Carlin usually nails it…

Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn’t want you to know something, it won’t be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.

George Carlin and…..

….a friend of mind who moved to Anderson, Indiana called this weekend and we talked about politics….he said “Remember, 25 years ago, you said you were mostly worried about the media’s dishonesty and how that can affect our country and I said I didn’t think that was anything to worry about…?   Ya, well………….”     Ya. I remember.  And I’m even more worried about it today.    Z

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7 Responses to Carlin usually nails it…

  1. bocopro says:

    DJT has been right far more often than he’s been wrong, especially in his condemnation of the “fake news” so ubiquitous in mainstream “journalism” on ABCNNBCBS, MSNBC, and NPR.

    But someone needs to make him understand that in the court of public opinion, one little “Aw, shit!” – particularly his recent attack on the Constitution as “outdated” – wipes out a thousand attaboys.

    DJT lives rent-free in the consciousness of MSM editors . . . and somebody needs to make THEM understand that the only way to deal with Trump is to stop talking about him, but then without him, most of ‘em would go under for lack of customers.

    Unless DeSantis takes the GOP reins, we’re in for a tragicomedy sequel starring the Alligator Mouth from Mary Leggo and the Demented Dipwad from Delaware.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peter3nj says:

    Trump will in essence be allied and aligned with the left in a two pronged attack on the Florida governor should he be foolish enough to run in 2024. Let Trump have the nomination with no Senate and no House. The stars are aligned against our surviving as a free
    Nation and the brief hiccup of these next two years will once and for all expose the erectile dysfunction from which the Republican Party hierarchy unabashedly suffers. Ron, stay in Florida, probably the last frontier.


  3. Silverfiddle says:

    The infotainment media complex is freaking out because they have lost almost all of their credibility.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. bocopro says:

    “lost [. . .] all of their credibility.”

    Mais, oui!

    And many past & present gubermental pezzonovante fear that continued Musky revelations will show them to be tainted and/or criminally culpable


  5. JG says:

    The Left and the Corporate Media (includes Fox) will attack Trump and if it is not Trump but DeSantis they will turn on DeSantis just as bad as they did with Trump. Trump knows how the Federal Government works and who is not right in it. The media cannot hurt him any longer. Trump can fix the economy while cleaning the deep state so when DeSantis comes in it will be easier for him to finish the job.


  6. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO mentions Trump in regard to MEDIA and is right… about “FAKE NEWS”! He coined it, they laughed, and BROTHER, was he right…Sadly, he doesn’t know how to really USE the news as a tool; he just can’t say what would make him win by a long shot, maybe not slamming the Constitution might help, Donald?

    PETER..”with no house and no senate” How do you mean? You have a point about DeSantis but I don’t think he’s staying in Fla. I have joked with friends that the only people NOT supporting DeSantis’ run for president will be Floridians who don’t want him to leave!

    SILVERFIDDLE…I think they really ARE…….and it couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people (Smile)

    ALL OF YOU: Journalists, FBI, etc., are ALL being exposed for what happened with the Hunter Laptop and it almost looks like the truth COULD come out…..ALMOST…. think it’ll happen? Think Americans will learn how hard the FBI worked to get Biden elected by hiding the laptop?

    JG..then WHY didn’t Trump expose some of this FBI, etc., stuff when he was in office? This HAS to be why they suddenly went to Mar A Lago….LIES ALL.So you think Trump could win? And then DeSantis could follow?
    I’m not sure about Trump, and DeSantis is already starting to get media disdain….Man THEY HATE THE RIGHT………..
    I wish ONE REPUBLICAN would make a speech about that…honestly:

    “…..I’m here today to ask the media why they have veered from good reportage and truth to dedicating themselves to lying and exaggerating about anything negative they can come up with about the Republican Party.
    that’s my question and I believe AMericans deserve to know WHY? We know all journalists are human and their personal opinions enter their work but that’s not their job. Who amongst us see strong anti-Conservative bias in our newspapers, on line, in TV reportage? …. etc etc.”

    I WISH.

    EVERYBODY: The Capitol Hill GOLD MEDAL CEREMONY is on as I type……what IS this? Have they had ceremonies before like this one before or is this just more Democrat GRINDING into America that IT WAS THE FAULT OF THE REPUBLICANS that people died! Oh, the DARK words, the forboding words, the Oh-SO PATRIOTIC words of….believe it or not…Schumer and Pelosi.!!!! `1/6 couldn’t have been a bigger gift to the Left, could it.

    AND what puzzled me is that Schumer just mentioned “all those who died” and not one cop died from other than stroke or heart attack that day. Unless you all can Google better info than that, I believe NO officer died as a result….although the heart attack and suicides might have been caused by that. One wife of a suicide said the Cop had been so scared he’d die that day that he killed himself a few days later. I was surprised that trained policemen would do that.


  7. geeez2014 says:

    JG, by the way….most of the FOX hosts are not anti-Trump…….they don’t tout Trump but when he deserves to be stood up for in a situation against a Dem, for example, they usually do.


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