January 6 and Liz Cheney

LIZ CHENEY was on Bret Baier’s show yesterday afternoon.   He asked excellent questions.    She reminded us she voted with Trump more than many Republicans;  93% of the time.    Something to remember.    But she’s huge on what she sees as him going off the rails before January 6 and …well, you know……Cheney is 100% convinced that Trump LOST……

She mentioned that one of her big beefs was that they now know Trump was watching the ‘attacks‘ on the Capitol (for want of a more controversial word) on television in the dining room…….She said “He should have seen it and gone on TV to tell them all to STOP!”

Which leads me to what I constantly harangue about:    HOW THE HECK COULD THOSE PRETTY WILD ATTACKERS HAVE KNOWN HE WAS ON TELEVISION?    They weren’t watching TV, they were BUSY!   Gad!!   What am I MISSING about the wish that TRUMP HAD TOLD THEM TO STOP!


SHOULDN’T THEY ALWAYS HAVE A FEW WHO WOULD ASK LESS BIASED QUESTIONS?, QUESTIONS WHICH WOULD REFLECT THE OTHER WAY OF THINKING?    For example;  my question about how the attackers couldn’t have been doing what they were doing AND watching Trump on TV so what’s the point of bitching about his not going on TV?  Shouldn’t that be brought up on a panel if you’re getting to the truth?





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46 Responses to January 6 and Liz Cheney

  1. bocopro says:

    How long are we gonna hafta wait for Circleback Psaki to let us in on the secret that the Jan 6 terrorist attack on the capital was by the designed, managed, orchestrated, and performed by the unvaccinated.

    All Joey had to do after he was sworn in was take the handoff from Trump and run with the ball. Instead he’s spent 25% of his time on vacation in Delaware, and when he comes back he sounds like a bitter old fart with a mouthful of marbles telling out-of-school neighborhood kids to get off his lawn and stop teasing his dog.

    My guess is that if we lined up everyone over the age of 15 and showed them the tapes of the “insurrection,” especially where the “terrorists” were respecting the velvet ropes in Statuary Hall, we’d be hard-pressed to find any impressive number of people frightened or even mildly concerned about the “attack on our democracy.” Oh, O.K. Maybe 12.

    The entire production has been nothing more than campaign kabuki to distract from the ever-shrinking US adult work force, the ever-shrinking US currency, the ever-growing tidal wave of unvaxxed humanity at the southern border, the self-feeding national debt, and the fact that the jab isn’t protecting anyone from the sinogleep.

    Let’s not forget that the only person who died in the “uprising” was a 35-yr-old US military veteran shot by a capitol cop for no reason other than the fact that she was a Trump supporter.

    It was most certainly NOT a déjà vu of the 1933 Reichstag fire, no matter HOW MUCH les leftistes want to call it such, and it in NO FREAKIN WAY compares to 7 December 1941 or 11 September 2001. Sheeesh! No WONDER Cackles’ staff are abandoning ship.

    It also pales in comparison to the widespread destruction and chaos of BLM riots in 2020 which were so enthusiastically endorsed and cheered as “mostly peaceful” by liberals and their propaganda bureau in the mainstream media.

    If you want to understand TRUE insurrectionists, you need to re-read American history, especially during the late 18th century, say around 1775 through 1779. Of course there also was the French “Me-Too” disturbances in the years following.

    And if you want to see a plot to bring down a presidency, look no further than what the entrenched liberals did to Trump with the Russia! Russia! Russia! collusion farce with its totally fake documents and corrupt FBI leadership. Not to mention what Madame Guillotine did to le Roi.

    It’s just an Old Swampy Theatre production which nobody east of the Appalachians or South of Quantico much gives a damn about. All it’s teaching us is that Democrats are FAR better at making boils out of pimples and horse droppings out of hiccups than conservatives are, especially during election years.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mustang says:

    If Joe wasn’t present at the J-6 event, Joe doesn’t know what happened there. All Joe can say about it is what he heard happened there. Well then, who told Joe what happened? Liberal media? Biased media? Democrat politicians? Anti-Trumpsters? Self-serving politicians? What evidence was Joe provided to convince him that what happened was an insurrection? There is no shortage of doctored videos produced by the same people mentioned above, so can Joe (with his average intelligence) assume that seeing is believing, or does there remain in the back of Joe’s mind a niggle of doubt? If Joe has even a niggle of doubt about any of this, and if Joe was serving as a juror, then Joe has to find anyone charged with insurrection “not guilty.” Guilty, remember, requires a belief “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Finally, our average Joe has to be impressed with this remaining factoid: If what happened on 6 January was an insurrection, it was a mind-blowing historical event because it would be the first time in human history that an insurrection occurred without guns. The only people with guns on J-6 were police. The only people who used guns on J-6 were police. The only person who died due to a gunshot on J-6 was an unarmed female. The only person who murdered anyone on J-6 was a police officer.

    Okay, so Joe may now wonder, “If nothing awful happened on J-6, then how is the government getting so many convictions?” Good question. Here’s how the system works: the authorities over-charge people and threaten them with decades behind bars UNLESS they admit (plead guilty) to a lesser charge. Once someone pleads guilty, the burden is no longer on the government to prove anything. This is called prosecutorial coercion. It works 90% of the time. Pleading guilty means that the accused no longer has a right to a jury trial. No jury trial means “conviction on the fast track.” Oh, and by the way, pleading guilty in exchange for probation or some other light sentence …. is still a FEDERAL CONVICTION. Try to find a job with that hanging around your neck. Or purchase a house, car, vote for some number of years, or get a passport.

    So, what IS the lesson that Joe must learn? First, Joe was wise not to attend the J-6 event. Second, if Joe knows what’s good for him, he should learn to sit down and shut up. Third, this was never a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” The sooner Joe internalizes that, the better.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. bunkerville says:

    She mentioned that one of her big beefs was that they now know Trump was watching the ‘attacks‘ on the Capitol (for want of a more controversial word) on television in the dining room…….She said “He should have seen it and gone on TV to tell them all to STOP!”

    “They now know” — I would like the citation. Even if he went on TV and knew what was going on who at the Capitol had brought along a portable TV to see any announcement. We did know he wanted the National Guard there.. Please… let’s hear from Nancy and her emails and phone records requesting help since she is responsible for the security of the Capitol. Somehow we don’t hear about it. Interesting that the Sergeant at arms quit immediately….hmmm

    Liked by 1 person

  4. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO; LOTS OF FINE POINTS HERE………….THE MOST IMPORTANT TO ME, the most COMPELLING, IS “RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!” it’s really been proven without a doubt that was all a farce$$$$$…..and NOBODY is covering that TRUTH. FOX, maybe, BUT even the Conservative cables aren’t making as much of it as they should.
    ADAM SCHIFF was all over that ‘truly BIG LIE” yet he’s still treated like he’s an honorable, legit politician. THAT bothers me more than ANYTHING you mentioned.

    And the fact that the woman who was killed wasn’t armed is not mentioned, either.

    MUSTANG, you said “Third, this was never a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” The sooner Joe internalizes that, the better. ” I think our founding fathers , and many who came after, would be very surprised to hear that.

    Thankfully, Jim Jordan and others are trying to get videos which have not been presented to the panel. Here’s hoping.

    ALSO, to emphasize my point, IF SOMEONE FROM THE ‘PRO (for want of a better description) TRUMP SIDE’ was ON this panel, perhaps this group would hear the astonishingly illegal, nasty treatment SO many of the ‘insurrectionists’ have rec’d in and out of jail, and are still suffering through.

    BUNKERVILLE: The ‘citation’ is witnesses who are piecing together the days before and that days’ activities in the WH and elsewhere.

    WHY does this Liz Cheney have far more information than we do and who voted 93% WITH Trump and STILL believes this was put up by HIM?



  5. Baysider says:

    “ON THIS 1/6 PANEL IS A BUNCH OF POLITICIANS WHO ALREADY BELIEVE TRUMP WAS ABSOLUTELY WRONG.” Yes. That was the whole design, as you’ve written before.

    What struck me about the events of the 6th – at least as I read later – how ‘violent’ it was on one side of the capitol, and peaceful on the other, which is where I presume people were let in by the police. It seemed like 2 worlds depending on your camera angle. Or activists.

    And also as you’ve written – and many of us concurred – WHAT was Trump supposed to do? He already sent them ‘peacefully’ on their way. A lot more peacefully than the bombastic Maxine Waters who called for her minions to disrupt everywhere they found a Trump-er. Many did. Where was the media callout? Right. In their editing rooms looking for ways to slam the president. They still are. It’s like the king digging up Cromwell’s bones to desecrate the corpse.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER: I JUST WISH the American people who think like we do could get these questions OUT THERE…..I don’t see it happening though Jim Jordan and others are really trying.

    Yes, Waters CALLED for disruption and violence….not Trump.

    I don’t believe Trump is totally innocent on this….I believe he rather liked the kerfuffle because it was PRO HIM….I don’t believe ALL the witnesses who attest to his reactions in the WH are lying…but I do believe he could come out NOW and say ANYTHING he wanted and it would be covered and people could hear more truth.
    But he isn’t.

    But I WILL ADD, come to think of it, that if those protesters couldn’t possibly hear or see anything HE was saying about stopping the violence………HE couldn’t possibly have heard or seen all the threatening things which were happening within the Halls.


  7. MAL says:

    No one has ever mentioned the obvious question: If it was meant to be a real insurrection they all would’ve been armed to the teeth and due to their huge numbers would’ve succeeded, but that wasn’t their intent. Not one weapon was even displayed, let alone fired. That is, except by the WH guard that killed an unarmed veteran woman. Why isn’t that ever mentioned? Given their huge numbers I believe it was extremely peaceful, despite the rowdiness at the WH. No stores broken into, robbed or set afire; no cars burned, etc.
    I recently wrote a letter to the editor about that but they didn’t publish it. Why?


  8. geeez2014 says:

    I just heard Elena Kagen from the Supreme Court saying how important it is that people get vaccinated, etc etc.

    I believe that’s not the question; I believe the question to the Court is: IS IT CONSTITUTIONAL TO TELL PEOPLE THEY HAVE TO DO ANYTHING OF THIS NATURE?

    I’m grateful the vax’d are doing infinitely better than the unvax’d right now but I am against mandates…Both my friends who were unvax’d were extremely healthy, in their early sixties, and suffered on ventilators before they died in the hospital… (and yes, I KNOW, someone will now come talk about how 2 people who got the vax had strokes…..when , on the other side, those are the people who say “those in the hospital had sicknesses unrelated to covid, they just happen to have had covid” 🙂 I know :-))


  9. geeez2014 says:


    Of COURSE it is…the last numbers were fairly good because people went BACK to their jobs; He hasn’t CREATED A JOB!!!!

    So, they’ve caught up and that huge bunch that was expected and aren’t employed aren’t employed because he’s paying them to stay home!



  10. geeez2014 says:

    Oh, my. I just GOogled a bit about strokes and vax, and the facts are that those with COVID are more apt to stroke than those who’ve been vax’d. That’s sad.
    Another site said strokes happen from vaccinations…I read earnestly until I realized the article was from 2012. what vaccine?! 🙂 Flu? Shingles?

    SO much ‘stuff’ …some so eager to believe the worst…..We all trend to what we believe. How do we get past a pandemic with this attitude? But with Fauci in charge, how do we believe ANYTHING? And that Dr Walensky of CDC is even worse in my opinion!
    During the Spanish Flu…FAR FAR less medical help, FAR less protection….and it took 2 years for it to be OVER…..now, with all we’ve got, we’re still here.


  11. Mustang says:

    MUSTANG, you said “Third, this was never a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” The sooner Joe internalizes that, the better. ” I think our founding fathers, and many who came after would be very surprised to hear that.

    Really? You mean to say that after Congress passes a law that makes criticizing the government a criminal act, or fast-forwarding through time, after the FBI arrests hundreds of peaceful demonstrators and coerces them into offering up a guilty plea for unarmed insurrection (of which there is no such thing), or that the FBI helps to conger up a fake dossier and uses it in Congress against the President of the United States, or when the FBI conspires to destroy a president’s reputation, or when America’s top-ranking general calls China and tells them not to worry about a sitting president, you (or the founding fathers) think we have a government of the people? Wow. Good luck with that, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. MAL says:

    Z, do you think its possible the Chinese designed this virus to be a continual mutating one? That we’ll never completely get over it? The gift that keeps on giving?
    I sure don’t want to think about things like that, but what else are we to think when it keeps on mutating while the previous one is still active?


  13. Mustang says:

    One day, a frog from the marsh cried out to all the animals, “I am a doctor and I know all the remedies!” A fox, hearing this, called back asking, “How can you save others when you can’t even cure your own limp?”

    We might hang this fable, provided by my Uncle Aesop, over the desk of the President of the United States to remind him that before he goes around trying to cure all the cancers of the world, he should spend some time trying to fix the cancers that are eating up America.

    @ Mal

    Viruses cannot survive outside their host. Like all living things, a virus will adapt to its environment. Your body is different than mine, so if we each have the same virus, your version will be different from mine because we offer that virus a somewhat different “environment.” As the virus spreads from one host to another, it mutates to survive in a somewhat different biological environment. This is the best explanation for a viral mutation that I can think of.

    No, I’m not a biologist, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.


  14. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: You clearly say “This was never a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”
    I said very clearly “I think our founding fathers , and many who came after, would be very surprised to hear that.”
    And I still think they would. I do NOT believe this was “Never” a government of the people…etc.”

    By the way, you are correct about virus mutations but I will add that if you spent the night at a Holiday Inn Express, you might concern yourself less with the virus and more with BEDBUGS 🙂 HA!!!

    MUSTANG…Your frog story brings up a question I’ve had; CAN we get through this virus without other countries, mostly third world countries, STOPPING coming here entirely for some months (which I would have NO problem with)? Or must WE pay for all their vaccinations to get their populations healthier and not spreading to us via airplanes, etc?
    What do you think?

    MAL: Mustang is right on that….. Don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind that only the Chinese could develop a virus that ‘keeps on giving’ but I don’t think it’s a possibility here. Viruses do mutate and they usually weaken; and this one is in its variations. And Mustang’s SO right about those who do or don’t get it….I have a girlfriend who lives with her husband; She got it BAD 3 weeks ago (worse than anybody I know who didn’t have to be hospitalized,} and I’m SURE she’s vax’d since she’s an anesthetist and it’s the smarter thing to do when you’re seeing patients all day long)…her husband..ZIP. tests negative, NO symptoms, while she’s writhing in her bed!! She’s almost 100% better now…I think!


  15. Baysider says:

    Perspective: Long before covid there have been concerns about both acute and chronic inflammatory issues caused by some vaccines. (Or more accurately, their adjuvants.) So no surprise at a 2012 article. Research has been published attempting to identify biomarkers to fine-tune decisions and mitigate injuries. The covid spike protein is only a recent addition to a list of ‘suspects.’ But it is the spike protein that’s implicated in initiating the inflammatory cascade that results in stroke, neurological failure, heart issues and organ failure. The Salk Institute took heat for publishing that research, but it appears they did so without prejudice. (This is the Temple to Vaccinology after all.) No matter how you come into contact with it, it’s something to be taken seriously.


  16. MAL says:

    You folks all have to know more about viruses than I do ’cause I know nothing about them, but it just seemed funny that only this one keep mutating. Did any of the predecessors do that? I can’t remember if it ever did.
    On another note, our grand daughter whose wedding we attended in Jan. 2020 just before the onset of COVID is expecting in March and just caught COVID. They did not take the vaccine. They aren’t worried, but WE are!


  17. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, my noticing the 2012 date on my article was important to me as it shows this is NOTHING NEW….that’s my point. .Nobody’s having strokes suddenly from any new vaccine OR disease…except they do believe covid is the cause of some strokes. And, considering much of the study was done in old age homes, strokes there are not uncommon; with or without covid.
    And, thankfully, the boosters are very much helping severity of this virus; Yes, take it seriously, but, (gad, I HATE quoting from Biden), do not PANIC. Of course, Trump said all that first…but nobody cares to remember that!!


  18. geeez2014 says:

    MAL; Pregnancy is concerning but I just read somewhere of a pregnant Mom who got covid before the birth and everything did go well……baby and Mom are perfect. Obviously, we don’t know if baby may have some lingering ‘something’ but Mom could have had German measles and REALLY hurt the baby!!! Or any other virus. As a neophyte in my knowledge of all this, I’d say she’s lucky she got it later in her pregnancy…. just a guess.


  19. heidiannefiedler1328 says:

    Liz DOES vote with Republicans overwhelmingly, but when it counts – think the ‘impeachments’ of DJT – she votes with the Dems. Sure, if you want to cut taxes or hand over more of our sovereignty to corporate welfare or cut corporate income taxes, she’s your girl! But if you want to actually wield political power to push through something truly conservative, well then you’re a threat to OUR DEMOCRACY!!!

    Have you ever noticed that whenever Liz, Kinsinger, and the rest of the leftists start screaming about “OUR DEMOCRACY” what they’re really talking about is THEIR POWER?

    There are too many questions still unanswered about J-6, but with the only questions allowed to be asked coming from the left, these are questions we will never have answers to. Or we won’t have them until the lot of us are dead and gone; maybe my children’s children will learn the truth in their dottering. We do know that THEY KNOW it wasn’t an “insurrection”. How do we know that? Because nobody has been charged with that.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. heidiannefiedler1328 says:

    Oh! BTW, Mustang, so true on the prosecutorial coercion. When San Bernardino’s sheriff’s department was trying to destroy my life, they kept trying to get me to accept a felonious plea. I refused. It cost me more than two years and $60k to get them to drop it, but they did. I, luckily, hadn’t been incarcerated though, so I had more wiggle room than those charged in the J-6 shenanigans.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. geeez2014 says:

    Heidianne…..I remember that! That was something like 10 years ago, wasn’t it? It lasted that long??

    .”…but with the only questions allowed to be asked coming from the left, these are questions we will never have answers to.”

    And the ONLY way those questions could be allowed is if SOMEONE on that ridiculous one-sided panel actually was curious about TRUTH……I, for one, do NOT believe Trump did everything right in regard to that 1/6 mess, but I DO BELIEVE he has the right to have people who see two sides on that panel, who’ll ask questions of what this panel is DEFINITELY repressing. (See Jim Jordan)…….And while Kinzinger and Cheney are definitely conservative in their voting, SOMETHING is NOT RIGHT. And you’d think Americans would be sensitive to this….
    but most aren’t paying much attention.
    Not sure it’s POWER, Heidianne….if those 2 DID fight for Trump and he backed them, they’d have a TON of power.

    What’s happening NOW is the Left is so so so scared Trump could stage a come-back, that this is not about saving democracy but GETTING TRUMP IN JAIL…or at LEAST unable to run again due to the slurs of this panel.
    Russia didn’t work.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Mustang says:

    Mal said, “ … but it just seemed funny that only this one keeps mutating. Did any of the predecessors do that?”

    My answer: Yes, all the time. Influenza is a virus of four types (A, B, C, and D), and they mutate significantly every year so that we end up giving it different names: SARS, Swine (H1N1), and so forth. When you get the flu jab every year, it mainly addresses the previous year’s virus, so what it does, actually, is strengthen your immune system to help fight the new round of influenza. The A and B types cause seasonal epidemics; C-type viruses only cause mild illness, and D-types only affect animals.

    Please remit 2¢ for this medical advice.


  23. heidiannefiedler1328 says:

    Z, it’s been 13 years since the arrest; it will be 11 years ago on Monday when it was finally dismissed. Time flies! LOL

    I cannot call either Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger “conservative”. There is far more to being “conservative” than voting to cut taxes or strengthen the military. Neither of them voted with/for Trump when it mattered. That matters to me.


  24. kidme37 says:

    The repubs should have been screaming to have all the video and information released about 1/6 for the last year. Include screaming abiout the unarmed woman being murdered, the people (some of them) who did nothing more than enter the capitol bldg with the capitol police hoding the doors open for them, and certainly not even usggesting they shouldn’t try to enter. They should have refused to conduct the business of Congress until these things were taken care of. Screaming 24/7.

    This is whay I have zero use for republicans, and you know how I’ve always opposed dems with a passion.
    This is the only thing I will ever have to say about this subject other than pointing out the ‘very conservative’ Ted Cruz called it a terrorist attack in the media. He trying to walk it back afterwards is less than useless. (Oh Gee, I’m sorry, I’m a moron, did I really say that? please)

    Government is broken beyond repair.

    Government by and for the people? Frankly I wasn’t around 200 years ago or even 100 years ago but most certainly Not in my lifetime has this been the case and it is much less true today than it ever was.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Mustang says:

    @ Z

    In the matter of the J-6 incident, the democrats aren’t looking for truth. They are looking to further discredit and/or hold Trump responsible for shouting “fire” in a crowded theater. Was Trump robbed of an election? Heck, I don’t know. If he was robbed, though, that robbery took place in one or more blue-state capital buildings, not the U.S. capitol. All the House does is read out the state’s official election results and tabulate the votes. There was nothing going on in the U.S. capital that day that warranted any kind of a demonstration, which is why I argue that the entire incident discredited some segments of the political right — people who don’t even know how our government works.

    I will say, though, that I’ve decided to take Mr. Trump’s advice. He told us, the American people, not to vote for a loser. Since Trump lost the last election to an effing moron, I guess that makes Trump a loser — so I won’t waste my vote on him in 2024.


  26. Baysider says:

    Trump not only said don’t panic, he modeled it.


  27. MAL says:

    Okay, Mustang. Being as COVID is in addition to our annual flu this year, are we to expect two different outbreaks yearly from now on? But they said earlier that COVID is a familiar virus so we know how to speed up the vaccine, remember? Warp speed? So is it the same or a variation of our the one we’ve been getting every year?


  28. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: The Dems are certainly not looking for truth!..as I said above.. “What’s happening NOW is the Left is so so so scared Trump could stage a come-back, that this is not about saving democracy but GETTING TRUMP IN JAIL…or at LEAST unable to run again due to the slurs of this panel. Russia didn’t work.”

    You are correct about any robbing being done having been done in the States…all of whose judges and governors ruled against Trump. But the crowd of attackers (God, I have to be so careful I don’t use a ‘wrong’ term and offend….the Trump supporters? That’s not true, either, because I BELIEVE there were lefties in that mob attacking Capitol Hill…) WERE led to believe they were there to voice their displeasure that Pence said YES to the electoral college vote….THey were TICKED OFF that he, supposedly, didn’t reflect what they wanted.

    Trump’s losing to Biden makes Trump a LOSER enough that you wouldn’t vote for him ? well, ok. He’s a LOSER in the way he handles nearly EVERYTHING……even his response to Biden’s speech yesterday could have been INFINITELY more helpful. INFINITELY. But, no, Trump has to go EGO.

    KID: Ya, Cruz says something now about how he’s always called anybody attacking anybody with guns a terrorist. Problem is I’m not sure there were many guns bandied by the ‘attackers’….
    He’s too good on other things for me to get too ticked at the term he used, but………as you say, Republicans haven’t been very effective on ANYTHING for years.

    HEIDIANNE….voting with Trump 93% of the time makes someone Conservative in my book…….They have more information than WE do on 1/6 and I’m glad I listened to both of their reasoning yesterday on FOX……they didn’t 100% win me over …I’ll NEVER trust a panel loaded ONLY with people who feel one way about the subject they’re supposedly looking for the answers about….but Cheney ticked me off AND made some sense. Kinzinger …not so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. kidme37 says:

    I say this totally in the spirit of Observation. Not judging anyone.

    So, under Trump, America enjoyed energy independence, lower taxes, bla, bla, etc, etc, etc, and more to the point, the lowest unemployment numbers for African-Americans, Women, Hispanics, and in fact every possible category and ethnic group in America. Ever in America.

    People who couldn’t untwist their undies and vote to keep this going because they didn’t like Trump as a person literally said to the above groups of people, many of them enjoying a chance to make a better life for themselves and their families again or for the first time- Screw You.

    Well Ok.

    That the people who scream about the rights of black, women, etc Happily voted for the democrats illustrates their capacity for lying and hypocrisy to levels beyond any known measurable scale.

    Part of why I have no hope for the place. Whatever goes on in the big tent or the sideshows is nothing more than noise. Could we get some new people to screw us please, I’m tired of the current turd buffet carted out 24/7 on cable. Which is why I don’t watch.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Mustang says:

    I BELIEVE there were lefties in that mob attacking Capitol Hill.

    I agree, Z. More than lefties, IMO … I think FBI agent provocateurs were involved as well. This is how the game is played. Everyone needs to know this before they “hop on board.”

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Mustang says:

    I don’t know how to answer your question, Mal. I think we’re going to be stuck with Covid for a long, long time … until it burns itself out. So, for the next hundred or so years, I’m guessing we will all have to get used to two or more viruses compounding our lives. One day the human species will become extinct, of that I’m certain. The only questions I have are when and how.


  32. kidme37 says:

    Mustang, maybe it will be a youtube challenge for how far you can make it with your foot to the floor driving the wrong direction down the road. Hopefully, the lawyers and the media people will be the only ones left alive and they can feed off of each other until the last of them stops breathing.


  33. geeez2014 says:

    MAL, my hope runs along the lines of Spanish Flu.. and how we got through that though it killed something like 50 million around the world. They had a wave of flu, people mostly survived, then they got hit by H1N1 and people died within HOURS.
    They did quarantine some; they got to wearing masks, which apparently slowed the transmission, and didn’t even let libraries loan books out! Spitting was illegal! Etc.
    BUT THEY TOTALLY CONQUERED IT.. ASPIRIN was their big help …it worked well, even as deadly as the second wave of Spanish Flu hit hard.

    If they could get through that, we can get through this. I’m a little weary of hearing “This is the new normal” No…none of this is normal; pandemics aren’t normal. I am optimistic.


  34. kidme37 says:

    Spanish Flu – more people died of bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks. This according to a report written by Tony F in the early 2000’s

    Also with this disease, there weren’t the number of powerful drug mfgrs who are making billions off of it like they are now. Well, it factors into it.
    I don’t think it will end until enough people say Enough.


  35. geeez2014 says:

    KID…I still do have hope, clearly….and I do very much like the conversations on FOX, for example. NewsMax, to me, is nothing but good production, and odd information from old political celeb-types…unless they’ve improved since I last watched… OneAmericaNews is lousy production but some very good young thinkers and discussions.

    The only optimism I can add to your comment is that we’re not the only people noticing how much better things were during Trump…..and how awful Biden has been, and how even more awful (if possible) Kamala is. THIS is why the Left’s making SUCH a HUUUGE deal over January 6…..they MUST; They have NOTHING to run on but that REPUBLICANS ARE DESTROYING DEMOCRACY …’THE BIG LIE’ IS WHAT TRUMP’S ASSERTION THAT HE WON IS.
    The Republicans need to do something BIG against this but the Left is making sure they can’t.

    I’m sorry so many find nothing in FOX….but, that’s okay! As long as nobody gets all their news from one source, it’s all good. Am I the only person here who likes to hear a good dust-up with a Dem and Reps? I hope not.
    Interestingly, I can’t STAND Geraldo…the “Republican,” as he calls himself. But I very much respect Harold Ford, Jr., a Democrat who doesn’t admire the far Left one bit…at least he’s honest. I can’t stand that he believes Dems can be good for AMerica, but he’s a good guy.

    I am sorry for the ugliness in Congress these days and I have to say the way Trump spoke didn’t make things more civil….The way both sides call each other such AWFUL names, names I cringe over and that we NEVER heard in public even six years ago. I fear we’ll never get civil government back. Ever.


  36. geeez2014 says:

    KID…every article on Spanish flu I’ve read talks of how the masks brought it to a slow down…..WOW. If anybody died from bacterial pneumonia from wearing a mask, they were wearing them a LONG TIME and somebody didn’t put 2 and 2 together 🙂

    I won’t weigh too much more into COVID today…or any day………..

    As I’ve said many times, there is no reality;
    Without some drugs, MANY more would be dead and dying.
    WITH some drugs, some are dying.
    Drug companies are saving lives.
    Drug companies are getting rich from doing that.
    Hospitals are full of covid.
    Hospitals are full of other sicknesses but those people have covid, too.
    Vaccinations can kill.
    Millions aren’t dying due to vaccinations.
    Don’t believe ANYTHING you hear about this, it’s all a plot.
    Z’s two dead friends disagree.

    I could go on and on and on. What is the point?


  37. kidme37 says:

    No problem here Z. I’m not trying to tell anyone what to think. I’d have probably agreed a lot with your description 2 years ago, just not where I am now.

    As said somewhere, I do enjoy people like Jesse Waters, some of the other entertainment stuff. I personally have no use hearing from the other side. I know what the democrats are, I despise their evil and I find nothing positive about exposing myself to it. I also don’t think anyone who is predisposed to be on the left even watches the programs or if they did would give any consideration to the people talking the right side points. Mustang’s report that only 5 % of the population even watches any of it.

    We will never get civil government back. I decided this when obama got re-elected. The ones on the left are screwed so tight they will continue to find new lows. Nothing is out of bounds for them.
    They’re willing to Kill You just to avoid seeing or hearing you. Yes, I believe that. Not that they would in reality but they’d sure like to.

    How do you deal with people like this, play paddycake? Don’t think so. People on the right want firm action against this evil. Why weren’t the repubs screaming at Schiff to produce his ‘evidence’ or shut the hell up. Thousands of other examples.. He was bleating massive lies for 5 years. Ridiculous.

    People talking on TV will have no effect on this. Might even make it worse though being silent is no solution either. So, back to my prediction that it just keeps getting louder and less civil until it boils over.


  38. kidme37 says:

    Z, it’s a fauci report he did. If you want me to find it I’ll look for it.


  39. kidme37 says:

    Covid, one of the reasons I say nothing about it is too much lying, not enough truth in reported data.
    Plus I have no business even suggesting what people do about their health decisions.

    Well, an internet search turns up mixed results on whether Tony attributed pneumonia to the mask wearing. So up to the individual to decide I suppose. Personally, I believe it given all the internet censorship and rewriting of history going on favorable to the left’s narrative. To each their own.


  40. geeez2014 says:

    Kid…no thanks. As I said, even today masks can cause pneumonia …when people wear it too long.

    I forgot to add this to my list above:

    Fauci is brilliant
    Fauci is a lying self promoter

    I believe he’s a brilliant (wrote THE quintessential Internal Medicine Reference for American doctors and maybe it’s translated, I don’t know) and I CAN’T STAND HIM. I think he’s a WORM. But I don’t mind also saying he’s no dummy!

    KID: I HATE masks, too, and I believe nobody should even contemplate wearing one under the age of 20….But I also know I’ve been sneezed on by people with a cold or a plain flu and didn’t like their mung in my breathing pattern…………I figure since the virus is SO SO SO tiny and can even get through cloth (~!), it’s those ‘big chunks’ I mask against! And I don’t wear one as much as possible.

    I know you don’t like TV news shows. I do! I REALLY am somewhat cheered when I see people as bright as Baier, McCallum, Watters, etc etc., on MY side. Some don’t care; it matters to ME, that’s all!


  41. kidme37 says:

    Masks for sneezing coughing scoundrels? Yep. helpful. I pay attention to who is around me when I’m out, same way I do when I park my car looking for evil doers.

    Yea, it’s nice to hear people talking sense. It just isn’t going to matter to the country at large.


  42. geeez2014 says:

    KID….hoping your paying attention is telling you who’s got covid but is asymptomatic! This is a tough one.

    And yes, very nice to hear people talking sense….the good news is the lefties I see changing and coming on FOX and talking about it. Gutfeld’s late night show is number one…….not that all the others are so very much watched anymore, but this is a pretty good thing.

    He has a guy named Jimmy Faille on quite often; that guy is hilarious! Have you heard him?


  43. MAL says:

    My point is, all the other flues prior to this were all natural, not manufactured, so how do we know they didn’t somehow design this one to be perpetually active? We don’t. Ii remains to be seen.


  44. geeez2014 says:

    MAL; but that’s not a given……..You make a good point, and I see what you mean now, but we can’t be 100% sure this was manufactured. It is also rumored to have been ‘allowed’ to ‘escape’….whatever it was, natural or not.
    I’m guessing nobody could design a virus to be perpetually active…and the vaccinations are keeping people from hospitalization and death and so SOMETHING seems to be working against it.
    Yes, a LOT about covid ‘remains to be seen’.
    My two friends who died were unlucky…the first was before the vaxes…the second was a liberal who decided not to be vax’d.. Both suffered.


  45. kidme37 says:

    I haven’t seen Faille.


  46. geeez2014 says:

    He’s an ex cab driver who has got a podcast on FOX now, which I have not seen…but he’s on Gutfeld a lot and he has a GREAT sense of humor………really fun!


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