Who hasn’t been saying THIS, right?

Just was emailed this and knew there’s nothing in it that we haven’t said but wanted to share it.    It’s probably THE single most hideous, negative post I’ve ever printed here…….but this is the most hideous, negative time I’ve known in America, so….

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he said America will not come back. He wrote:

* “The American dream ended” The first term of Joe Biden has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically unemployed that do not want to work, illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended……Norman Rockwell’s America.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.

The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order.

The curtain will come down but the damage has been done, the story has been told.

Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and political correctness.”


Z:  Again, I HAVE no idea who wrote it but I’m thinking you all agree 100%.   

By the way, if you REALLY want some comic relief, put CNN on any time of day;  Last night had me giggling as they talked about how FABULOUS the presser was…….no mention of his fumbling in sentences, not answering questions, reading answers, not calling on Conservative reporters…..”OH, isn’t he WONDERFUL?”      NO, Anderson, he REALLY FREAKIN’ ISN’T WONDERFUL.

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29 Responses to Who hasn’t been saying THIS, right?

  1. bocopro says:

    Well . . . as Orwell said, “speaking truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.”

    Forget what Ayn Rand said, but it was similar in tone and substance.

    Frankly I think it’s time for another perestroika, a reset, a return to basics with two genders, two-parent families, three-strikes-and-you’re-out, if you’re gonna do the crime then you gotta do the time, and complete abandonment of fossil fools such as Sanders, Pelosi, Biden, Waters, Feinstein . . . and quit worryin about racism and sexism and whiteism and genderism and thisism and thatism and burn the useless worn-out face diapers and GET BACK TO WORK, TO SCHOOL, TO NORMAL !!

    IMO, turn off ALL social media and network TV, go to local news only, jail known antifas and BLMs, close the border, and mind your own business and in 6 months we might recapture some sense of freedom, of dignity, of pride in being a Murkan.


  2. I refuse to ignore what is happening in order to be less stress free.
    Paul Revere was a hero for sounding the alarm to his neighbors.
    We must also.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. *more stress free, less stressed out.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. kidme37 says:

    Yea, agree. I wouldn’t call out individual names. To me, it’s communists, globalists (abut the same as commies) and worst of all the ultra maroons who run most things in America and the willing citizens indoctrinated to be ignoranymouses.

    Personally I would no more laugh at CNN than I would laugh at some North Vietnamese agent plowing wood slivers up under my fingernails.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. kidme37 says:

    Ed, so what do I aim at?


  6. Mustang says:

    What Kid said.

    I’m trying to imagine a group of early-American patriots sitting around the table laughing at the news that the British had just hanged Nathan Hale. Can’t see it in my mind somehow. There was nothing comical about what was happening “back then,” and I see very little amusing about what is happening now. I believe Biden is living on borrowed time. Before we all get giddy about that, we should all think about what comes next.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. ACUCHUCK says:

    Time is getting short for the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, and all the octogenarians in Congress.
    My only wish is that they all take the same road as Ginsberg. and soon.
    What a breath of fresh air, it would be, to never hear their names again, kinda like that honest scholar–Harry Reid

    Liked by 1 person

  8. geeez2014 says:

    KID and MUSTANG, it actually FINALLY does make me laugh because I’ve been putting it on during the day for a minute or two for about a month now.
    At first, I just couldn’t…i despise CNN.

    Now I do find myself laughing and it feels SO GOOD because the bias is SO SO SO much MORE BIASED than anything FOX could EVER say and yet they still call FOX biased!
    Ya, I like it….I like Anderson and Cuomo and all the others make TOTAL FOOLS OF THEMSELVES.
    I quite enjoy it!!

    ED, you and I are the minority but I AGREE…I can’t ignore what’s happening to be stress free, either…because, for ME, it doesn’t work, frankly. Ignoring it only makes me MORE stressed….I think watching CNN from time to time helps me know what so many are hearing and why they come to their astonishingly wrong and ridiculous conclusions. I feel stress when I DON’T KNOW. what’s happening.

    CHUCK: THe problem is when those geezers pass, it’s REALLY horrid people like THE SQUAD…………. THankfully, the Republicans DO seem to have a lot more young and smart and patriotic politicians on the Hilll….

    Liked by 1 person

  9. kidme37 says:

    To each their own Z.


  10. kidme37 says:

    Here’s a thought – instead of calling them Pressers, how about PressCon, since they are nothing more than con jobs when given by communists.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. geeez2014 says:

    KID, I think so, too…to each their own…….I’m glad you, at least, feel that way…I do, too.
    Interesting that FOX is on the ‘big 5’ of WH presser reportage but they have NEVER been called on at any little talk by Biden…..Psaki says to Doocy “Well, I’m going on FOX NEWS SUNDAY for the THIRD TIME” as if that makes her open minded when it’s that idiotic Chris Wallace who hosts it!!! Oh, ya, HE’LL really be tough on a liberal, right? (HAAAAAAAAAAAA!)…now THAT type of hypocrisy makes me laugh.

    MUSTANG: I totally understand you can’t see my take on this….Personally, I DO find it ‘amusing’ so I like to explain why…and how it affects ME, that’s all…..
    I can’t feel negative anticipation too much……I like seeing humor in the dark; it helps!!

    FOr instance…this morning on FOX, they were talking about a very small town in MN whose theater company has, after weeks of rehearsals, decided to cancel Cinderella because the CAST IS TOO WHITE.
    Now, this town is comprised of 89% White, 1.6% Black and the rest are Asians, or Hispanics..can’t remember.
    The show’s canceled and they’re substituting a new show……..

    Maybe they didn’t change the cast to a Black CInderella with a White Prince Charming (like 90% of our own TV ads ..)?…maybe they didn’t want to hurt the White Cinderella’s feelings after all her work on the show? Na…that can’t be it. THey clearly don’t give a damn about hurt feelings as long as they can feel less liberal guilt.

    HUMOR in the dark…..it’s just SO DUMB I have to laugh.


  12. MAL says:

    Well, being the perennial optimist I prefer to believe we still have a chance if we have the will. There still appears to be enough support for our country and basic principles of our founding fathers. It may only be a small minority group but thats all it takes. I imagine it’s always been that way.
    What I don’t understand is how Soros has been able to keep doing this to us. I’m not sure if its true or not but read where part of the $1.9 trillion is marked for Soros! WE are paying for OUR OWN DESTRUCTION?
    So how can I stay optimistic? What choice do I have? At least this way, I can still get a good nights sleep, sans any aggravation

    Liked by 1 person

  13. geeez2014 says:

    MAL, I doubt if there’s a line item saying “FOUR MILLION FOR GEORGE SOROS” but we all have to know that some of the pet projects of liberal senators and congressmen across the country are funded and THEY are projects supported by Soros, too……..yes….

    I used to blame Soros for a lot but I think the seeds he’s sown are so deeply rooted now, so many liberals have actually fallen for the SOROS RULE of HATE AMERICA FIRST that even his death will not stop A THING. Plus he has at least one youngish son in his horror of an organization.

    But yes, we must stay optimistic and I still think there’s reason to.
    Not ALL restaurateurs are conservatives…those saying to FOX after a host treats them so kindly “I’m really glad FOX, at least, gives us this platform…” or “I’m a Democrat but I can’t go along with this anymore, thanks to FOX for airing the story about our restaurant”

    Liberals don’t love covid-infected illegals bringing diseaSe into our country!
    Liberals have to see that Biden is NOT allowing cameras into the cages he’s created.
    Liberals are NOT going to like it when those of us making LESS than $400k a year are going to be taxed to death or when the Feds create inflation and we all lose what we have.

    Let’s see what happens.

    It’s time for Conservatives with any platform at ALL to SPEAK OUT…..the WH won’t allow Peter Doocy any questions except at informal announcements where he has to yell a question UNTIL Biden or Psaki have to respond, etc.
    And SOMEONE has to start doing a FACT CHECK thing on CNN and get people to realize the truth.

    This morning, CNN’s ALL OVER the new Georgia Voting Bill they HATE….meanwhile, Rove was on FOX clearly explaining the truth about it, the why’s and wherefore’s, and it made CNN look like illiterate fools for not seeing the truth, of which he had facts and figures…AND he described the mess of a voting situation Biden’s DELAWARE has!!

    THIS is the kind of thing all stations need to start showing; THE TRUTH.


  14. geeez2014 says:

    KID…just commented at your blog…LOVE Satriani,,,,


  15. kidme37 says:

    I saw. Nice tune, very creative and space-like. About to be in a tele-health doc appt. (checkup) I like this doc appt from home stuff. No driving, no sitting in waiting room, etc. Much nicer. Hope all or most are done this way.


  16. geeez2014 says:

    KID, I love those, too, but full physicals are usually in person around here…..SO nice to sit at your computer and talk with the doctor…safer, nicer, AND NO PARKING $$$, either!

    It was EIGHTEEN DOLLARS last time I went ….thankfully, I’d kibbitzed with the car parker who apparently was the manager because when I came out to pay the bill and she said “$18,” I said “WHAT? Charge Dr Linehan, she made me wait” (jokingly) and the parker guy heard this and said to the cashier “$3.00″….they only charged me THREE!! It pays to kibbitz HAHA!!


  17. geeez2014 says:

    BY the way, folks, it really made me laugh at CNN this morning when Alisyn Camarato (sp?) asked her liberal panel about Biden’s pressCON with really unliberal questions (tho she IS a BIG lib) like “So, did he REALLY answer the question about the border to anybody’s satisfaction?”

    The panel looked so shocked and stumped at having been asked an honest question it made me laugh HARD ….


  18. You will never again out-vote these people.

    “Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee (WE THE PEOPLE).


  19. Baysider says:

    Agree. And Biden’s press ‘conference’ was unbelievably awful. From the blank pauses to the vague primary school phraseology (“we’ll do it right”) to the planted PBS (I think) question that opened with baseless adulation of the questionee. Imagine: “Mr. Trump, after your inspiring tweets and solid agenda in getting the economy back on track, do you think you are doing a better job than your predecessor?

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Baysider says:

    Not to mention saying it’s “just sick” to try to protect our voting rights, while pretending he was saying the opposite.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. MAL says:

    Z, when I said money “marked for Soros” I didn’t mean it would read that way, just end up that way. But like I said, I only read it and it might’ve even been conjecture on someones part.


  22. geeez2014 says:

    ILHAN OMAR from the border:

    “These people are coming because they want to, they have to! They don’t watch our news and hear Biden, they just have to come!”

    Ilhan…oops! Nobody’s saying they saw Biden on our news in Guatemala or Honduras….THEY HEAR IT IN DIFFERENT WAYS: WOrd of Mouth, newspapers, COYOTES, SEX and DRUG TRAFFICKERS!!

    THIS is the brain of an American elected official? “They don’t watch American NEWS?” OY.


  23. geeez2014 says:

    I MAY HAVE TO STOP WATCHING TUCKER.. He just had the head of our Air Force explaining that it’s not fair to poor minorities that White pilots had a leg up becauSE they had the money to go to flight schools.
    SO, to hell with MERITOCRACY…if you’re WHITE, you are an idiot who somehow did well cuz DAddy had money?

    WOWZA…I know a LOT (a LOT) of people who made it BIG on their own…………..AND THEY’RE WHITE! (also some Black friends, by the way)..


  24. Baysider says:

    I thought pilots were trained in the service, not drafted in with the skills. Yes, they have to have math.

    Here. I found this on the air force website: Before you join the Air Force as an Officer, you must pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT). This test is similar to the SAT, with a multiple choice format, and covers topics ranging from verbal and math skills to pilot and navigation aptitude for those interested in flying. Because the AFOQT is a test of your general knowledge in a large number of subject areas, there is no “best way” to study for it.


  25. I’m considering renouncing my veteran status.
    I never thought it was THIS bad at the top.
    The head must be removed from the body.


  26. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, just saying that the bigwigs are promoting diversity over talent….talent was ALWAYS the first thing we looked for but they believe talent only comes from rich enough parents to have sent kids to flight school.

    ED….isn’t it just AWFUL!?? Tonight, someone said on FOX what I said the other day “We’re designing pregnancy flight suits for combat pilots and China’s busy sharpening their skills on demolishing us.”

    ANd lefties don’t get it. UNREAL.

    CNN has RACISM OF ASIANS on right now….oh, the hideousness of this great country of ours..it seems that ALL we EVER think about it RACISM.
    Lisa Ling mentioned the Japanese interment camps…..no mention that their BIG HERO FDR was the one who did that…NO WAY would they hurt their hero; on the other hand Abe Lincoln, the Republican, is a scoundrel who didn’t care a whit about the freeing of the slaves ….unreal


  27. geeez2014 says:

    I said this above “….oh, the hideousness of this great country of ours..it seems that ALL we EVER think about it RACISM.”

    Need I mention that was total SARCASM on my part?!!!!


  28. Baysider says:

    I read that comment from the head of Air Force recruiting. If that’s my position I’m going to fill the pipeline with the highest qualified candidates I can. The weasel words were “my superiors have told me.” Right. It’s rot from the head.


  29. geeez2014 says:

    BAY…don’t know; I saw an interview with him and felt ill……..

    Liked by 1 person

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