A Couple of Things….

Every Tuesday, FOX shows a banner across the bottom of the screen showing the winners in primaries in the states involved that day.   I find it really interesting and hopeful that nearly every one has Trump at, for example, 85% v 15% “Other”

For Biden it’s almost always Biden at, for example, 75% v 25% “Other”.  Biden’s spread is always larger.   I think that’s a good thing…promising.   Don’t YOU?

On the OTHER HAND, imagine voting again for FANI WILLIS?  She won today.    that’s not quite as bad, but almost as bad as Los Angelenos voting for Gascon, even in a recall that failed.   Gascon, you may know, was highly supported $$$ by RFK Jr’s horrid VP selection.  Unreal.

Pretty cool about Trump v Biden Primaries…fingers crossed that this IS a good sign.

Now to protect the voting…………

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11 Responses to A Couple of Things….

  1. peter3nj says:

    Georgia’s love lust for Willis: A harbinger of things to come in November not only in Georgia but in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania? Five months is a lifetime for a White House backed plan for a Trump perp walk. A New York acquittal is less than a wetdream with 13 left wing jurors let out for a week to ruminate among their fellow Trump loathing peers.


  2. Speaking of odds, I was driving home yesterday and thought to ask Google what the betting odds were on a Trump acquittal in NY.
    She replied: There is a 55% chance that Trump will be found not guilty of one or more of the charges brought against him.
    I actually think it’s much better than that.
    That’s “Not Guilty” as opposed to “Hung Jury”.

    I’m not surprised about Willis. The demographics of her supporters has not changed.
    They are still stupid people, easily influenced by their corrupt pastors and communist, er, community leaders.


  3. Sam Huntington says:

    I seldom watch televised news. There are several reasons for this: first, it isn’t news. Second, it isn’t believable — and I mean, unbelievable whether sourced from progressive or conservative news organizations. So I am prepared to question almost everything reported, in televised media or print.

    Peter is making a good point, but regarding the likely reelection of Willis, I have to ask, what should anyone expect from a majority negro electorate? Noting that there are more negro politicians in jail than outside, I will also ask, is there even one honest negro led government in the United States?


  4. bunkerville says:

    Not to repeat myself…PA 152,000….GOP “other” in a closed primary. So it doesn’t really matter unless Biden voters stay home. Dems have this thing of never giving up on their party in the end.

    Hispanics may be the ones to pull us through. More may find murdering a baby until time of birth not acceptable. More than a six week ban.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Joe Conservative says:

    Where did Fani “win”? In the most corrupt vote-counting center in the nation. Same place Biden won in 2020.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. peter3nj says:

    Rumor has it Fani and friends celebrated by dancing to the strains of “Don’t Mess With My Toot Toot” while lighting up their blunts with $100 bills.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. geeez2014 says:

    I’d written a long response to each of you and I see it is not here now. OK…that’s gone/done.

    I will say that watching some cable TV helps a LOT when you can rely on hearing the truth because you’re seeing the interviews and videos of the situations discussed….that’s why I laugh at the Left which , for example, never shows the border situation, but scoffs FOX and NEWSMAX for “making it a bigger thing than it is” when we who watch those programs see with our EYES the truth….that’s just one example.

    I’m running out of fodder for the blog as I won’t ‘go completely negative’ on America ever. But I don’t want to stop the blog after 20 years! I was referred to as “BLOG GODDESS” when I first started because I got the hang of it pretty well and I was thrilled because the moniker was given me by long time EXCELLENT bloggers!! I’ve lost my touch, apparently.

    Also, believe me, there is no one better aware of what’s happening…I guess I still believe in it as my mother did…. a naturalized citizen who made our house in 1776 look more patriotic than the King Family Bicentennial Special on TV!! She was WELL aware things weren’t the same here in her beloved country but she had hope. I’m holding on, Mom.

    OFF TOPIC: I’m watching a hearing against some Fauci lover who apparently lied about our funding Wuhan, etc… Another HEARING. For NOTHING. It will, as always, go NOWHERE. But it IS fascinating!!!


  8. It’s not you. It’s blogging that’s passe.

    Now it’s Vlogging.


  9. geeez2014 says:

    ED…it’s frustrating…everyone’s acting like they NEVER appreciated America EVER…..comparing to other countries, they’re WRONG.

    thanks for the encouragement………….”V” as in VIDEO??


  10. Yes. Video Blogging.


  11. Posted on FB and Instagram and X (Twitter).


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