Listen at your own risk….she is BRUTAL. And right.

Please listen when you find 12 minutes…and please pass it on.   This is about Europe…but what’s different about it here?   (Most of you know I prefer to read than listen, but this woman caught my attention!)

God bless America.  Keep America safe from our elite……God bless this courageous young Dutch woman.


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20 Responses to Listen at your own risk….she is BRUTAL. And right.

  1. bocopro says:

    Well, long ago a guy condemned the sins of government and got his head lopped off for a heathen belly dancer’s delight.

    Another voice in the wilderness pissing off the fat cats . . . for she on gluten-free hath fed and drunk the wine of white supremacy.

    Will the last Caucasian in Europe please turn off the lights as you leave?


  2. peter3nj says:

    Funny but I only picture men pissing into the wind.


  3. geeez2014 says:

    I think it’s pretty great that, at least, people are not all falling into the trap of the elitists….Let’s see how far she goes toward more of this….

    Of course, Hungary, being the only country never having fallen into the trap,is despised by liberals; they’re doing ALL they can to denigrate Hungary’s Prime Minister… Like they’re doing all they can to condemn El Salvador’s Bukele for not going along with their schemes.

    I posted this for HOPE…………I’m sorry you guys don’t have any……….

    I think you’re both right, however…it sure feels like nobody gives a damn, as SHE SAYS….but she says it publicly; it’s a start! 😉


  4. Baysider says:

    I watched on YouTube which tags it with THIS lie right at the top:  “The New World Order is a term used in several conspiracy theories which hypothesize a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.”  Nothin’ secret about it now.  We watched in real time the last 4 years.  Totalitarian movements in lockstep with virtually ALL dissent shut down with an iron fist. There was more resistance to Stalin than this. 

    She’s good. This speech is only the tip of the iceberg. So eloquent. I heard her speak on the artificially created “farm crisis” last year through the Dutch government (or Brussels) precipitated Nitrogen Crisis.  In fact, she talks about the attack on our food supply a lot.  Here’s her Substack: It’s behind a paywall, but there are summaries.

    and warning to American farmers:

    You may have seen this earlier 3-minute segment with Tucker when she talked about the use of fear to gain control. If CO2 is poison, why is China building 2 new coals plants a week?

    I stated at the front end of the covid mess I’ll be prudent but not live in fear.  More prescient than I could have guessed at the time.  

    Europe will be diverse? How’d that work out in the past? Think those guys will welcome a MAGA cap now?  Eva needs a mountain of prayer. 

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER, yes, she SURE does….. I fear for her life.  I liked that a large audience was 100% behind her……….lots of cheering.  But, as usual, SO WHAT? As PETER and BOCOPRO above suggest….So what? NOW what?

    The only maybe good thing is VOTING…..people who hear her might vote smarter..IF there’s a politician willing to go against their parties…because most parties who publicly hold her opinions are labeled N A Z i and (I have to put that word carefully on my blog) fascist, etc etc. It’s HORRID. The incredible hatred lib Europe has for Hungary’s Orban is amazing. The hate many of the French have for Le Pen and Ciotti is terrible….Although Ms Le Pen did better than expected in her last candidacy. All she wants is French sovereignty… IN FRANCE!

    My goodness! Thanks for all the links!


  6. geeez2014 says:

    “Eva Lotte Louise Joan Vlaardingerbroek is a Dutch far-right activist, known for propagating conspiracy theories and expressing anti-feminist sentiments in the past.”

    That’s just the START of her Wikipedia……..the subtle little ‘slams’ and innuendos about her crack me up! (very typical of Wiki, of course…..anything conservative is just plain stupid!)

    As someone who has learned a few languages and knows PLENTY of people whose first language wasn’t English but speak it now, I can see that she has an amazing command of the language AND the accent.


  7. MAL says:

    She not only is spot on, but also very brave for speaking up and likely on several hit lists. Like you say, Z, so what happens now? We say “Too bad. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen”, then go back to whatever we were doing. Complacency.

    The population figures of those European countries showing less than half being natives is extremely discouraging and should never have been allowed to happen. It appears the world was caught sleeping by all of this. 

    Has it already happened here, too? Given our mixture its much harder to detect than other countries, especially Scandinavia who are mostly all White and blonde.


  8. Baysider says:

    I’ve always contributed to Wikipedia, but could no longer after their purposeful spread of lies and misinformation during Covid. I told them that in turning down their invite this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. geeez2014 says:

    MAL; COMPLACENCY …that is the biggest problem today…..she’s right!

    BAYSIDER< Wikipedia’s been very left-leaning for YEARS………! I’ve never been interested but I hope more conservatives DO contribute because I literally laugh at the OH SO SUBTLE digs at anything or anyone conservative on Wikipedia.


  10. Baysider says:

    Friend and foe alike ALL get where America is different and the likely last bulwark. She was on Tucker’s current show and noted “we [Dutch] don’t have a First Amendment, and we sure as hell don’t have a Second Amendment.” And “it’s an illusion of a free country.” Yikes, that hits close to home.

    Yes, it’s fair to ask “and now what”? She’s a young attorney, but so articulate she can project the big picture. It’s not just stealing their farms – which many farmers in her country opined about. Perhaps she can wake up more. Like the ones they’re intending to starve out. So yes, it’s a ray of hope. Let’s just say the globalist’s job will get easier after the Great Snatch. Use cash.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. geeez2014 says:

    I wish you could all hear the SQUAD talking about the “awful things our police did” to encampments at GWU last night “at 3 AM….tear gas, etc etc “….

    TV coverage is the same; you ONLY see the reaction of the cops, not what the protesters did to THEM. 

    Honestly, the Squad is SO dishonest and their words SO hit the nerves of indoctrinated university kids….they’re playing RIGHT TO THEM.  Absolutely a result of CRT…where kids have been taught for some years now that the oppressed are ALWAYS RIGHT.  ALWAYS.


  12. Baysider says:

    I hope they saved their tents. 

    Liked by 1 person

  13. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER: HILARIOUS!!!!!!  Thanks for that!


  14. geeez2014 says:

    But I wonder if Soros will want them BACK! 🙂


  15. geeez2014 says:

    Almost all of FOX (and other)’s News page are VIDEOS now…you must LISTEN instead of READ most of them.

    I’m thinking it’s because they figure the future holds not that many people who CAN read, considering the stats of how our kids are doing in schools…:-( So sad.


  16. Many videos have captioning, which I read with the volume off.


  17. Baysider says:

    I do that often too, Ed. I don’t like the videos as a rule. Unless it’s a puppy rescue. And I’m an audio person. Rather read. 🙂


  18. geeez2014 says:

    I like to read at my own speed, which is usually faster than captions …. but that does work.


  19. MAL says:

    Baysider, it reminds me of another one: 

    “I have a degree in Liberal Arts. Would you like fries with that?”


  20. Mustang says:

    two thumbs up to the Dutch chick!

    Liked by 1 person

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