YES, we know this stuff, but….

To have rec’d this info in this email last night got to me and I’m thinking MOST people would find this worth a thought:

2pm yesterday marked Biden’s 50th hour in office.

 Let’s take a look at the Biden/Harris administration —

– A loss of 57,000 jobs in oil.

– Ended energy independence for the United States.

– Canada and Texas are suing Biden.

– Antifa (just an idea right), continue to riot and burn down Portland and Seattle.

– Sent our troops that were in DC to sleep on the floor of a parking garage, in freezing temps, with cars parked there 🙄 and one bathroom. But the WH made them cookies

– Created a new glass ceiling for girls to hurdle, ruining so many chances for scholarships with his “progressive” transgender programs allowing boys to compete against girls.

– Created a new federal property mask mandate, which he broke countless times already.

– Is now allowing illegal immigrants to be counted for representation in congress.

– A complete halt on student loan forgiveness that he promised.

– A complete halt on the $2000 stimulus program he promised.

– He shot down a Trump admin order to lower the cost of insulin.

– He shot down a Trump admin order to lower the cost of epinephrine.

– Rescinds Trump order banning Chinese Communist involvement in US power grid

– $1.6 billion in gross wages lost.

And JUST TODAY – 8 Chinese bombers, 4 fighters, and 1 sub-hunter just breached Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone, crossing the Taiwan Strait.

Migrants are gathering in large groups  at the southern border.

Everything they’ve done in THREE DAYS has benefited other countries and hurt Americans.

But HEY, at least Biden hasn’t tweeted mean words. And, we have a woman Vice President.

Way to go America!!

Z: AND, after all……….you’ve got to be NICE and INCLUSIVE! (DAMN this jerk)

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30 Responses to YES, we know this stuff, but….

  1. bocopro says:

    Joey Biden is a cheap, useless, cadaverous, dessicated relic brought up from the wreck of the catastrophic sinking of the SS Obumber for the exclusive purpose of pandering to radical grievance groups such as BLM and LGBTQ.

    Denny posted one of my rants on him (here):

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are helplessly watching the systematic dismantling of our beloved republic. 😥 😡

    And AOC is thrilled.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. As far as I’m concerned, every person who voted for Joe Biden is the enemy of our republic– and my enemy. Really.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Cube says:

    They’ve only just begun…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Except for the student debt forgiveness (I can live with that broken promise), every one of those accusations against Biden is an opportunity to expose the corruption of the left.

    Sometimes you don’t know you have cancer until the lesion shows (and it’s showing).
    Then the surgery.
    We just have to convince the patient they need the surgery.
    Without anesthesia.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. kidme37 says:

    Just getting started. And the band played on.

    Boys should invade girls sports, bathrooms, and showers until there isn’t anything ‘girl’ left.

    For starters.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. ACUCHUCK says:

    The girls will have to take this problem on by themselves. Line up for the race and when the gun goes off DON’T START. A competition with only one or two She-males will really show the joke for what it is.
    Girls, stop complaining and stand up against this absolute mess. If you don’t compete there will be no contest.
    The system will be forced to go back to what made girls sports special, again. May take a few no-contest contests and there will be some pain, but, this one is all yours to change. We males are totally behind you, but, the Left won’t listen to us, it’s up to you!!!
    GO GIRL, YOU GO!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Mustang says:

    @ AOW … if our republic was truly beloved, no one would have voted for Biden. So we must conclude that Obama’s promise of fundamental changes to the greatest nation on earth since the Roman Empire was exactly what the American people wanted. And people say our education system is broken. No, it isn’t. The education system delivered the goods for a Marxist takeover of the United States — and there’s no reason involved in any of it.


  9. geeez2014 says:

    BOCOPRO: “Go back and look at all the Dem campaign propaganda – none of it was pro-Biden, just all anti-Trump” No doubt about that…NONE.

    AOC…TOTAL enemies……How ANYBODY could have voted for Biden is beyond any of us…….And I TOTALLY believe that it was not so much what Trump was DOING, which was generally really great for America, but more the HATEFUL Treatment of him and his family, the CONSTANT negativity… the constant GOTCHA! for any tiniest thing he said that wasn’t quite true, etc etc…..
    Now Kevin McCarthy goes down to meet with him and the hate is flowing again? WHY?
    I just turned CNN on and some news reader named POPPY said after a Jen Psaki story was “Isn’t it refreshing that they’ll take follow up questions now..” to which Tapper adds “And they’re not told to lie” (playing off Fauci’s comment the other day)…
    I wonder how many Press Secretaries have been told misinformation on purpose because, for example, the info is too touchy for public or foreign countries to hear….and NOBODY in the media cared.

    MUSTANG: AOW, etc…..There can be NO DOUBT that anybody who voted for BIDEN wasn’t thinking or just plain hates this country. People were TOLD to HATE TRUMP by most of our media and it worked. It really worked. Trump lost to a pres candidate who barely spoke…..we need no more proof than that.

    CHUCK: My own M.D. has 3 girls in school and he is so ticked off that boys will be playing them……… if ANY of those girls now has a chance? Sure, SOME girls are bigger or stronger, but if that’s the case, that boy usually isn’t ON a sports team, right?!
    My MD’s wife is a Democrat; I’m hoping she’s as upset about this, too, and will vote against them next time.

    ED is right (anybody here is right if THEY AGREE WITH MEE! HAAAA!); I’ve been suggesting for months that Biden would do SO MUCH BAD (tho I didn’t expect it quite THIS bad and THIS fast) that it would TRULY expose the Left and even Dems will be clamoring to vote in 2022 for REPUBLICANS. IF we’re all still alive, that is. 😦


  10. kidme37 says:

    I don’t watch but I don’t think Kayleigh ever said this.


  11. geeez2014 says:

    I got a money request from Jim Jordan and really want to give him a little but the very thought of getting multiple emails again like I did from Joni Ernst prevents me …….sad, I think.


  12. geeez2014 says:

    KID, she is THE WORST. Kayleigh DID often say “I’ll get back to you on that” from time to time….LOTS to know…but NOTHING like this woman.
    And, as I watch whatever I do of her (it’s painful), I get the strong feeling that when she says “The President…” she means “WE YOUNG PUKES DOING EVERYTHING NOW”


  13. MAL says:

    As an update on my banking fraud from yesterday, i wanted to thank Kid and Bay and everyone for all the suggestion. I spent over an hour yesterday answering several pages of questions thrown at me that the bank’s fraud dep’t. required them to ask. Today, they want me to come in at 2 p.m. with my wife so we can finish up. As an added precaution they suggested I create a secret password for over-the-phone discussions in the future, so I created one. Boy! It’s getting tougher and tougher to stay safe anymore, isn’t it?


  14. geeez2014 says:

    MAL, I HATE all this…..very scary to stay safe anymore…yes.
    So sorry you had to go through all that and so glad your bank’s on it…

    What I also really hate is when I go on QVC and put in DEWEYS (a cookie company in Another state which I wanted to order from and I did)….shortly after, I have an email from from DEWEYS hardware or something…or sport clothing? Anyway, it wasn’t the COOKIE bakery but it something had sure told my COmputer “Z BOUGHT SOMETHING FROM DEWEY ON QVC!”….it could NOT have been coincidental!


    AND, lately, I’ve noticed that every time I go on any site, like UPS or ANYWHERE, I suddenly have to OPEN AN ACCOUNT…am always so glad to see (sometimes) …”Click here if you’d like to continue as a guest”
    I don’t WANT to keep so many passwords and user IDs, etc etc….I’m SICK of it and it isn’t going to stop or even get a bit better 😦

    I was watching a movie made in the FOrties the other day…a guy picked up his desk phone and said “I’d like a ticket to Mexico….4:00? OK, I’ll come pick it up….thanks”.

    DONE. I don’t have to tell anyone what it takes to just TALK to a LIVE PERSON at any airlines these days…SO you have to GO ON LINE, OPEN AN ACCOUNT….ugh ugh ugh!! 🙂


  15. geeez2014 says:


    WHAT’S IT TAKE? Just curious if they even CAN be overturned????


  16. kidme37 says:

    I don’t care or listen to what the left says, but on this AOC thing, Cruz should be given the ability to sue her for libel/slander. Have her murdered – by peaceful patriots with trouble making pantifa mixed on causing the trouble. That BS is over the top. Meanwhile, an unarmed, peaceful but maybe trespassing at most USAF vet was murdered. Do we hear about that at all ?

    They’re going to go to far and what they incite is exactly what they want. We’ll see how that works out. You can make a lot of trouble for the government without committing a felony.

    I just read Jim Jordan is Not running in 2022 so why the money request? Probably a scammer Z.

    @MAL, a pleasure to be of any help sir. Good Luck, yea that password for phone stuff is a good idea. I swear banks are to the point they don’t verify jack.


  17. geeez2014 says:

    KID, thanks for commenting…I deleted my COMMENT about AOC and Cruz…figured I’ll maybe use it as a post next week ….thanks for chiming in.

    What is this USAF vet thing????

    Jim Jordan raising money for the Conservative Party more than for himself…Looks very legit to me, but you sure could be right. Yet ANOTHER reason not to give anything, just in case :-)!!!


  18. kidme37 says:

    Z, When I get an automated phone ‘receptionist’ I’ll play along for a couple questions, then suddenly I will start responding in nonsensical ways. Is you problem A, B, C, D or K, Is bla bla…
    I answer The quick fox likes ice cream. or I Got Blisters On My Fingas! or Geedle Geedle Fiddle Faddle ! Ain’t long before a person gets on the line.

    How to undo an EO ? Find a judge how will impose an injunction on it or get someone new in the White House.

    Gonna get a Lot Worse Z.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Mustang says:

    The only defense against Biden-type EOs is, I think, that a person or organization with standing has to file a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the EO — such as putting forth an argument that the EO supplants the role of Congress. In our situation, the trick is “finding someone” with (a) standing and (b) the bucks to sue. Pelosi is so far up Biden’s butt at this point, he could basically ask for a declaration of war against Canada and get it.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. kidme37 says:

    USAF Vet – A man working at capitol in some sort of security position shot and killed Ashli Babbit as she was climbing through a window opening in a doorway to a hallway in the capitol. There used to be a good video of it showing the man fire the weapon but I can’t find it now.


  21. kidme37 says:

    Z, Imagine giving money then seeing truckloads of ballots for democrats hauled in where needed in 2020 2024, 2026, 2028. …… Personally I’ve never given a dime to any political cause.

    Investigate ? Remember the hanging chads in Florida when Gore was contesting Bush? Hundreds of vote ballots. Imagine trying to verify millions of ballots cast for Biden. Hell the OJ trial to months? Then couldn’t find him guilty with DNA evidence. Pishaw Z.

    We need election laws we don’t have then be able to enforce the ones we do have and neither is going to happen. It’s Over.


  22. Baysider says:

    Yes, and the pending destruction of girls’ sports has also been noted. Good point Acuchuck.
    Actually, Kid, that IT guy with the technology to examine folds could process all the ballots in a few hours. Then separate out the mailed-but-unfolded ones for examination. Which, admittedly, could be quite a lot. They won’t leave THAT door open again.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. geeez2014 says:


    a very Conservative acquaintance across the street texted me that she’s hearing that the Inauguration was done earlier then taped and fed to the MSM………..And that the military swore Trump in as president on the 20th, and that Lin WOod has real big dirt on Justice Roberts and Pence and some others AND Biden isn’t REALLY sitting at the Oval Office desk, not only was it a FAUX INAUGURATION, as she calls it but it’s a FAUX OVAL OFFICE.

    I wrote her back that I wondered where Lady Gaga thought she was singing if that’s the case…..

    There are a lot of people who believe things like this ….

    I responded fine to her; what would you have written? She’s a really wonderful woman. She even texted me Gateway Pundit, which isn’t normally quite as ‘far out as this stuff, IS IT? At least it wasn’t in the old days I read it!!


  24. kidme37 says:

    What can you say to that stuff. If DJT Was president he’d be doing things.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Baysider says:

    I could only find one reference to the “fake inauguration” and very thin at that. One post mentioned Q Anon which is a group of little interest or currency to me. Would be easy to blame such a bogeyman, just as Oceania blamed Eastasia in Orwell’s 1984.

    I guess I would ask “how did they come to that conclusion?”

    We have pretty solid evidence of finely targeted voter fraud. If someone can lump all sorts of the “we can’t see it but we know it happened” bad stuff into one, big oleo it’s easier to discredit sound, rational theories that matter. Now, who would want to do that? (Hint: they probably have a “D” after their name.)

    This is rather like the birther business, offering the potential to keep a distraction floating that makes your enemies look foolish. I long thought the Obama administration played that out as long as they could to keep his enemies occupied with something that couldn’t hurt him and would make them look bad. (Never quite sure why they bothered to produce an apparently phony birth certificate.)


  26. geeez2014 says:

    BAYSIDER AND KID “What can you say?” is right.
    I thought asking her where she thought Lady Gaga thought she was singing worked……..FAUX INAUGURATION!?
    But many far righties feel this way…….

    BAYSIDER, I saw CNN is doing a whole show on QANON…….it’s all set up ahead of time:

    1. Make Trump look as hideous as possible and make all the things he does sound awful…(etc.)
    2. Win the election through whatever fraud it takes.
    3. Make it sound like ALL Republicans attacked the Capitol Building
    4. Keep the National Guard there in D C because it’ll remind America of what the “REpublicans did on January 6”
    5. Put up fencing everywhere, make it look awful, and now say it may have to stay up because of all the rightwing groups.
    6. Have Brennan talk on TV about how he always felt domestic terrorism was worse than any foreign terrorist.
    7. Highlight little known groups like QANON…let Americans think all Republicans follow this kind of thinking.


    And it’s working pretty well


  27. Baysider says:

    You have nailed it Z!
    Got your card. So, so precious, especially at the very moment it arrived.


  28. I keep getting messaging with video link from people who ask me if all this fake inauguration, martial law, insurrection act, America is a corporation not a nation with a different inauguration date stuff is legit.
    People want to have hope and that stuff gives them something.
    Their hope is in Trump.
    They need to get past that and hope in themselves, in Christ and the next “Trump” God supplies.


  29. Baysider says:

    Agree, Ed. This meme is going around? Fed by ….? Thinking America is a corporation does NOT give me hope. It’s treated like that, selling shares to cronies.


  30. geeez2014 says:

    ED, for people to not believe a LIVE inauguration happened…..isn’t HOPEFUL, it’s NUTS.
    As I asked my dear neighbor “Where do you think Lady Gaga thought she was singing?”
    And a FAUX OVAL OFFICE? Biden isn’t on Saturday Night Live.

    Yes, if that’s all the HOPE they have, they need to know what real HOPE is….

    THIS, too, is the kind of fodder the Left just LOVES…so, like the 1/6 protest, this kind of meme is just more for much of America to find lacking in Conservatives….like a brain, violence, crazy theories.

    And, by the way, there is no one who wishes all that was TRUE…who wishes TRUMP HAD WON.
    But these crazy things don’t help anybody.

    Liked by 1 person

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