A former Trump aide, Jason Miller was detained for 3 hours at the airport in Brazil, questioned about his unDemocrat doings……(ya, he’s a Trump fan so he’s not Democratic!)…

The Brazilian Left hates Brazil’s Bolsonaro and is working for the last year or so to show ties with Trump…As you know, TIES WITH TRUMP are BAD BAD BAD, right?!!  He is now the POSTER BOY FOR UNDEMOCRATIC, HATEFUL CONSERVATIVES…They have to stop anybody who’s like TRUMP so THEY ARE GOING TO STOP BOLSONARO NO MATTER WHAT.

As most of you know, the globalist Left is also going after the Conservative Hungarian President Ader, who told Tucker Carlson “Western Liberals can’t accept Rightwing dissent”….so, he’s been lied about, mischaracterized, etc.etc….AND Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban, who’s said to be undemocratic because he doesn’t allow illegal migration into Hungary.

So, any Trump associate, any presidents who aren’t liberal……..THEY ALL MUST GO.

Boris Johnson and Macron don’t get too much bad press from the liberal media because Macron is more liberal and Johnson acts like a liberal though I doubt he is.  He got a ton of flack for speaking to Trump recently.


That is the new world order……..though it’s surely nothing new……..“OFF WITH THEIR HEADS”!



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  1. Xi Jinping once spoke to Trump.
    It would be nice if he was ousted.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. bocopro says:

    Once again my post has disappeared into limbo. It was a 4-head shot of Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and AOC with the comment that give their druthers, the mass media would enshrine those faces on Mt. Flushmore.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kidme37 says:

    Isn’t it interesting that biden is everything they falsely accused Trump of being? Well no, no it isn’t. Wash, rinse, repeat without the wash and rinse parts.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Mustang says:

    Globalists have achieved, since around 1990, what Hitler failed to do. I scratch my head in wonder.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. ACUCHUCK says:

    The more the Left freaks out about anything Trump, I am more convinced that I made the correct choice, standing with Trump. Wow, how one man can command such hatred for putting America First.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. peter3nj says:

    Nothing new under the sun. Pre- Trump my wife’s cousin’s husband was a unionized hotel worker(now retired) in New York City. At family functions he would remind everyone in his Colombian accented English “Obama goood Buuush baaad.” He got it half right:


  7. The “Globalists” are all sellouts to China. They are facilitating and implementing China’s One Belt One Road strategy. We’re effectively at war with China and all of the government institutions within the free world, that there to uphold freedom and democracy, are firmly in the grip of the enemy. I have no idea what we do about it. We’ve lost the ability to wield power at the ballot box, free and fair elections are completely gone now. It’s just …. so depressing.


  8. geeez2014 says:

    ED…EXCELLENT!!! VERY nice, yes!!

    MUSTANG: “Globalists have achieved, since around 1990, what Hitler failed to do”

    Man, if THAT isn’t a very well put TRUTH…..good one. Sad, but too true. WOW

    KID:You are SO RIGHT…

    CHUCK! Right…”how one man can command such hatred for putting America First.”
    Every SINGLE DAY, Yahoo news or the damned GOogle news feed that comes with my cell phone doesn’t talk about Afghanistan, COVID…nothing….but the TOP ARTICLES are “PEOPLE NOT PAYING RENT TO TRUMP” or “MELANIA TELLS FRIENDS SHE DOESN’T WANT TO THE WHITE HOUSE AGAIN” or “TRUMP’S NIECE SAYS TRUMP’S A FASCIST BUT HE DOESN’T REALLY KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANS” (This, from the niece whose father was Trump’s idle).

    PETER….I’m not sure I want to see that vid but I may later 🙂
    You are SO RIGHT…he was HALF RIGHT>

    FAIRESTWITNESS..(HI!)….If YOU are this down, we are in BIGGER TROUBLE than I THOUGHT! I’ve always valued and admired your optimism…………
    Yes, it’s a COLD WAR WITH CHINA………it had better stay COLD because I believe with Milley in charge, we could never beat any adversary…Milley would be too busy waving a white flag that says “But we REALLY LIKE YOU!” on it in the face of any foreign nephew so he looks WOKE. While we’re DEAD 😦


  9. Baysider says:

    Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness …
    Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!
    who acquit the guilty for a bribe, and deprive the innocent of his right!

    Isaiah wasn’t just talkin’ about Israel.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. geeez2014 says:

    PETER! Obama admits to having been TRANSITIONED 🙂

    Bush’s words are PRETTY funny about ‘George W’ 🙂


  11. peter3nj says:

    Obama would later become god son to George H.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER…absolutely NOT “just” Israel!


  13. geeez2014 says:

    ROBERT E LEE power-sawed off its base from Richmond, Virginia.

    Such a significant part of our history… And I think we all know Lee did not like slavery but knew it would be hard to overcome in that day…..and that God would put things to right in the future when it was more possible.

    I SO wish these people who demand the destruction of our history at least knew it 😦


  14. geeez2014 says:

    “Lee in his well-known analysis of slavery from an 1856 letter (see below) called it a moral and political evil. While both Robert and his wife Mary Lee were disgusted with slavery, they also defended it against abolitionist demands for immediate emancipation for all enslaved.[69]”


  15. kidme37 says:

    “So now that the statues are down how is your life better ? “

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Baysider says:

    Lee: a man who set up an illegal school to teach his FIL’s slaves to read and write before he freed them? And who worked tirelessly in the early part of the war to clear his FIL’s multitude of debts so he recovered title to the slaves so he could free them? That Lee?

    Your post could also be titled The Guillotine of ILLIBERAL Journalism. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  17. geeez2014 says:

    KID! Right, but that’s for NORMAL people….for years, Black Americans have seen that statue and who even freakin’ KNEW the history (bad or good), Black OR White?
    But today, we are SO OFFENDED BY EVERYTHING! : 🙂 What a JOKE.

    BAYSIDER…good…ILLIBERAL is more correct…when people still knew the difference!!!!!


  18. kidme37 says:

    Well, thinking about it. If you’re a black person, what does removing the history of slavery do for you. I’d think you would want that history to stay intact so you could continue to push for societal advantages over whites. This doesn’t do anythjing for blacks.

    The group that benefits is the democrats since they were the majority of slave owners and the party that created 100% of the anit-black legislation in America over the years so removing that history is to their benefit. It really doesn’t have anything to do with being offended then imo. Government sure as hell doesn’t care who they offend. Things like this are done for a reason.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. kidme37 says:

    PS, since we know the dems controlling government get whatever they want, if they really wanted reparations for blacks, it would have heppened already. What’s some number of trillions on top of the 29 alrady sitting in natl debt.
    That subject is nothng more than a carrot to get blacks to keep voting dem.


  20. geeez2014 says:

    KID…right…it feels like it’s just another step in the destruction of this great country with a beautiful and rich history.
    Those dumb young Black students DO think it helps… But they’re WRONG.
    Yes, if we see those things, why not a kind of ‘disclaimer’ on a nice plaque at the statue…saying the goods of what he did and the bads? Maybe because that BAD would have to include BUT THIS LEE GUY DID NOT LIKE SLAVERY.



  21. kidme37 says:

    Not much visibly going on in the US that displays an abundance of intelligence.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Baysider says:

    “And I will make boys their princes,
    and infants shall rule over them.” More from Isaiah. Kid + 1

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Baysider says:

    @ Mustang: “Globalists have achieved,” etc. That’s because they have been keeping their ‘extermination’ wishes and hopes more low key. Although Herr Professor Klaus Schwab is creepy enough to have easily had a seat at the Wannsee Conference table along with all the other PhD’s and doctors who planned the Final Solution.

    Some have denied Schwab said he wanted to erase 4 billion people from the planet. I did not read his book. I do not know firsthand. That fact that it’s even believable is a bad omen. Bill Gates (and his eugenics minded father) were certainly more forthright.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Mustang says:

    @ Baysider

    There could be a list of globalist morons several pages long. At the top of that list is Dr. John Holdren (Obama’s science advisor) who thought that federally mandated abortion was one good idea and advocated it for many years. This is what happens when you create affirmative action programs that permit monkeys to obtain advanced degrees. Holdren should be in a padded cell and fed hormonally modified bananas.

    Liked by 2 people

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