Keep HOPING~!! Si?

Here’s something I had to share with you!  SO my occasional house helper came yesterday.  She’d been in El Salvador, her home country, and had just come back.

I happen to be a huge fan of Salvador’s President Bukele and she is, too!  She’s very proud of him and all he’s doing there.  (Remember Kamala went to Central America to figure out what makes the illegals come from those countries?  She never visited El Salvador to see what Bukele is doing to KEEP his people, of course….creating jobs, arresting gangs, etc…) I told her we need a president Bukele here in America, too! She beamed!

I then pulled my soap box out from under my dining table, stood on it,  and started … “Are you a citizen, Nellie?”  “Si.”   “Yes?  Then you must vote for Trump to make sure we make the border legal again and improve the economy and use our own oil so our prices go down, and grocery prices go down, etc..!  Believe me!  You may not like Trump, but that’s not important!  We have to get Biden out of office!”

“Si….that is what my children say.”  Her three children of voting age, with Hispanic parents.  That’s what THEY SAY? !!!

Z’s brain turns cart wheels as she digests this news;

“um.  What?  They LIKE TRUMP?”


I found that worth blogging because I’ve told you all before;  I HAVE NEVER MET A HISPANIC WHO DOESN’T LIKE TRUMP.



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16 Responses to Keep HOPING~!! Si?

  1. bocopro says:

    Well, I don’t like Trump.  His policies?  Oh, yeah — love ‘em.  But in the fractured, gridlocked social and governmental milieu the US has developed, he would be nothing but a jarring, annoying speed bump in the road to woke socialism in a 2nd term.  Noise, chaos, invective, name-calling, and exploding heads at ABCNNBCBS, NPR, and MSNBC.

    It’s kinda like my wife of 63 years and my elder daughter of 60 years.  The wife is full of energy, and her mind works constantly on ideas to improve things around the house.  Problem is, she’s 86 years old, nearly blind from macular degeneration, and because of arthritis unable to do things she once did perfectly.  She also no longer can tolerate many foods she once loved and cooked to perfection . . . (diverticulitis and IBS).

    So, just as her vision, dexterity, and digestion have abandoned her, Trump would be unable to initiate, fund, and complete the policies which might drain the swamp, clear the deadwood, and fix the furnace. 

    My elder daughter, whom I love and would kill people to protect, has given me wisdom not available when I was stronger in body and sharper in mind.  I admire her creativity, her artistry, her cooking, her quick mind, her strong intellect.  But . . . for a buncha reasons, mostly political and economic, she and I cannot live under the same roof for more than 3 days without friction, without tension, without unidentified flying adjectives.

    She has taught me that it’s possible to admire, respect, and deeply love someone but not particularly like having her/him around.  Ditto for Trump.

    Now . . . whom would I like as potus, you might ask.  Beats the hell outta me.  Certainly nobody the two-party system (it is to laugh) are forcing upon voters, and by no means anyone the Green, Independent, Communist, or other fringe parties offer.

    Guess I hafta go with Mr./Mrs. NOTA, or maybe a triumvirate thingy comprised of a Texas rancher, a New England commercial fisherman, and a retired MGySgt holding degrees in history and small-business management with equal executive voice who must all agree that bills from the legislature are in the best interest of the nation, NOT the politicians, before signing them into law.

    And there’s fresh home-made banana bread in a loaf tin on the counter.  That’s my other daughter, who sez she hates to cook but does a damned fine job of it now that her mother can’t do it any more.


  2. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO…not voting for Trump is a vote for Biden. NEVER, please NEVER tell me you didn’t vote, OK?! Thanks.

    Not sure you all can open this….instagram…but WORTH understand what I’ve been saying here for a couple of years; THIS is the real Persian citizen. 


  3. geeez2014 says:

    I had to laugh when I spoke to Mom last night and told her about my Hispanic helper whose 3 Hispanic kids are voting for trump/….Even MOM’s voice immediately rose and she said “REEEAALLLY?” 
    She gets it!  We all believe so much of what we’re fed, don’t we?

    Anybody hear Jane Pauley completely insult all Conservatives on Bill Mahers’ show? We need to be taught, we need to change, we’re uneducated….She practically said we need to be repatrated…………… withering insults….. WOW.


  4. geeez2014 says:



    Because border provisions are not in every single bill, Republicans feel Johnson is off base…’dead on arrival’……forcing Johnson to kiss up to the Left to get his bills passed. as if we needed that.


  5. geeez2014 says:

    Here’s the Jane Pauley rubbish….we’re just not intellectual enough, folks…because we disagree with her.


  6. Baysider says:

    Up-oh, probably gone to moderation - the one time I did NOT make a copy of the post. (:


  7. Baysider says:

    As for the Persian woman, yes WHERE WERE YOU indeed!


  8. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER! I was so sure it’d be in Moderation but NO! I’m so sorry for whatever tripped you up. 



  9. Baysider says:

    Trying again:

    Jane Pauley meet Batya Ungar-Sargon. Wildly different perspective on the same set of facts:

    If you can’t open the link, the title – How the Economic and Media Elite Plunder Working-Class Americans – says it all. 


  10. Mustang says:

    To pull your pigtail for a moment, just because Hispanics like Trump is no major endorsement to vote for him.  They really liked Antonio López de Santa Anna, too – enough to elect him five or six times, but Santa Anna was still a perfect centerpiece for a bouquet of assholes.

    Our problem is that Ronald Reagan and Calvin Coolidge have left the building, and they aren’t coming back.  I argue that our options today are reduced to critters that live in a slime pool.  Trump isn’t the Messiah for America, but we’re considering him because he isn’t a Clinton, an Obama, or a Brandon.  I asked someone the other day to think about people on the left and right they might reasonably consider as alternatives to the far left wokesters or far right mean tweeters.  His answer was Joe Manchin or Tulsi Gabbard vs Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley.  Obviously, the mainstream said no to those four … Manchin may have long ago worn out his welcome, as has Nikki Haley … but I do think he made a good point with Gabbard and DeSantis.  Would Hispanics vote for a female presidential candidate?       


  11. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER…thanks, I’ll try to listen; it does open for me. If anyone has “wildly different perspective”: than Pauley, I’m sure I’ll be FOR it!! 😉

    By the way, the Instagram link above is actually Soheila’s niece! A gorgeous Iranian lawyer who gets it SO right.


  12. Baysider says:

    I’m glad that family trained the next generation about the evils of what they left behind. I have a Cuban expat friend who does the same with his daughter, to counter the school narrative. 


  13. geeez2014 says:

    MUSTANG…the more votes the better; that’s my point. There are those we think won’t vote Right and they will. 

    Women Hispanics will vote for women because women Hispanics run their homes, their childrens’ lives, etc….they rule the roost, trust me :-) I know almost no Hispanic woman with children who has ever married, by the way…at least in the career of ‘house cleaning’ … I’m always surprised because some are fairly strong Catholics; not much, but fairly.

    Gabbard,…I know a little bit about her and I think she’s Lefter than she lets on but she’s totally on to the big mistakes of Biden, particularly for the military which she is still a part of. I believe she’d been a believable and beneficial running mate for RFK, Jr, by the way. She’s WAY too GREEN for me. I’m not sure all Americans would take too kindly to a Hindu, but Ramaswamy is a Hindu, too….so….??

    TRUMP is DEFINITELY not the Messiah and I’m glad you said that because I’ve been thinking about how I WISH we could somehow remind Democrats and Indies that because we will vote for Trump does NOT mean we’re crazy about HIM……Conservatism is not truly represented by him…..he just represents our values so much better, in my opinion. 

    It’s not until we can somehow remind people to VOTE FOR YOUR VALUES, VOTE FOR A BETTER LIFE YOU HAD 4 YEARS AGO……..that we’ll win with Trump.  Keep saying “VOTE FOR TRUMP” and we could be goners.

    BAYSIDER…I have many Eastern European friends who are SUCH Huge Trump fans….because they smell the slightest bit of ‘give aways’ and they run. They HATED socialism and see it here now and do NOT like it. ( as you know, our dear Iranian friends at Bible Study are STAUNCH Conservatives)


    My Hungarian friend across the pool here had an emergency so his wife called the paramedics……They ask your name, your birth date, etc…he was a little ‘iffy’ on these things…UNTIL the paramedic asked “Who is the president?” Tony said “I hope it’s STILL TRUMP!” True story!!! (that was during Trump’s admin, of course!) I still laugh. Tony is fine now, by the way 🙂


  14. geeez2014 says:

    My GOSH! Trump left the courthouse and visited a Harlem Bodega and people were out in the streets and hanging out windows just to catch a glimpse!  Amazing.

    VERY upsetting is that 7 jurors have been chosen already; this should have taken at least 2 wks, according to legal minds…..because of the huge bias against him. So, we can be sure of what this judge is now doing……….


  15. geeez2014 says:

    after hearing Biden slam anybody with money today in PA, I find him even more loathsome than EVER. 

    It’s finally dawning on me that the Left just uses the rich to pay for their incompetency! They can’t figure out a balanced budget so it’s TAX THE RICH to make up for it?!!!! bastard.

    Did YOU know “Trump just fires people and laughs about it!”?  Did you know Trump learned how to get rich through his inheritance? ”Not us in Scranton…I’m a good old boy!” (Biden, who never worked a day in his life in business)

    Biden often adds things like “…no, I’m telling the truth!” or “I’m not foolin..” ’No, I mean it” CONSTANTLY.

    Seems to me like if someone never lies or fools, he doesn’t need to say this.


  16. Baysider says:

    “because we will vote for Trump does NOT mean we’re crazy about HIM” — I’m sure they understand perfectly. After all, they’re voting for Biden. Of course, for many it’s with the expectation that they’re getting Obama 4.0.

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