Race Baiting at its best



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28 Responses to Race Baiting at its best

  1. It would be racist to think that blacks are too stupid to see the harm done to them.
    Of course, Dems think that, so …..

    My black friends are conservative. 5 total. Can’t think of any more at the moment.


  2. bocopro says:

    His motorcade thru Atlanta drew crowds the size of those going to Bangladesh to watch the arugula harvest.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. peter3nj says:

    Bulldinkies! The only way Biden loses is if the ballot toting caravans run out of gas.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Baysider says:

    One step at a time. Better than a poke in the eye. Hope they “remember” at the ballot box, especially in Georgia where they’ve outlawed soft politicking at the polling line.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry we all don’t all get some glimpse of a change in America caused by the moron who’s doing his best to destroy it even as I type here…~!!!

    I never publish these links as if THE WORLD IS SAVED, but to give a glimmer….


    ED..”It would be racist to think that blacks are too stupid to see the harm done to them.”

    PETER AND BOCOPRO made me laugh out loud!


    BAYSIDER…there’s always bad news, isn’t there……….Not enough news like that in this link and Joe’s link!


  6. geeez2014 says:

    ED….remember when Biden talked about Obama being “… a Black Man Who Was ‘Articulate and Bright and Clean’?”

    I wish THAT would come out soon because we can’t wait for days before the election…too many are voting early and people need to know these things….

    that’s some quote there!!!!! Talk about unhinged…watching Joe read teleprompters and those squinty eyes and angry voice getting more and more ugly…..who can VOTE for that?

    Now if ONLY Trump would give people NO CHANCE to think “Biden’s bad, but did you hear Trump say he’s too broke to buy bacon at that last rally?” And worse, MUCH worse, of course 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    ED….Biden , as shown in your link, is SUCH A LIAR! OR SO CONFUSED! He lies nearly EVERY DAY he’s speaking to people now…and he even repeats some which were discussed in the media.!!

    I’d LOVE to be a fly on the wall in the WH….hilarious! “He said WHAT???”


  8. It’s unAmerican to not be able to buy bacon.
    That’s grounds for insurrection!


  9. geeez2014 says:

    ED…it is TO ME 🙂 But, really, to be a man THAT rich and act like he’s ‘feeling the pain’ of 82,000 hard working people?


  10. It’s empathy. He relates. It’s a white lie 🙂


  11. geeez2014 says:

    I completely disagree….for him to say he feels badly bacon is so high priced, fine! To say HE couldn’t buy it anymore, either, is NUTS 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. bocopro says:

    Joe Biden is a corrupt politician forever cursed to choose the wrong side of any controversial or important issue.  

    He is a fraud, a habitual liar, a cheat, a plagiarist, and a bully . . . a wasted soul of barely average intelligence now inhabiting a decaying body.

    His finest gift to America would be to shoot Kamalho and then slip into a coma with a large DNR tattoo on his forehead.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Mustang says:

    I think it was around 2006 that AOW and I discussed how the Soros machine was overwhelming our political system in the same way that Cloward-Piven sought to overwhelm the federal bureaucracy.  She and I thought it was working out to the Democrats’ advantage back then.  Eighteen years later, we have a few (a very few) blacks standing up to the worst racist president in our nation’s history, and everyone is getting a warm and fuzzy feeling that the Republic can be saved.  Except, after one reads and thinks about Bunkerville’s post (on 5/22), you realize that a few mouthy blacks is more like a flea climbing up an elephant’s tail with rape on his mind.

    We have no reason to celebrate, dear friend.  This country is already “sunk.”  And, as our friend Ed quipped over at Bunkerville, the only box left to us begins with the letter “a”.   


  14. Mustang says:

    Sorry, typo … I meant to write Bunkerville’s post on 5/21 (Tuesday).


  15. MAL says:

    I’m with Peter on this one. We have to make sure its a fair election otherwise Biden will somehow “surprisingly” win. More and more it seems folks are finally waking up. They sure don’t want another 2016 to happen to them ’cause they don’t want to spend another 4 years harassing Trump!

    The left sees the polling numbers, too, and are very worried. They also realize by keeping Trump in a N.Y. court instead of letting him campaign might actually embolden him! (and expose their incompetence).

    Their conclusion? Make sure Biden wins!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: Thanks. I do think people are waking up……as Hispanic illegals get all the goodies, it’s pushing Black America to see what’s happened.

    I loved seeing a Black Republican Congressional candidate last night on TV…..strong, angry….getting people involved.

    BUT, no…. nobody here is naive, nobody doesn’t know that things are VERY BAD and that that BAD is considered good by too many Americans…who just don’t seem to know what they’re asking for.

    I remember we all were on to Soros back then…..imagine his getting by with it.


  17. Joe Conservative says:

    George Soros… the Alchemist of “The Alchemy of Finance”

    Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it’s interested in operational success.

    Or as PT Barnum would have “more wisely” said

    Every crowd has a silver lining.

    Without promotion, something terrible happens… nothing!

    Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the American public.

    Never give a sucker an even break.

    I believe hugely in advertising and blowing my own trumpet, beating the gongs, drums, etc., to attract attention to a show; but I never believed that any amount of advertising or energy would make a spurious article permanently successful.

    It is of no advantage to advertise unless you intend to honestly fulfill the promises made in this manner.

    Science is the pursuit of pure truth, and the systematizing of it.

    Alchemy? That’s not “science”. That’s something George Soros pursues with no intention to honestly fulfill the promises made up.


  18. Joe Conservative says:

    But then again, it’s pretty easy for a con man like George Soros to make money in the Idiocracy we have today.



  19. geeez2014 says:

    JOE…I’m sure the answer is somewhere in your excellent blog stuff and here, but WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IS SOROS’ GOAL? WHY DOES HE DO WHAT HE DOES? TELL me, I’m not great at watching YouTubes……….

    I’m glad I have the blog; it sure helps during times like this…thanks, everyone.


  20. geeez2014 says:


    “Smith is an election law expert whom Trump has called the “Rolls-Royce” of experts in his field, but he will not testify after Judge Juan Merchan ruled he could speak before the court on the basic definitions surrounding election law, but that he could not expand beyond that scope.”…..

    Z will end that sentence with “…beyond that scope which could show that Trump is perfectly innocent in this case.”



  21. Mustang says:

    I read earlier that Judge Merchan castigated a witness for “rolling his eyes” in the courtroom.  Now, I’m not sure what the rules for Judicial conduct say – or even if there are any such rules in New York, but in my view, Merchant’s behavior in the courtroom constitutes bullying.  I’m pretty sure that bullying is a violation of rules for proper judicial conduct in normal states.   


  22. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG: Isn’t THAT the truth…..yes, the big shot lawyer who was an adviser to Cohen testified that Cohen told him, back in the day, TRUMP DID NOTHING WRONG several times! Must have been excruciating for the judge to hear….When the Judge ruled yet another ridiculous thing, this legal expert apparently rolled his eyes and got admonished!!

    This judge couldn’t be worse!! He’s bullying Trump’s team unmercifully …but, that’s OK….they’re not Democrats, so…

    Letting a jury go out into the world for a week before getting jury instructions is astonishingly bad for the defense….I guess that’s why they’re delaying…let them watch CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc.

    The good thing is CNN has somehow found some lawyer who’s actually FAIR and said ON THEIR AIR that “Cohen, having stolen money from Trump, did worse than what Trump’s accused of”…I’ve heard this lawyer say, quite a few times, things like that! You should hear lib Dershowitz on this trial!!!


  23. Joe Conservative says:


    The quotes in italics are James Lindsay’s, but I agree with them.

    George Soros thinks that America is over-valued and he wants to sell it short and collapse the system, reaping enough money to dominate the world from here on out. He “broke the Bank of England”. Now he want’s to break the US Fed. How?

    …The other point is more subtle, but I want you to catch it. He said the participant’s bias is the key to an understanding of all historical processes that have thinking participants. So I don’t want to give away the whole point, although I did at the beginning too quickly here, but it’s this. Soros realizes something very important, and I want you to take this in. Get ready, Soros realizes that he who controls the biases of the people, controls the future. Not, “he who can relate the best facts, he can understand the world the best, who can articulate facts the best, that’s not who controls the future.” Soros realizes, it is he who controls the biases of the people, is who controls the Future.

    That’s what his Open Society is all about. Controlling the bias’ of the people worldwide, and becoming its’ master.

    And Soros thinks the same way about his own approach. If it works, say, if it opens Society some more, and, he says, it, or if it makes him money in the market. And he says, this is the only quasi objective measuring stick available.” By the way, whether or not it works, then it is true within the boundaries of social Alchemy. And that’s what Soros is trying to describe practice is. A Criterion of Truth.


  24. geeez2014 says:

    JOE! SO Soros wants to CONTROL THE FUTURE…………HOW? And what the heck kind of future does one want in a failing country where the people are at loggerheads and laws don’t matter anymore, homeless reign, cops are murdered instead of being called upon to help, etc etc………..


  25. Joe Conservative says:

    @Z –

    How? He’s a currency trader. Shorting the dollar.


  26. Joe Conservative says:

    …and he’ll be living in Switzerland (or elsewhere) by then.


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