Publishing Hypocrisy;


I had not heard that Justice Amy Coney Barrett was writing a book about her involvement in Roe V Wade (I think I understand that right) and I personally think that’s a bit odd, but the article helps explain ….  SO big publishers are against this and this bit caught my eye:

“This is not just a book that we disagree with, and we are not calling for censorship. Many of us work daily with books we find disagreeable to our personal politics,” the letter signees write. “Rather, this is a case where a corporation has privately funded the destruction of human rights with obscene profits.”      

“The letter added that in joining the majority vote to overturn Roe v. Wade in June, Barrett was responsible for “dismantling protections for the human rights to privacy, self-determination, and bodily autonomy along with the federal right to an abortion in the United States. International human rights organizations widely recognize abortion access as a fundamental human right and have condemned the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision.”

SO….. they say it’s not JUST that they disagree with the book…they’re “not calling for censorship”  (Z: Hilarious)….they don’t mind working daily with “books we find disagreeable to our personal politics” but THIS BOOK is about a subject they REALLY REALLY don’t like and it’s against HUMAN RIGHTS TO PRIVACY, blah blah blah, so it’s OKAY to censor it! ………..and GEE, the dreams of Libs, International human rights organizations, have condemned the US Supreme Court’s decision, so THIS BOOK HAS TO BE STOPPED!   HAHAHAH!

Wait, Lefties, WHICH part of this decision to insult and censor Justice Barrett’s book is NOT CENSORSHIP to YOU?  (This truly is the most hilarious hypocrisy EVER, in my opinion).


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14 Responses to Publishing Hypocrisy;

  1. bocopro says:

    Seems to me in light of the reality that abortion never appears in the Constitution and never was written into federal law, it was never a “right” in the federal sense except that nothing existed in the code to outlaw it.

    What SCotUS did last June was merely clean up a mistake made half a century ago by an earlier court decision and return the issue to the sovereign states where it belongs according to the 10th Amendment.

    The job of central gummint is essentially to play striped shirt in disputes between the individual states, deal with petty twits when trade issues and international legal problems arise, maintain a military for national defense, provide a postal service, protect the borders, and stay out of people’s faces.

    Service to the nation in the SCotUS, the Congress, or the White House should be just that – service . . . not a friggin career, and definitely not what it’s become in the past half century.

    If The Supremes want to write books, they should focus either on textbooks, humor, sci-fi, or mystery novels, and autobiographies should never be published by those still in robes.

    And for several public figures we see entirely too much of these days, such as SanFranNan, Shrillary, Abrams Tank, Kamalho, Moochelle, Fauxcahontas, Joyless Be-ar, “Doctor” Jill, and the Halfrican I must go with The Bard:

    O, that this too too sullied flesh would melt
    Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
    Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d
    His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! God!
    How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,
    Seem to me all the uses of this world!
    Fie on’t! ah fie! ’tis an unweeded garden,
    That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature
    Possess it merely.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peter3nj says:

    Amy Amy Amy, even Falstaff knew that discretion is the better part of valor. Justice you are neither discreet nor valorous. I mean really, why throw another log on the fire. Who besides you, your husband, mommy, daddy and your in-laws give two craps about your prematurely written apology for doing the legal thing, the right thing.(assumption on my part having yet to read your book)
    With its decision to prematurely open the gates of hell the court whether knowingly or unknowingly (which IMO I highly doubt) has not only given the democrats the missing link to a winning strategy this November but also insuring the issue for the millennium- abortion , the issue that will supersede all others including education, child welfare, food and fuel shortages, dissolved now non-existent borders, hyper inflation, runaway crime on the streets or in the boardrooms, defending our shores against all enemies foreign or domestic. (WE have met the enemy and they are us: Pogo)
    Of course by the time you retire your book should it even get published then will be banned to an even greater degree than it is on its way to being banned today.
    While she has every right to write and have published her book which freedom loving citizens should support and that is not in dispute here, does Amy’s lack of common sense, timing and discretion supersede the blatant, expected hypocrisy of the left? You decide.


  3. Mustang says:

    Several years ago, I read that of the number of associate justices serving on the court, 45 of them have written books while sitting on the bench. Roberts, Kegan, Thomas, and Sotomayor are among them. I suppose a high court justice has plenty of time on their hands to write books — while drawing a federal salary. I fully agree with Ron. This matter didn’t overturn Roe v. Wade on the merits; it overturned the ruling because the federal government had no jurisdiction to even hear the case. But, with mufflers over their ears and loudly chanting LA LA LA LA LA … the leftists march along, as they always have done because they will not be detoured no matter how inane their course.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. kidme37 says:

    This is the issue that will have true lefties acting like vampires being drug out into the sunlight for the rest of their days. There is no talking to lefties regardless the subject, let alone when their skin is sizzling and trails of smoke pour from the open fires on their exposed bodies.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mustang says:

    We can always tell when Kid is hungover from Halloween.


  6. geeez2014 says:

    KID sees my point well………..stop telling us you’re against censorship and cushioning your hideous censorship in your weird BS.

    EVERYBODY: These critics aren’t complaining that a Supreme wrote a book on a decision (which I also, disagree with, Peter, Bocopro and Mustang), they’re complaining because the subject;….which is CENSORSHIP, no matter how they want to lie about it.

    MUSTANG: “They will not be detoured”….NEVER EVER NEVER, right …

    BOCOPRO..HAMLET! You are SUCH a High Brow Country Boy 🙂
    Got to disagree on the justices as careers….I say “let ’em”…they all smart, they all know the ropes, have staffs…..Has there been much talk officially of making their service periodical? Man, imagine the FIGHTING that would happen ALL THE TIME if we had them in for 5 years or whatever…it’d be like every few years, our world went nuts with Rep v Dem. …since it’s become SO political.

    PETER….her timing really stank on this. Kind of surprising. I hadn’t heard about this book before, had you?

    MUSTANG: THey only work a certain amount of months per year so they apparently do have time…plus, they probably use some ghost writers who flesh out the supreme’s thoughts, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. peter3nj says:

    Forget Amy and her shortsighted writing career. Paulie the wino along with Nancy the drunk have less than a week to get his near death story published and on the shelves in order to save the election.


  8. geeez2014 says:

    The article includes “The letter claims that Coney Barrett violated her judiciary role by “inflicting her own religious and moral agenda” upon the American public,”

    EVERY Supreme “inflicts” SOME personal prejudice, bias, feeling about EVERY subject….. (interesting they use INFLICT, isn’t it?) !!!

    But I still think her timing stinks………….she’ll be on the Court for YEARS, so it’s not like she starts writing now and it’s published after she’s gone.

    I’d have maybe appreciated her writing the history of R v W and how ALL kinds of opinions affected her decision, or the Court’s decision……..we don’t REALLY know what the ‘bent’ of her piece was unless we’re to believe the accusers.


  9. geeez2014 says:

    PETER! That’s hilarious! And..isn’t it just ODD that Paul and the burglar were fighting over a HAMMER when the cops walked in but Paul said everything was OKAY? what’s OKAY about two guys in underwear pulling on the same hammer? And THEN the guy hits him on the head? There’s something VERY “off” on this…really off….and we’ll NEVER KNOW….


  10. bocopro says:

    Can you say “sucking around for the sympathy vote”? Yeah, I thought you could.

    Hey, the guards weren’t around, he snuk undetected into a Secret-Service-protected stronghold, he allowed Paulie to use the head, and nobody got hurt ‘til the cops were there to see it.

    Do we know fer shure that actual surgery was needed and not simply a butterfly bandage for an ouchie?

    The guy prolly just wanted to check out summa Mme. Speaker’s famous ice cream. His plan was then to go to Rehoboth and compare it to Basement Joey’s so he could post a report on social media.

    Ruse. Artifice. Strategem. Gambit. Red Herring. Tactic. Scheme. Plot. Chicanery.


  11. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO…it isn’t Secret Service protected unless Nancy’s home, apparently.
    But there’s something very fishy and, as I said, who really knows what happened?

    I do know it’d be REALLY tough to lie about an injury as so many people at the hospital would know everything about it, no matter how anybody tried to cover up details.

    It just seems SO WEIRD to me that cops came to the front door and were let in by someone no one’s identified yet AND they saw Pelosi, who said everything was ‘good,’ and the Perp …and the hammer!!???


  12. peter3nj says:

    Hammer wrestling is most probably a homo game akin to Greco-Roman wrestling except here the loser gets hit with a hammer and the winner gets the salami. It seems the uninitiated housekeeper thought that Paulie was being attacked and called the cops who appeared before the two men could get their BVD’s off…damn. That woulda been a hoot, the cops founding those two in their birthday suits.


  13. geeez2014 says:

    PETER..ya, ya, ya…! 🙂 What you describe is VERY clever/funny and seems probable! A BIG hoot!
    We’ll NEVER KNOW, will we!

    Imagine if TRUMP had been caught in this situation! ??????


  14. Baysider says:

    BP and Mustang +1.

    Everyone, and I mean EVERY ONE, has a religious, moral or ethical agenda that serves as their lodestar. Including the whiners in this article. Virtually all law stems from same.

    A more accurate statement would have lauded her as “she joined the ranks of justices who apply their energies to upholding the constitution and the rights and privileges our citizens derive therefrom, ensuring that the American project of freedom and liberty continues.”

    “Rather, this is a case where a corporation has privately funded the destruction of human rights with obscene profits.” Gee, I thought that was Pfizer et al. 🙂 I wonder where ‘Ruth Sent Us’ has been on the rights to bodily autonomy since January 2021?

    Like you, I find the timing of the book a bit odd. Maybe pre-election announcement is not the best.

    Liked by 1 person

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