS! My Trump admiring Doctor said he just walked out of the room ….

    I would HATE if there was really racism AGAINST ANYBODY…MUST we over advertise it?
    It’s HARD for AMericans, maybe, to see Chinese after what happened FROM China re COVID (whether Libs like it or not, it DID come from China and Trump was correct in saying so..that is NOT RACIST) but CHinese Americans are facing the same COVID fears…….they didn’t start this!

    This Dem party which calls for UNITY is doing NOTHING but whip people up against each other….DOes a Columbia Graduation including six graduations…one for gays (the LAVENDER GRADUATION), one for FIRST GENERATION LOW INCOME (seriously?), BLACK, ASIAN….etc…that’s UNITY? To hold different GRADUATIONS?


  4. geeez2014 says:


    What did TRUMP DO which showed RACISM? The N or S Carolina thing was disproved, the virus IS Chinese, etc…yet the Left HARPS on TRUMP CAUSED RACISM.

    HOW? HE helped Black colleges mightily, he won an award for helping the BlaCk community in NYC from Jesse JACkson not too many years ago, he NEVER did ANYTHING even slightly racist; WHat’s the Left cling to in hopes he is racist? Getting more minorities employed???



  5. geeez2014 says:

    A DEMOCRAT FROM NYC who lost his dad from COVID on TV just now…..”We’re so fortunate at least FOX has given us this platform to discuss what happened”…
    Changing hearts…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. geeez2014 says:

    I also want to make a public apology for having said FOX’s Kristen Fischer is a leftwing plant. She isn’t. Now that she’s not just standing outside the WH but is doing news inside, a promotion…she is showing true conservative colors….she’s just HONEST and TRUTHFUL and probably was then but that sometimes gets on my nerves if I see something differently!.
    SO, I’m sure she’ll sleep better tonight knowing GEEEZ approves of her now (WHEW!) HAAA!! But, I call’s ’em like I see’s ’em!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    Yesterday, Harris talked about ASIAN RACISM and said this “…and people with THE BIGGEST PULPIT who had spread HATE”…

    What BIGGEST PULPIT is there but Trump’s? She’ll never stop hating. I’m SO glad I don’t have that hateful nature…


  8. MAL says:

    In a nutshell, we are spoiled rotten, Z, and that has weakened us tremendously. I just forwarded one to you about the reply from the founder of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid when asked about the future of his country, and he replied:

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I’ve been busy doing show prep and I’m on air now. I’ll catch up.


  10. geeez2014 says:

    OAN having a good discussion; hostess isn’t the strongest, but good strong conservative…and the panel is 3 whites, 1 black very conservative young guy (hoorah)…
    Very good converation.
    I know production shouldn’t matter and I’ve bitched about OAN’s bad production qualities can turn folks off, but maybe they’re improving? Looks good today.

    ANYTHING is better than watching liberals Arthelle and Eric (the leprechaun) at FOX now.


  11. geeez2014 says:

    ED…thanks! I look forward to reading you and hope your show goes well.
    What was it on today?


  12. kidme37 says:

    Mal’s got it. Cycles. Human nature. Greed. Fear. Supply and Demand. Constants.

    Freedom and exceptionalism isn’t passed down in the bloodstream.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Baysider says:

    What a phenomenal question!
    1. Created from scratch, with a functional balance of freedom and responsibility. Not some utopian un-obtanium that could only exist with extreme totalitarian control. Then it wouldn’t be utopia, now would it.
    2. Delineation of key rights and recognition that rights come from God, and government’s role is merely to protect these rights. (Europe’s kings typically believed this about themselves, but – whoa ho – not for the hoi polloi.)
    3. Building in permanent tensions between power blocks that inhibit aggressive takeovers by one faction leaving people more free to go about their business. Federal vs. state. And the 3 branches of the federal government that vie with each other for power and position. (I was taught this division as more of a practical separation of responsibilities. But our founding philosophers nailed men’s motives and behaviors, so they made it harder for one to permanently gain an upper hand.)
    4. I concur with Charles Murray’s observations of the 4 pillars that define (or defined) American culture in positive ways: broad Industriousness, Honesty, Marriage, and Religiosity
    5. Our high engagement in solving local problems and the commonality of voluntary associations for all kinds of purposes are (or were) a central feature of civic life. VOLUNTARISM.

    Sadly, virtually all of these belong in the past tense.

    Good observations, Mal.
    No one can answer the question about Trump causing racism It’s like expecting the sum of zero+zero to be greater than zero. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. MAL says:

    I believe the answer to your original question “which historical happenings help create the heroic national narrative” it has to be our original war with the British to declare independence. Everything else after that wouldn’t have taken place were it not for our original fight for independence.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. bocopro says:

    Bizzy t’day. Long story.

    Anyway, in answer to the basic question, Murka hasn’t been so much heroic as lucky. ‘Nuther long discussion I won’t bother y’all with ‘cuz it’ll just irritate ya.

    Rather, in her prime, the US was reactive, and ordinary people were encouraged by necessity to do extraordinary things. Basically preferring to be left alone to build a healthy and prosperous country out of a bountiful wilderness, the people went about their bidness ‘til some jerk rattled their cage, and when they’d had enuffadat, they kicked his ass.

    Murkans developed powered flight, assembly-line manufacturing, some really neat stuff, such as the Panama Canal, the Golden Gate, and Hoover Dam. I would say they developed space flight, but that was Verner von Braun; and the Manhattan Project, although magnificent, was done out of fear that Hitler would get one firs and give one to Tojo.

    Murkans had their moments, but many other nations have had theirs too. We were best when we minded our own business, paid our own way, knew which words would get our mouths washed out with soap, and what kind of behavior would get us run outta town.

    We were best when we had two-parent families with the adults making decisions and nobody confused about which gender he was. And if he DID have questions, he realized that life isn’t always fair and kept his mouth shut . . . and adjusted.

    We were best when we tended to stay married and teenagers didn’t have boomboxes and i-pads and earbuds and smart fones.

    We were best before TV got all corrupted with sex and violence and music sounded good, not like a freight train carrying plumbing supplies running into a warehouse full of harps and fireworks.

    We were best when we all sat down to dinner together and children spoke when spoken to . . . and ate what was given and asked for permission to leave the table when finished.

    And we were best when we got dressed up and went to church as families on Sundays and days of obligation, and nobody paid any attention to anybody else’s bathroom habits.

    We were best before TV, before the Internet, and before Murkans realized they could vote themselves bennies and freebies. And we’ll never go back to those days again . . . unless we are attacked by Tralfamadorians, struck by a minor comet, or have a second civil war.

    And I’ve been sittin here long enuf . . . gotta get back to work.

    So there!


  16. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO “it’ll just irritate ya.” YOu know me well by now HAAA!!!!!!
    Of course, you know why I THINK America’s been so ‘lucky’!! The story of Squanto alone proves that! (if you’re inclined toward that direction!!!!)
    The rest of your comment…with the list of “We were at our best” almost got me crying again. Yes, literally. They’re all such sweet memories it actually aches to consider them all.
    Hoping all’s well at Casa Bocopro and M’Lady’s.

    “asked permission to leave the table..>” Imagine? SO SO Sweet. It indicates SO MUCH that’s lost.

    MAL: I think you’re right; that war certainly started all the very good stuff!!
    I heard last night, I think on JEOPARDY, that another city had a Tea Party…a harbor off S Carolina, was it? I had had no idea.

    BAYSIDER, VERY nice thinking there, thank you. LOVE this: “…broad Industriousness, Honesty, Marriage, and Religiosity: Amen and Amen, my friend.


  17. MAL says:

    It wasn’t So. Carolina, Z It was a bit further south in Havana, Cuba. ;o)


  18. Sorry to be late to the party.
    I had to go into work this afternoon and just got home.
    I had William Federer on my show today talking about his new book.
    Last Christmas I had him come on and talk about The Battle of Trenton.
    “We’re Americans. We value our freedom so much that we’ll cross a freezing river in wooden boats on Christmas Day and slit your throats to protect it.”
    That’s a historical narrative.
    Bill writes history books.
    Today he mentioned that Arthur Schlesinger, special assistant and “court historian” to President Kennedy, once said that a nation that loses it’s history is like a man who’s lost his memory.
    You become non-functional and can’t make decisions based on past experience.
    That’s why my show is called Your American Heritage.
    Hope this counts.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. geeez2014 says:

    thank you, Ed…great to hear from you, and thanks for that input…excellent. I didn’t know the name of your show; EXCELLENT!!

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  20. Baysider says:

    Ed, I hope you post that one.

    The flip side of today’s posts is all in an issue I got of ACLU Magazine and am reading tonight: Straight Marxist enslavement celebrated under the rubric of justice, mostly racial justice, and the end of inequities with an “emphasis on the activism that will be needed.” That is a virtual quote from Marx. Once un-obtanium has been set as a goal, they’re clearing the path by blowing up all the good things we wrote about and cherish. That’s done by picking on social ills and unfairnesses that can be subject to endless harangue by cranky activists. No wonder we’re becoming such an unhappy country.

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  21. Baysider. I just posted it.


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